What are regulations on allocating expenditures of the trade union agencies for reward, training, fostering and scientific research activities in Vietnam?

Hello Lawnet! What are regulations on allocating expenditures of the trade union agencies for reward, training, fostering and scientific research activities in Vietnam? Thank a lot!

What are regulation on allocating expenditures for reward activities in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 4 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on the expenditures of the trade union for reward activities as follows:

"Article 4. Direct expenditure to care for, protect and train union members and employees


3. Rewards

Comply with the Decision No. 1689/QD-TLD dated November 12, 2019 of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on issuing the reward regulation of trade union organizations.

The funding source for rewards trade union agencies is proposed by the head of the estimating unit and approved by the competent authority in the annual estimate, but the maximum amount does not exceed 8% of the unit's regular operating expenses. (Recurring operating expenses do not include capital construction and fixed asset procurement; reward sources do not include rewards for collection, payment of trade union finance, awards for annual emulation titles of officials and employees of the agency). The General Confederation, when making the decision to reward bonuses from the level 1 estimation unit, should not apply the above ratio.

Spending bonuses together with annual emulation titles of collectives and individuals in trade union agencies such as excellent labor collectives, emulation soldiers, advanced workers, etc. in the financial resources of the units and expenses rate according to the regulations of the State and the General Confederation. Expenses for unexpected rewards for collectives and individuals in trade union agencies, the head of the agency considers and decides."

What are the regulation on allocating expenditures for training and fostering staffs in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 4 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on the expenditures of trade union agencies for training and fostering staff as follows:

"Article 4. Direct expenditure to care for, protect and train union members and employees


4. Training and fostering

4.1. Short-term training and retraining (course duration less than 01 month)

Full-time trade union cadres who are sent by competent trade union agencies to domestic short-term training and retraining shall be paid:

- Working-trip allowances for classes organized outside the locality, officials sent for training and retraining shall comply with the current regime of working-trip allowances; In case the location of the training and retraining is located in the locality, the unit where the trade union staff office is located, the support will be 50,000 VND/person/day.

- Full-time trade union officers who are sent by agencies or units for training and retraining when renting a room at the study destination shall be paid the room rental according to the provisions of Clause 5, Article 6 of this Regulation; In case the student is arranged by the agency or unit where he/she works without having to pay for it, the student will not be allowed to pay the rent for the room. In case it is discovered that the student has been arranged by the agency or unit at the place of work without having to pay, but still requests the sending agency or unit to pay the rent for the room, the student shall must return the paid amount to the agency or unit and must be disciplined in accordance with the law on cadres, civil servants and public employees.

- Tuition fees, materials, and textbooks serving the study program (if any) shall be paid according to the receipt or financial invoice of the institution organizing the course.

4.2. Long-term training and fostering (course duration from 1 month or more)

a) Full-time trade union officers who fully meet the conditions and criteria and are sent by a competent trade union agency to conduct long-term domestic training and retraining shall be paid:

- Transportation fees to and from during the summer vacation, Lunar New Year holiday, internship, and actual per diem according to the current working-trip allowance regime (for concentrated training); Money for train and car to go to and back for 1 round of gathering; Train, car to practice, actually according to the current work-trip allowance regime (for in-service training system).

- Support for accommodation rent during the study period is decided by the head of the unit sending staff to study, but not more than 60% of the accommodation rent according to the current working-trip allowance regime.

- Support for tuition fees according to the regulations of Government, money for learning materials according to the training program: The level of support is decided by the head of the unit and specified in the regulations on financial management and trade union assets of the company. Units (supported subjects include civil servants who meet the conditions and standards approved by the competent trade union agency to study Master's and Doctoral degrees at foreign training institutions organized in Vietnam. or abroad affiliated with Vietnamese training institutions).

b) Full-time trade union officials who attend school according to their individual wishes (Including cadres who do not meet the criteria for sending to school and cadres who attend school according to their personal wishes who are signed by the competent trade union agency to attend school at the request of the training institution) is entitled to a tuition fee support up to 50% of the support level specified at Point a, Section 4.2 of this Clause. Expenses other than tuition fees at Point a, Section 4.2 of this Clause shall be self-financed by the staff.

c) The full-time trade union officer who is the subject of planning for the title of unit leader, is sent by a competent trade union agency to train in the country after being granted a master's degree, with a maximum support of 20 million VND, granting a doctorate degree with a maximum support of 40 million VND.

d) The full-time trade union officer goes to study in the country according to his/her personal aspirations after being granted a degree master, the agency will support up to 10 million VND, and the granting of a doctorate degree from the agency will support up to 20 million VND.

4.3. Other training and retraining expenses

Expenses to support trade union officials who are female and ethnic minorities who are sent to train in accordance with the policies and regimes prescribed by law on gender equality and ethnic affairs; funds to support trade union officials who are female and ethnic minorities shall be included in the unit's trade union financial expenditure estimate.

In case other expenses are not mentioned in this regulation, it shall be considered and decided by the Standing Committee of the Presidium of the General Confederation."

What are regulations on allocating expenditures for scientific research in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 5, Article 4 of Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 on the expenditures that trade unions use for scientific research activities as follows:

"Article 4. Direct expenditure to care for, protect and train union members and employees


5. Scientific research

- The scientific project at the General Confederation level, using the union financial resources of the units, is implemented after the General Confederation's approval.

- Estimation, expenditure regime, payment and settlement of scientific projects shall comply with the regulations of State."

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