06:32 | 21/09/2024

What are details of Guidance 6687/HDLS/BHXH-GDDT in 2024 on the implementation of health insurance for students in Vietnam in the 2024-2025 school year?

What are details of Guidance 6687/HDLS/BHXH-GDDT in 2024 on the implementation of health insurance for students in Vietnam in the 2024-2025 school year?

What are details of Guidance 6687/HDLS/BHXH-GDDT in 2024 on the implementation of health insurance for students in Vietnam in the 2024-2025 school year?

On September 11, 2024, the Department of Education and Training - Ho Chi Minh City Social Insurance issued Guidance 6687/HDLS/BHXH-GDDT 2024 on implementing health insurance for students for the 2024-2025 school year, which includes regulations on the health insurance contribution rates for students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for the 2024-2025 school year.

The health insurance contribution rates for students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:

(1) Participants

Students currently studying at educational institutions within the national education system in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), except for those who have participated in health insurance under other groups as stipulated by the Health Insurance Law and foreign students who are not funded by the Government of Vietnam.

Note: Students who have already participated in family health insurance must switch to student health insurance at the educational institution to receive funding for regular health care.

(2) Student Health Insurance Contribution

The health insurance contribution for students = Statutory pay rate (MLCS) * 4.5% * 70% * number of participating months

Details:- MLCS from July 1, 2024, is 2,340,000 VND- Number of participating months: 3, 6, 9, 12 months

The specific contribution amounts for student health insurance are as follows:

Unit: VND

In case the state adjusts the statutory pay rate or the health insurance contribution rate, participants and the state budget will not have to make up the difference or receive a refund for the remaining period for which the participant has already paid health insurance.

Guidance 6687/HDLS/BHXH-GDDT 2024 on implementing health insurance for students for the 2024-2025 school yearWhat are details of Guidance 6687/HDLS/BHXH-GDDT in 2024 on the implementation of health insurance for students in Vietnam in the 2024-2025 school year? (Image from the Internet)

What are details of methods and time for health insurance payment for students in the 2024-2025 school year?

According to Section 3, Part I of Guidance 6687/HDLS/BHXH-GDDT 2024, the methods and time for health insurance payments for students in Ho Chi Minh City for the 2024-2025 school year are detailed as follows:

- Students register for health insurance and pay at the educational institution from the beginning of the school year or course according to four payment methods: 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months (12 months preferred). If the health insurance card is valid for 10 days before expiry, the student must contact the educational institution to register for the next payment method.

- The educational institution is responsible for urging and reminding students to pay for their health insurance according to the managed list or the list provided by the social insurance agency. They must collect payment along with the list of participants and submit it to the social insurance agency accordingly.

- The social insurance agency: promptly issues and delivers health insurance cards (if any) to the educational institution to distribute to students as soon as the payment and documents are received in the agency's account.


- If students have health insurance cards expiring in the remaining months of 2024 or have not yet participated in health insurance, they only pay for the remaining months up to December 31, 2024 (Fiscal Year). Then, they participate in health insurance following the methods mentioned for the whole of 2025.

- For students in households near the poverty line, they must participate in health insurance at the local level (state budget supports 70%). If they haven't participated in local health insurance, they must join the student health insurance at the school. If they receive a card under another category later, they will be refunded as stipulated (refund the paid amount from the point the new health insurance card becomes effective).

- Students with health insurance cards under other categories (relatives of police, army, cipher committee, poor households, near-poor households, etc.) must join the student group immediately from the following month if not continuing in their previous category, until the institution's unified term ends.

- To check the health insurance card validity, students use the VSSID software or visit the website: https://baohiemxahoi.gov.vn/tracuu/pages/tra-cuu-thoi-han-su- dung-the-bhyt.aspx.

What is the amount of remuneration for student health insurance? What are application and procedures for payment?

Based on Section 4, Part II of Guidance 6687/HDLS/BHXH-GDDT 2024, the remuneration rates for student health insurance and reimbursement procedures are specified as follows:

Based on the regulations in Article 3 of Decision 2222/QD-BHXH dated August 16, 2022, of the Vietnam Social Security, stipulating the remuneration for voluntary social insurance and health insurance collection service organizations and educational institutions; Article 1 of Decision 1105/QD-BHXH dated July 25, 2023, of the Vietnam Social Security amending Article 3 of Decision 2222/QD-BHXH:

- The remuneration fund is calculated based on the total amount paid for health insurance cards by students, with the following rates:

Payment Method Remuneration Rate
12 months to under 15 months 1.80%
06 months to under 12 months 1.62%
03 months to under 6 months 1.35%

- The use of the remuneration fund must align with the tasks outlined in Decision 2222/QD-BHXH dated August 16, 2022, of the Vietnam Social Security. The contents of revenue and expenditure must be stipulated in the internal expenditure regulations, organize accounting tasks, keep accounting records, account for financial management policy compliance, and be used for the following tasks:

+ Encourage students to participate in health insurance;

+ Prepare lists of students participating in health insurance;

+ Collect payment from students, submit money and documents promptly and fully to the social insurance agency;

+ Receive health insurance cards from the social insurance agency and deliver them to students.

Educational institutions shall prepare a Remuneration Payment Statement (form C66a-HD as per Circular 102/2018/TT-BTC) submitted to the social insurance agency on each card issuance or at least monthly for card issuance occasions.

- The social insurance agency transfers the remuneration fund to the educational institution on each collection occasion or at least monthly based on the institution's request.


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