What are beneficiaries and eligibility for social retirement benefits in Vietnam under the Law on Social Insurance 2024? What are the policies, procedures, and steps to implement social pension benefits?

What are beneficiaries and eligibility for social retirement benefits in Vietnam under the Law on Social Insurance 2024? What are the policies, procedures, and steps to implement social pension benefits?

What are beneficiaries and eligibility for social retirement benefits under the Law on Social Insurance 2024?

According to Article 21 of the Law on Social Insurance 2024:

Beneficiaries and eligibility for social retirement benefits

1. Vietnamese citizens are entitled to social pension benefits when they meet the following conditions:

a) Aged 75 years or older;

b) Not receiving monthly pension or social insurance benefits, except in other cases as stipulated by the Government of Vietnam;

c) Have a written request for social pension benefits.

2. Vietnamese citizens aged 70 to under 75 years, belonging to poor or near-poor households, and meeting the conditions specified at points b and c of clause 1 of this Article, are entitled to social pension benefits.

3. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly decides on the gradual reduction of the age to receive social pension benefits According to the proposal of the Government of Vietnam, in accordance with the socio-economic development conditions and the capacity of the state budget at each period.

4. The Government of Vietnam stipulates the details of clause 2 of this Article.

The beneficiaries and eligibility for social retirement benefits in Vietnam are as follows:

(1) Vietnamese citizens are entitled to social pension benefits when they meet the following conditions:

(i) Aged 75 years or older;

(ii) Not receiving monthly pension or social insurance benefits, except in other cases as stipulated by the Government of Vietnam;

(iii) Have a written request for social pension benefits.

(2) Vietnamese citizens aged 70 to under 75 years, belonging to poor or near-poor households, and meeting the conditions specified in (ii) and (iii), are entitled to social pension benefits.

(3) The Standing Committee of the National Assembly decides on the gradual reduction of the age to receive social pension benefits According to the proposal of the Government of Vietnam, in accordance with the socio-economic development conditions and the capacity of the state budget at each period.

Subjects eligible for social pension benefits under the Social Insurance Law 2024? What are the policies, procedures, and steps to implement social pension benefits?

What are beneficiaries and eligibility for social retirement benefits under the Law on Social Insurance 2024? What are the policies, procedures, and steps to implement social pension benefits? (Image from the Internet)

What are the types and procedures for receipt of social retirement benefits in Vietnam?

According to Article 22 Law on Social Insurance 2024, the types and procedures for receipt of social retirement benefits in Vietnam are as follows:

- The monthly social pension benefit amount is determined by the Government of Vietnam, suitable to the socio-economic development conditions and the capacity of the state budget at each period.

Every 3 years, the Government of Vietnam reviews and considers adjusting the social pension benefit amount.

Depending on socio-economic conditions, the balance of the budget, and the mobilization of social resources, the Provincial People's Committee proposes to the Provincial People's Council to decide on additional support for those receiving social pension benefits.

- In case the subjects defined in Article 21 of the Law on Social Insurance 2024 are also eligible for monthly social assistance, they will receive the higher social assistance policies.

- Those receiving monthly social pension benefits will have health insurance premiums paid by the state budget as stipulated by the law on health insurance. Upon death, the organization or individual responsible for funeral arrangements will receive funeral cost support as per the law on elderly people.

- The Government of Vietnam stipulates the procedures and steps to implement social pension benefits.

What are forms of social insurance and social insurance benefits in Vietnam under the Law on Social Insurance 2024?

According to Article 4 Law on Social Insurance 2024:

Forms of social insurance and social insurance benefits

1. Social pension benefits include the following policies:

a) Monthly social pension benefits;

b) Funeral cost support;

c) Health insurance benefits paid by the state budget.

2. Mandatory social insurance includes the following policies:

a) Sickness;

b) Maternity;

c) Retirement;

d) Survivorship;

e) Occupational accident and disease insurance as stipulated by the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene.

3. Voluntary social insurance includes the following policies:

a) Maternity benefits;

b) Retirement;

c) Survivorship;

d) Occupational accident insurance as stipulated by the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene.

4. Unemployment insurance as stipulated by the Law on Employment.

5. Supplementary pension insurance.

Thus, the forms of social insurance and social insurance benefits in Vietnam under the Law on Social Insurance 2024 include:

(1) Social pension benefits include the following policies:

- Monthly social pension benefits;

- Funeral cost support;

- Health insurance benefits paid by the state budget.

(2) Mandatory social insurance includes the following policies:

- Sickness;

- Maternity;

- Retirement;

- Survivorship;

- Occupational accident and disease insurance as stipulated by the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene.

(3) Voluntary social insurance includes the following policies:

- Maternity benefits;

- Retirement;

- Survivorship;

- Occupational accident insurance as stipulated by the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene 2015.

(4) Unemployment insurance as stipulated by the Law on Employment 2013.

(5) Supplementary pension insurance.

The Law on Social Insurance 2024 takes effect from July 1, 2025.


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