Vietnam: Which professional jobs requiring the Bachelor of Law degree can Law students apply after graduation?

"Which professional jobs requiring the Bachelor of Law degree can Law students apply after graduation?" - asked Mr. Quoc (Binh Dinh)

Which professional jobs in Law require the Bachelor of Law degree in Vietnam?

(1) Notary:

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Law on Notary Public 2014, criteria for notaries are:

A Vietnamese citizen who permanently resides in Vietnam, observes the Constitution and law, has good ethical qualities, and fully satisfies the following criteria shall be considered for appointment as a notary:

- Having a bachelor of law degree.

- Having performed legal work at agencies or organizations for at least 5 years after obtaining the bachelor of law degree.

- Having graduated from a notary training course as prescribed in Article 9 of this Law or completed a notary retraining course as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 10 of this Law.

- Meeting requirements on notarial practice probation results.

- Being physically fit for notarial practice.

(2) Lawyer

Pursuant to Article 10 of the 2006 Law on Lawyers:

Vietnamese citizens who are loyal to the Fatherland, observe the Constitution and law, have good moral qualities, possess a law bachelor diploma, have been trained in the legal profession, have gone through the probation of the legal profession and have good health for law practice may become lawyers.

(3) Legal Aid Assistant

According to the provisions of Article 19 of the Law on Legal Aid 2017 on the criteria for for legal aid assistants as follows:

Vietnamese citizens who are public employees of legal aid centers and fully satisfy the following conditions may become legal aid assistants:

- Good moral quality;

- Possess a bachelor or higher degree in law;

- Have been trained in legal profession or is not required to participate in training course of legal profession; have gone through the probation of legal profession or legal aid;

- Being physically fit to provide legal aid;

- Is not within the time of receiving disciplinary actions.

(4) Asset management officer

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Bankruptcy Law 2014, requirements for working as a asset management officer are:

- The following individuals are eligible for being issued practice certificates of asset management officer:

+ A lawyer;

+ An auditor;

+ A person having a bachelor degree in law, economy, accountancy or bank and 05 years of experience or more in his/her field.

- Requirements for working as a asset management officer:

+ Be capable of civil acts;

+ Have ethical qualities, sense of responsibility, integrity and objectivity;

+ Have a practice certificate of asset management officer.

- The Government shall regulate the issuance of practice certificates of asset management officers and State management of asset management officers.

Which professional jobs require bachelor or higher degree in law in State agencies?

(5) Judge

According to Clause 2, Article 67 of the Law on Organization of People's Courts 2014, criteria for judges are:

- Being a Vietnamese citizen who is loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, has good ethical qualities, firm political stance, courage and resolve to safeguard justice, and is incorrupt and honest.

- Possessing a bachelor or higher degree in law.

(6) Procurator

According to Clause 2, Article 75 of the Law on Organization of People's Procuracies 2014, general criteria for procurators are:

- Being Vietnamese citizens who are loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, have good ethical qualities, are incorrupt and honest, have firm political stance and resolve to safeguard the socialist legislation.

- Possessing a bachelor or higher degree in law.

(7) Investigator

Pursuant to Article 53 of the 2018 Competition Law, standards for investigators include:

- Being Vietnamese citizens, having good moral qualities, integrity and honesty.

- Being officials of the National Competition Commission.

- Obtaining at least a bachelor's degree or higher in law, economics, finance or information technology.

- Having at least 5 years of work experience in one of the domains defined in Clause 3 of this Article.

- Having been trained in investigation procedures.

(8) Member of the National Competition Commission

Pursuant to Article 49 of the Competition Law 2018, the standards for members of National Competition Commission are as follows:

- Being Vietnamese citizens, having good moral qualities, integrity and honesty.

- Obtaining at least a bachelor's degree or higher in law, economics or finance.

- Having at least 9 years of work experience in one of the domains defined in Clause 2 of this Article.

(9) Enforcer

According to Clause 1, Article 18 of the 2008 Law on Civil Judgment Enforcement, the criteria for appointment of enforcers are as follows:

Vietnamese citizens who are loyal to the Fatherland, honest, non-corruptible, possess good ethical quality and a law bachelor or higher degree, and have good health to fulfill assigned tasks may be appointed as enforcers.

(10) Rapporteur on law

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 35 of the Law on popularization and Legal Education 2012 on the standards of rapporteurs on law as follows:

The rapporteurs on law must have sufficient standards as follows:

- Possessing good ethical qualities, viewpoint and thought firmly, reputation in work;

- Having ability of communication;

- Possessing the certificate of graduating law university and having working time in the legal field at least 02 years; in case without a certificate of graduating law university but having a certificate of graduating a university, must have working time relating to law at least 03 years.

(11) Superintendent, deputy superintendent, heads and deputy heads of prison departments, team leaders and deputy leaders

According to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 17 of the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments 2019 as follows:

Superintendent, deputy superintendent, heads and deputy heads of prison departments, team leaders and deputy leaders must possess bachelor’s degrees or higher degrees in public security, security or law and satisfy other criteria as prescribed.

(12) Legal officers from state agencies, enterprises, hospitals and schools

According to Article 12 of Decree 55/2011/ND-CP on legal officers from state agencies, enterprises, hospitals and schools as follows:

- Legal workers who are recruited and appointed to legal organizations at ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and specialized agencies under provincial-level People's Committees must be specialist civil servants and equivalent, with a bachelor's degree in law or higher.

Legal officers who are recruited or appointed to legal organizations in public administrative units are officials with professional titles and bachelor's degrees in law or higher.

- The head of a legal organization must have a bachelor's degree in law or higher and have at least 05 years of direct legal work.

(13) Legal consultant

According to Article 19 of Decree 77/2008/ND-CP, criteria for legal consultants are:

Legal consultants must be Vietnamese citizens who permanently reside in Vietnam and fully satisfy the following conditions:

+ Having the full civil act capacity and good ethical quality, being other than those who are currently examined for penal liability or have been convicted but not yet had their criminal records wiped out:

+ Possessing a bachelor of law degree;

+ Having worked in the legal domain for three years or more.

(14) Procuracy inspector

According to Decision 73/2005/QD-BNV, one of the criteria for a procuracy inspector must be bachelor of law degree or higher.

(15) Bailiffs

According to Article 6 of Decree 08/2020/ND-CP on bailiffs as follows:

- Be a Vietnamese citizen, having good health and moral qualities;

- Have no criminal record;

- Have a bachelor's degree in law;

(16) Court clerk

According to Article 92 of the Law on Organization of People's Courts 2014:

Court clerks must possess a bachelor or higher degree in law, shall be recruited by courts, professionally trained and appointed to work as court clerks.

(17) Civil status officer

According to Article 72 of the 2014 Law on Civil Status on civil status officer as follows:

Civil status officers must have an intermediate or higher degree in law and have been trained in civil status work.

(18) Member of the Complaints Settlement Commission of the Legal Department of the Vietnam Football Federation

According to Decision 224/QD-BNV in 2010:

Members of the Complaints Settlement Commission must have a bachelor's degree in law.

Some other professions that a Bachelor of Laws can do are:

(19) Law Lecturer

(20) Paralegals

(21) Corporate legislation


What are the required periods for being a lawyer and a judge for Bachelors in Law in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of the Law on Lawyers 2006 and the Law on Organization of People's Courts 2014 and Decision 1718/QD-TANDTC in 2017 as follows:

- The average time to become a lawyer is 06 years including 04 years as a law student and the time to complete courses, practice internships and examinations as prescribed (02-03 years).

- The average time to become a primary judge is 10 years including 04 years as a law student, 05 years of legal work and time to participate in a trial professional training course (06 months).

- The average time to become an intermediate judge will be 15 years including the period of becoming a primary judge (10 years) and having time to work as a primary judge (5 years).

- The average time to become a Senior Judge will be 20 years including the period of becoming an Intermediate Judge (15 years) and the period of service under the title of Intermediate Judge (5 years).

- The average time to become a Judge of the Supreme People's Court will be 25 years from becoming a law school student. In which, the time to become a Senior Judge (20 years) and to work under the title of Senior Judge (5 years).


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