02:21 | 08/03/2023

Vietnam: What is the registration form for registration of lookup on electronic customs declaration information via messaging form?

I have something to ask: What is the registration form for registration of lookup on electronic customs declaration information via messaging form? - Question of Ms. Hanh (Phu Tho)

How many forms of lookup on electronic customs declaration information in Vietnam are there nowadays?

Pursuant to Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg on promulgation of the statute on provision and use of electronic customs declaration information issued by the Prime Minister of Vietnam on August 19, 2016.

Article 5 of Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg has the following provisions:

Forms of provision and use of e-customs declaration information
1. Information users shall access the customs information portal by using accounts granted by the General Department of Customs to use e-customs declaration information under the form of electronic records.
2. Information users may connect their information systems with the customs information portal to use e-customs declaration information under the form of electronic records.
3. Inspection agencies shall use e-customs declaration information under the form of messages sent by the General Department of Customs to their official telephone numbers.

Thus, it can be seen that, at present, the lookup on electronic customs declaration information is done through the following forms:

- Access the customs information portal by using accounts granted by the General Department of Customs;

- Connect their information systems with the customs information portal;

- Use e-customs declaration information under the form of messages sent by the General Department of Customs to their official telephone numbers.

Vietnam: What is the registration form for registration of lookup on electronic customs declaration information via messaging form?

Vietnam: What is the registration form for registration of lookup on electronic customs declaration information via messaging form?

What is the application form for registration of lookup on electronic customs declaration information via messaging form?

The application form for registration of lookup on electronic customs declaration information via messaging form is currently Form No. 03 in the Appendix issued with Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg.

Download the application form for registration of lookup on electronic customs declaration information in Vietnam: here.

What are the responsibilities of the parties for the electronic customs declaration information in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg, Article 11 of Decision 33/2016/QD-TTg, the responsibilities of the parties are determined as follows:



General Department of Customs

- Provide e-customs declaration information and ensure its integrity as referred to in this Statue and other relevant laws.

- Build, develop and manage the operation of customs information portal. To be specific:

+ Build and put in to use the customs information portal within 06 months as of the effective date of this Decision;

+ Ensure infrastructure facilities to meet operation demand and period for provision of e-customs declaration information;

+ Ensure the uninterrupted and stable operation of the customs information portal, and information security;

+ Lead the provision of instructions and assistance to operate information systems of the customs information portal.

- Manage the registration of use of e-customs declaration information by information users.

- Announce e-mail address and telephone number in service of provision of e-customs declaration information.

- Formulate and announce specifications to connect to the customs information portal.

Information users

- Prepare appropriate technical facilities and equipment to receive and use e-customs declaration information.

- Use e-customs declaration information according to the prescribed principles and other relevant laws.

- Manage and keep secret of information about granted accounts for accessing to the customs information portal.

- Build, develop and operate systems for receiving e-customs declaration information which must meet the following requirements:

+ have digital signatures in effect as regulated by laws;

+ encrypt transmission lines;

+ ensure information security as regulated by laws; and

+ comply with specifications announced by the General Department of Customs, including information items, data format, forms of connection and information exchange frequency.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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