03:57 | 06/04/2023

Vietnam: What is the motor vehicle inspection seal? What should vehicle users do in case their motor vehicle inspection seals are lost?

“What is the motor vehicle inspection seal in Vietnam? What should vehicle users do in case their motor vehicle inspection seals are lost?” - asked Mr. Thinh (Vinh Phuc)

What is the seal of technical safety and environmental protection inspection of motor vehicles in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 3 of Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT, the seal of technical safety and environmental protection inspection of motor vehicles in Vietnam is defined as follows:

Seal of technical safety and environmental protection inspection of motor vehicles (hereinafter referred to as “inspection seals”) refers to an item provided to motor vehicles that have been issued with Certificates of inspection and allowed to participate in road traffic within the period specified on the inspection seals within the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and countries which have entered to mutual recognition agreements with Vietnam regarding inspection certificates.

What should vehicle users in Vietnam do in case their motor vehicle inspection seals are lost?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 9 of Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT (amended by point c, Clause 4, Article 1 of Circular 2/2023/TT-BGTVT) as follows:

Inspection certificates, inspection seals
5. If Inspection Certificates or Inspection Seals are lost or damaged, vehicle users shall present vehicles for re-inspection for re-issuance of Inspection Certificates or Inspection Seals, excluding the following cases:
a) If First-Time Inspection Certificates or First-Time Inspection Seals of motor vehicles eligible for exemption from the inspection are lost, within 7 working days from the date of issuance of such certificates and seals, vehicle users or legally authorized persons shall declare information at inspection authorities according to the form prescribed in Appendix I promulgated together with Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT for the one-time re-print of Inspection Certificates or Inspection Seals (vehicle owners are not required to bring their vehicles to the inspection authorities);
b) If Inspection Certificates or Inspection Seals of motor vehicles eligible for exemption from first-time inspection are damaged or different from the information on the motor vehicles, vehicle users shall present the issued Inspection Certificates or Inspection Seals to the inspection authorities and make declarations according to Appendix I promulgated together with Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT for inspection authorities to review, examine information, and re-print Inspection Certificates or Inspection Seals (vehicle users are not required to bring their vehicles to the inspection authorities).
6. Upon detecting documents provided by vehicle users are fabricated or falsified; If issued inspection certificates and seals of inspection are not suitable with inspected motor vehicles, the register authority must revoke and retrieve inspection certificates and seals of inspection issued to said motor vehicles (if still valid) and reports to Vietnam Register.

Thus, in case motor vehicle inspection seals in Vietnam are lost, vehicle users shall present vehicles for re-inspection for re-issuance of Inspection Seals, excluding the following cases:

- If First-Time Inspection Seals of motor vehicles eligible for exemption from the inspection are lost, within 7 working days from the date of issuance of such seals, vehicle users or legally authorized persons shall declare information at inspection authorities according to the form prescribed in Appendix I promulgated together with Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT for the one-time re-print of Inspection Seals (vehicle owners are not required to bring their vehicles to the inspection authorities);

- If Inspection Seals of motor vehicles eligible for exemption from the first-time inspection are damaged or different from the information on the motor vehicles, vehicle users shall present the issued Inspection Seals to the inspection authorities and make declarations according to Appendix I promulgated together with Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT for inspection authorities to review, examine information, and re-print Inspection Seals (vehicle users are not required to bring their vehicles to the inspection authorities).

In what cases will the motor vehicle inspection seals in Vietnam expire?

Pursuant to Clause 7, Article 9 of Circular 16/2021/TT-BGTVT as follows:

Inspection certificates, inspection seals
7. Inspection certificates and seals of inspection expire when:
a) Motor vehicles are issued with new inspection certificates and seals of inspection;
b) Vehicle users have declared missing inspection certificates or seals of inspection with register authority;
c) Register authority have issued notice on retrieval;
d) Motor vehicles are involved in accidents to such an extent that technical safety and/or environmental protection cannot be guaranteed as per the law.
dd) Register authority has verified discrepancies between technical specifications on inspection certificates and actual technical specifications of motor vehicles.

Thus, the motor vehicle inspection seals in Vietnam will expire in the following cases:

- Motor vehicles are issued with new seals of inspection

- Vehicle users have declared missing seals of inspection with the register authority

- The register authority has issued notice on retrieval

- Motor vehicles are involved in accidents to such an extent that technical safety and/or environmental protection cannot be guaranteed as per the law


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