Vietnam: What is the list of records of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected? What are the regulations on the latest report form of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected?

May I ask what the list of records of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected is? What are the regulations on the latest report form of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected? - Question of Mr. Phat (Long Thanh)

What is included in the list of records of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected?

According to the provisions of Appendix 02 enclosed with Regulation 96-QD/TW in 2023 as follows:

The list of records of persons on whom votes of confidence in Vietnam are collected is uniform in A4 paper size and arranged in the following order:
1. Report of persons on whom votes of confidence in Vietnam are collected.
2. A declaration of assets and income according to the form promulgated together with current regulations (signed for certification by the declarer and the person who receives the declaration as prescribed).
3. Report explaining related contents at the request of the competent authority or of persons on whom votes of confidence are written (if any).

Thus, according to the above provisions, the profile of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected includes:

- Report of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected.

- A declaration of assets and income according to the form promulgated together with current regulations (signed for certification by the declarer and the person receiving the declaration as prescribed).

- Report explaining the relevant contents at the request of the competent authority or of persons on whom votes of confidence are written (if any).

Vietnam: What is the list of records of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected? What are the regulations on the latest report form of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected?

Vietnam: What is the list of records of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected? What are the regulations on the latest report form of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected?

What are the regulations on the latest report form of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected?

The report form of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected for leading and managerial titles and positions in the political system of Vietnam is made according to the form in Appendix 3 issued together with Regulation 96-QD/TW in 2023 as follows:

Download the report of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected for leading and managerial titles and positions in the political system of Vietnam: here.

What are the criteria for collection of votes of confidence for leading and managerial titles and positions?

Pursuant to Article 5 of Regulation 96-QD/TW in 2023, the collection of votes of confidence for leading and managerial titles and positions is based on the following criteria:

Political qualities, ethics, lifestyle, sense of discipline

- The stance, viewpoint, and political bravery in the implementation of the Party's guidelines and guidelines, and the State's policies and laws; preserving political, moral and lifestyle qualities; sense of responsibility at work, attitude to serve the People; integrity, honesty, fairness and objectivity in performing assigned tasks.

- The sense of organization and discipline, the observance of the principles of organization and operation of the Party, especially the principle of democratic centralism, self-criticism and criticism; comply with the organization's assignment; implement the regulations and regulations of the party committee, party organization, agency, unit where they work; ability to gather, unite internally and handle difficult, complex and sensitive issues.

- Results of leading and directing the implementation of the Party's guidelines on the fight against corruption and negativity, what party members are not allowed to do and responsibility to set an example; the example of themselves and their spouses and children in the observance of the State's policies and laws; the regular keeping in contact with the authorities of the place of residence.

Results of performance of assigned responsibilities and tasks (from the beginning of the term to the time of voting)

- Results of leading, advising and organizing the implementation of the Party's guidelines and guidelines, and the State's policies and laws in the fields and scope of responsibility; dynamism, innovation, creativity, decisiveness, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility in performing assigned tasks.

- Quantity and quality of products, efficiency of performance of assigned responsibilities and tasks; the level of task completion of the affiliated organizations, agencies and units.

- Results of leadership in organization and staff; fight against corruption and negativity; inspection and supervision; handling petitions, letters of complaints and denunciations in the field and scope of responsibility.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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