02:52 | 13/03/2023

Vietnam: What is the current registration form for notary-practicing probation? What are the skills in notary-practicing probation?

"What is the current registration form for notary-practicing probation in Vietnam?" - asked Mr. Hai (Thanh Hoa)

What is the current registration form for notary-practicing probation in Vietnam?

The current registration form for notary-practicing probation in Vietnam is Form TP-TSCC-01 issued together with Circular 04/2015/TT-BTP as follows:

Download the current registration form for notary-practicing probation in Vietnam: Here.

What does the application for registration of notary-practicing probation in Vietnam include?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular 04/2015/TT-BTP as follows:

Registration of notary-practicing probation
1. The applicant shall submit 01 application directly or by post to the Department of Justice where the notary-practicing organization accepts probationers.
The application includes the following documents:
a) The registration form for notary-practicing probation (Form TP-TSCC-01);
b) Certificate of graduation of a notary training course or certificate of completion of a notary training course (certified copy or photocopy accompanied by the original for comparison).
Within 07 working days from the date of receipt of a complete and valid applicant, the Department of Justice shall register the name of the applicant on the List of notary-practicing practitioners of the Department of Justice (hereinafter referred to as the List of probationers of the Department of Justice), and notify in writing the applicant and notary-practicing organization accepting probationers; in case of refusal, it must be notified in writing and clearly stating the reasons.
2. A person in one of the following cases may not register as a probationer:
a) Falling under cases not eligible for notary appointment as prescribed in Article 13 of the Law on Notarization;
b) Being cadres, civil servants, public employees (except officials working at the Notary Office), officers, professional soldiers, defense workers in agencies and units under the People's Army; officers, non-commissioned officers, and workers in agencies and units under the People's Police.
3. A person who is included in the List of probationers of the Department of Justice is called a Notary Practitioner (hereinafter referred to as a Practitioner). Practitioners have the rights and obligations prescribed by the Law on Notarization and this Circular.

Thus, according to the above provisions, the application for registration of notary-practicing probation in Vietnam includes:

- The registration form for notary-practicing probation (Form TP-TSCC-01);

- Certificate of graduation of a notary training course or certificate of completion of a notary training course (certified copy or photocopy accompanied by the original for comparison).

What are the skills in notary-practicing probation in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 7 of Circular 04/2015/TT-BTP the contents of notary-practicing probation include notary-practicing skills and the notary-related jobs as follows:

- Skills in receiving and classifying notarization requests; skills in checking the authenticity and legality of documents contained in the dossier requesting notarization; skills in reviewing, identifying subjects, and civil act capacity of participants in entering into contracts and transactions.

- Skills in dealing with requesters, behaving in accordance with the Code of Ethics for notary practice; skills in explaining to requesters their legitimate rights, obligations, and interests, the meaning and legal consequences of notarization; skills in explaining the reasons when refusing a notarization request.

- Skills in studying and proposing for solving notarized documents.

- Skills in drafting contracts and transactions at the request of requesters; skills in checking the authenticity and legality of draft contracts and transactions prepared by requesters; skills in verifying.

- Skills in notarizing translations; skills in attesting copies, attesting signatures in papers and documents.

- Skills in drafting testimonies.

- Skills in checking, arranging, and classifying notarized and authenticated dossiers for storage.

- Other notary-related skills and jobs as assigned by the instructor.


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