04:23 | 24/09/2024

Vietnam: What is simile? What are the uses of simile? What are types of simile commonly used?

Vietnam: What is simile? What are the uses of simile? What are types of simile commonly used?

Vietnam: What is simile? What are the uses of simile?

- Concept: simile is to juxtapose two or more objects or events that have similarities to enhance the descriptive and emotional strength of the text.

- Effect: Using simile makes the described image more vivid, helping the reader to easily understand, imagine, and visualize the image more clearly.


“Anh bỗng nhớ em như đông về nhớ rét

Tình yêu ta như cánh kiến hoa vàng

Như xuân đến chim rừng lông trở biếc

Tình yêu làm đất lạ hóa quê hương”

["Tiếng hát con tàu" - Che Lan Vien]

What types of simile are commonly used?

I. Based on the comparison object

(1) Model 1: Comparison of Object - Object

- This model includes the following forms:

+ A like B
+ A is B
+ A is not as good as B

Example: Find the objects compared in the following poems and prose:

“Ơ, cái dấu hỏi

Trông ngộ ngộ ghê,

Như vành tai nhỏ

Hỏi rồi lắng nghe”

(2) Model 2: Comparison: Object - Human

- This model includes the following form:

+ A like B (A can be a human, B is an object used as a standard for comparison)

Example: Find the comparative images in the following poems:

Trẻ em như búp trên cành

Biết ăn ngủ, biết học hành là ngoan”.

-> "Children" are like "buds on the branch." Both are young entities full of vitality and hope.

(3) Model 3: Comparison: Activity - Activity

- This model includes the following form: A like B (A refers to the activity of the first object, B refers to the activity of the second object).

Example: In the following excerpts:

“Con trâu đen lông mượt

Cái sừng nó vênh vênh

Nó cao lớn lênh khênh

Chân đi như đập đất”.

-> The activity “walking” is compared to the activity “stomping the ground” using the word "like".

(4) Model 4: Comparison: Sound - Sound

- This model includes the following form: A like B (A is the first sound, B is the second sound)


“Côn Sơn suối chảy rì rầm

Ta nghe như tiếng đàn cầm bên tai”.

-> “Stream sound” is compared to “harp sound” using the word "like".

(5) Other less common forms:

Besides the above comparison models, teachers should introduce students to comparative forms: Equal and Unequal. For instance:

- In the sentence: “You are much healthier than Grandpa!”

-> Unequal comparison form.

- In the sentence:

“Ông là buổi trời chiều

Cháu là ngày rạng sáng”

-> Equal comparison form.

II. Based on comparison word

(1) Equal simile

- Like, as, is

- Like as, similar to, like

- No different than

Example: The teacher is like my second mother.

(2) Unequal simile

- More, less

- Not as good, not yet as good, not equal


Những ngôi sao thức ngoài kia

Chẳng bằng mẹ đã thức vì chúng con

What is the comparison method? What is the effect of the rhetorical comparison method? What types of comparisons are commonly used?

Vietnam: What is simile? What are the uses of simile? What types of simile are commonly used?

What are the requirements for recognizing narrative techniques and their uses for students in Vietnam?

According to the Literature program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the requirements for recognizing narrative techniques and their uses to students in Vietnam are as follows:

- For students in grades 3, 4, and 5: understanding the effects of narrative techniques like personification and comparison.

- For students in grades 6 and 7: understanding narrative techniques such as metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, and euphemism.

- For students in grades 8 and 9: comprehending narrative techniques such as repetition, wordplay, sarcasm, and paradox.

What is the timeframe for the school year 2023-2024 in Vietnam?

According to Decision 2171/QD-BGDDT 2023 on the timeframe for the school year 2023-2024 for preschool, general education, and continuing education, the timeframe for the school year 2023-2024 is specified as follows:

- The earliest date for school assembly is 1 week before the ceremony. For grade 1, it is 2 weeks before the ceremony.

- The school year opening ceremony will be held on September 5, 2023.

- The first semester ends before January 15, 2024. The second semester's educational plan is completed before May 25, 2024, and the school year ends before May 31, 2024.

- The recognition of primary school completion and junior high school graduation is before June 30, 2024.

- Enrollment for the new school year must be completed before July 31, 2024.

- The high school graduation exam and national exams follow the regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam.

Principles for constructing the school year plan for localities:

- The local school year plan must ensure the number of weeks of actual study:

+ For preschool and general education with 35 weeks of actual study (18 weeks in the first semester, 17 weeks in the second semester).

+ For continuing education (implementing secondary and high school education programs).

++ For the 9th-grade secondary and 12th-grade high school with 32 weeks of actual study (16 weeks each semester).

++ For grades 6, 7, 8 in secondary school and grades 10, 11 in high school with 35 weeks of actual study (18 weeks in the first semester, 17 weeks in the second semester).

- The school year plan must be suitable for the locality's specific conditions.

- Holidays are implemented according to the Labor Code and annual guidelines.

- Teachers' annual leave is during the summer break or can be alternated throughout the year to suit specific conditions and local school year plans.

- The school year plan should ensure uniformity for all educational levels within a locality, especially for schools with multiple education levels.


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