Vietnam: What is a legal document? What is the difference between a legal document and a legislative document?
What is a legislative document in Vietnam?
According to the Textbook of General Theory of State and Law, a legislative document is a specific and powerful legal document issued by competent state agencies, authorities or social organizations. The state authorizes promulgation on the basis of legal norms, in order to determine the legal rights and obligations of specific subjects or to determine the measures of liability for the subject of law violations.
Vietnam: What is a legal document? What is the difference between a legal document and a legislative document?
What is a legislative document according to Vietnamese regulations?
Article 2 of the Law on Promulgation of legislative Documents 2015 of Vietnam provides for specific legislative documents:
“Article 2. Legislative documents
Legislative documents are documents that contain legal regulations and the promulgation of which complies with regulations of law on authority, manner, and procedures provided for in this Law.
Legislative documents that contain legal regulations but the promulgation of which complies with regulations of law on authority, manner, and procedures provided for in this Law are not considered legislative documents.”
What is the difference between legislative documents and legal documents of Vietnam?
See a detailed table comparing the differences between legislative documents and legal documents: Here.
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