Vietnam: What date is the annual World Water Day? What is the theme of World Water Day 2022?

Hello Lawnet, I would like to learn about contents on World Water Day March 22, 2022 in the latest dispatch of the Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. What are slogans for propaganding and responding World Water Day on 22 March 2022? Looking for advice!

What date is the annual World Water Day? What is the theme of World Water Day 2022?

World Water Day is held on March 22 every year. In 2022, according to Official Dispatch 1358/BTNMT-TTTT 2022, World Water Day on March 22, 2022 was launched by the United Nations with the theme "Groundwater - Making the invisible visible", emphasizing the important role of groundwater in water systems and sanitation, agriculture, industry, ecology and adaptation to climate change; towards calling the attention of the community to take actions to exploit, protect and sustainably use groundwater; adapt to climate change and meet the needs of a growing population.

What are the tasks and projects to strengthen the sustainable protection, exploitation and use of groundwater resources?

According to Section 4 of Official Dispatch 1358/BTNMT-TTTT in 2022 on planning and implementing tasks and projects to strengthen the sustainable protection, exploitation and use of groundwater resources as follows:

- Organize the implementation of the master plan on basic survey of national water resources, in which the exploitation planning is reasonable, and the current underground water exploitation plan is adjusted accordingly, ensuring the total exploitation volume is not exceed the reserve of underground water, do not exceed the threshold of safe exploitation.

- Organize the implementation of the project of the national total inventory of water resources according to the Prime Minister's Decision 1383/QD-TTg dated August 4, 2021 on approving the national total inventory of water resources project, phase to 2025. Organize the implementation of regulations on underground water protection.

- Invest in upgrading and completing the construction and operation of a monitoring system for underground water exploitation to monitor and detect works with excessive water level decline and have a timely treatment plan; upgrade and complete the database system on groundwater.

- Research and apply solutions to increase the capacity of fresh water storage, gradually reduce the exploitation of underground water; research and apply solutions to store rain water in urban areas and densely populated areas in order to reduce inundation and at the same time artificially supplement underground water.

How many slogans for propaganda and response to the message of World Water Day on 22 March 2022 are there? What are those slogans?

According to the Appendix issued together with Official Dispatch 1358/BTNMT-TTTT 2022, There are 8 slogans for propaganda and response to the message of World Water Day on 22 March 2022:

- Groundwater is invisible, but the impact is visible everywhere.

- Working together to protect and sustainably use groundwater to adapt to climate change.

- In the driest places, groundwater may be the only source of water we have.

- Groundwater provides drinking water, sanitary conditions, agriculture, industry, ecosystems for our life.

- Let's work together to manage and use groundwater sustainably.

- Water is a precious resource! Use water sparingly and efficiently.

- Protecting water resources is protecting our own lives.

- Let's use water saving to share the opportunity for everyone.

The some information about World Water Day March 22, 2021

According to Official Dispatch 1046/BTNMT-TDKTTT 2021, World Water Day March 22, 2021 was launched by the United Nations (UN) with the theme "Valuing water" - "The value of water" to emphasize the meaning and importance of water. importance, the value of water resources in terms of economy, culture and society; strengthen effective solutions to protect water resources against the pressure of development activities and climate change. In which, there are 4 tasks and projects to strengthen the protection, exploitation and sustainable use of underground water sources with the same content as World Water Day March 22, 2022. Besides, to increase awareness For everyone's awareness of the value as well as the sense of saving water, 5 propaganda slogans in response to World Water Day March 22, 2021 were built, including:

Water is an essential resource to help protect health, livelihoods, environment, cultural values ​​and sustainable economic development.

- Water is a precious resource! Use water sparingly and efficiently.

- Protecting water resources is protecting our own lives.

- Let's use water saving to share the opportunity for everyone.

- Water is a finite and essential resource, using circulating water for a sustainable future.

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