10:20 | 16/03/2022

Vietnam: What are the special conditions for opening training disciplines at bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees of training institutions according to the latest regulations in 2022?

I would like to learn about the regulation on special conditions for opening training disciplines at bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees of training institutions so that I can apply to my training institution. Thank you!

According to the provisions of Articles 4, 5 and 6 of Circular 02/2022/TT-BGDĐT on opening training disciplines at bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degrees of training institutions as follows:

Conditions for opening a bachelor's degree program at university in Vietnam

A training institution opening training disciplines at bachelor’s degree must satisfy the general conditions for opening a training disciplines as prescribed in Article 3 of this Circular and the following special conditions for the entire course at the time of submitting dossier of application for opening a training disciplines:

- Have at least 01 doctorate in a relevant discipline as a primary lecturer, which is not the same as a primary lecturer, is a condition for opening a university-level training major of other disciplines (in case the training major to be opened is a compound major by disciplines from different groups of disciplines, or interdisciplinary training disciplines are arranged simultaneously into several different groups of disciplines, requiring each combined discipline to have at least 01 PhD in an appropriate discipline as primary lecturer), have at least 03 years' experience in training management or university teaching, and is responsible for presiding over the development and implementation of training programs.

- Have at least 05 PhDs who are primary lecturers with relevant expertise to lead the teaching of the program (including doctorates in relevant disciplines specified in Clause 1 of this Article), in which each component of the training program must have lecturers with appropriate expertise to lead the teaching. Particularly for training majors for teachers of Vietnamese ethnic minority languages, Vietnamese language, literature and culture training, Foreign language, literature and culture training, physical education and sports training (as specified in the Statistical List of training industries), training majors in Arts (specified in Appendix 1 issued together with this Circular), must have at least 03 doctorates that is a primary lecturer with relevant expertise.

- Have a contingent of lecturers to carry out the training program (specified at Point a, Clause 2, Article 3 of this Circular) to ensure enough for the first 2 years of the training program and to ensure each module of the training program must have at least 02 lecturers with appropriate expertise to take charge, ensuring the ratio of students to lecturers as prescribed; have a plan and plan to recruit and develop lecturers for the next academic years of the entire course so that from the third academic year at least 01 year before the start of the new school year, it must ensure have sufficient quantity and quality of teaching staff to implement the training program for each academic year of the course. Particularly for the training majors in the field of Health, the field of Law, the field of Education Science and teacher training (as specified in the Statistical List of training industries), must fully satisfy the following conditions: about the teaching staff to carry out the training program (specified at Point a, Clause 2, Article 3 of this Circular) for the entire course at the time of submitting the application for opening a training discipline.

- For a training discipline in the field of Health, it must satisfy the conditions specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3 of this Article and ensure specific conditions for lecturers for each training discipline according to regulations specified in Table 1, Appendix 2 issued together with this Circular. For a training discipline in the field of Law, it must satisfy the conditions specified in Clauses 1, 2, 3 of this Article and have at least 03 doctorates under the Law field.

- The conditions for facilities as prescribed at Point b, Clause 3, Article 3 of this Circular must be sufficient for the first two years of the training program, and there must be a plan and plan for investment in facilities, purchase equipment for the following school years of the entire course so that from the 3rd year of study, no later than 1 year before the start of the new school year, it is necessary to ensure that all conditions on facilities are met. quality according to the requirements of the training program for each academic year of the course. Particularly for training majors in the field of Health, the field of Law, the field of Science, education and teacher training, the conditions on facilities must be fully satisfied (specified at Point b, Clause 3, Article 3 of this Circular) for the entire course at the time of submitting the application for opening a training major.

- For a training major in the field of Health, it must satisfy the conditions specified in Clause 5 of this Article and must ensure specific conditions for laboratories and practice for each training branch as prescribed in Table 2, Appendix 2 issued together with this Circular. For training in the field of Law, the conditions specified in Clause 5 of this Article must be satisfied and there must be a demonstration room and a center for law practice (consulting).

Conditions for opening a master's degree at university in Vietnam

A training institution opening training disciplines at mater’s degree must satisfy the general conditions for opening training disciplines as prescribed in Article 3 of this Circular and the special conditions for the entire course at the time of submitting dossier of application for opening a training disciplines:

- Have at least 05 PhDs in relevant fields as primary lecturers (majors in training Vietnamese ethnic minority language teachers, training in Vietnamese language, literature and culture, training in foreign languages, literature and culture, physical training and sports , training majors in the field of Arts, must have at least 03 PhDs in relevant disciplines as primary lecturers), including a professor or Associate professor with at least 03 years of experience in training management or university teaching (not the same as a permanent lecturer, which is a condition for opening a master's degree program in other disciplines), take charge for developing and organizing the implementation of training programs.

- Ensure the quantity and quality of the teaching staff to implement the training program, including permanent lecturers with appropriate expertise to lead the teaching for each subject and module in the training program. .

- Ensure the number and standards of thesis instructors according to the current regulations on enrollment and training at master's level of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Have trained and awarded a university degree in the relevant discipline, or in the case that the training major at university level is not included in the Statistical List of the training majors.

- Training institutions that fail to satisfy the conditions specified in Clause 4 of this Article must demonstrate their superior satisfaction of other conditions compared to those specified in this Circular and compared with domestic training institutions. including: teaching staff (number, qualifications, professional reputation); facilities for training and research; scientific research capacity and results; international cooperation; the number of training disciplines and the number of learners who have been granted a master's degree by the training institution; The training disciplines to be opened are in priority fields or have urgent needs for the country's socio-economic development. The Ministry of Education and Training verifies and examines the facts and considers and decides to open the industry in this case.

Conditions for opening a doctor’s degree program at university in Vietnam

A training institution opening training disciplines at doctor’s degree must satisfy the general conditions for opening training disciplines as prescribed in Article 3 of this Circular and the special conditions for the entire course at the time of submitting dossier of application for opening a training disciplines:

- Have at least 01 professor or 02 associate professors and 03 PhDs in relevant fields as full-time lecturers (majors in training Vietnamese ethnic minority language teachers, training in Vietnamese language, literature and culture, training in foreign languages, literature and culture, physical training and sports , training majors in the field of Arts, must have at least 03 PhDs in relevant disciplines as primary lecturers), including a professor or associate professor with at least 3 years of experience in training management or university teaching (not coincident with a full-time lecturer, which is a condition for opening a doctoral degree program of other universities). other branches), is responsible for presiding over the development and implementation of training programs.

- Ensure the quantity and quality of the teaching staff to carry out the training program, the lecturers participating in the teaching must meet the standards of the lecturers teaching the doctorate level as prescribed in the current regulations on enrollment and training at doctor’s degree of the Ministry of Education and Training to teach the contents of the training program, in which there must be a permanent lecturer with appropriate expertise to preside over the teaching of each subject, part of the training program.

- Ensure the number and standards of PhD student instructors as prescribed in the current regulations on enrollment and training of doctoral degrees of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Have trained and granted a master's degree in the respective discipline, or in a relevant discipline in case the major of training at the master's degree is not included in the list of training disciplines.

- Training institutions that fail to satisfy the conditions specified in Clause 4 of this Article must demonstrate their superior satisfaction of other conditions compared to those specified in this Circular and compared with domestic training institutions, including: teaching staff (number, qualifications, professional reputation); facilities for training and research; scientific research capacity and results; international cooperation; the number of training disciplines and the number of learners who have been granted a doctorate degree by the training institution; The training majors to be opened are in priority fields or have urgent needs for the country's socio-economic development. The Ministry of Education and Training verifies and examines the facts and considers and decides to open the industry in this case.

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