08:37 | 18/07/2023

Vietnam: What are the requirements for participation in exams for promotion from principal inspector to senior inspector?

What are the requirements for participation in exams for promotion from principal inspector to senior inspector in Vietnam? - An (Hue, Vietnam)

What are the requirements for participation in exams for promotion from principal inspector to senior inspector in Vietnam?

Requirements for participation in exams for promotion from principal inspector to senior inspector are determined according to Clause 2, Article 9 of Decree 43/2023/ND-CP as follows:

Requirements for participation in exams for promotion
2. In case of promotion from principal inspector to senior inspector, the following requirements shall be satisfied:
a) The principal inspector shall meet conditions and standards specified in points a and b Clause 1 of this Article;
b) The principal inspector shall hold the rank of principal inspector or equivalent for at least 6 years, except for cases where the principal inspector is an official, public employee, officer of the People's Army and the People's Public Security, cipher worker at another agency/organization and the principal inspector is holding the rank of official/public employee or the rank equivalent to the rank of senior inspector and transferred to an inspection agency;
c) When holding the rank of principal inspector (or equivalent), the principal inspector has taken charge of the development and appraisal of at least 02 legal documents or the topic, scheme, project or program for scientific research at state, ministerial, central or provincial level, issued or accepted by the competent authority;
d) The principal inspector shall have at least a bachelor's degree; a certificate of professional training for senior inspector; a certificate of training in state management according to the standard of the rank of senior expert; a bachelor's degree in advanced political theory or a diploma in advanced political and administrative theory;
dd) The principal inspector shall have competence in using basic information technology, foreign languages ​​at the foreign language proficiency equivalent to level 4 according to the Framework of Reference for Foreign Language Competency or ethnic minority languages ​​(in case where the principal inspector works in ethnic minority areas) according to the requirements of the working position.

At the same time, refer to Points a and b, Clause 1, Article 9 of Decree 43/2023/ND-CP as follows:

Requirements for participation in exams for promotion
1. In case of promotion from inspector to principal inspector, the following requirements shall be satisfied:
a) The inspector shall be recognized for excellent performance of tasks or higher in the year preceding the year of the promotion exam; have political credentials and good ethics; be not liable to any disciplinary measure or any regulation on discipline according to regulations in the Law on Officials and Public Employees;
b) The inspector shall have professional qualifications and capabilities to undertake the working position corresponding to the inspector rank that is higher than his/her current rank;

Thus, a principal Inspector registering to take the promotion exam to the rank of senior Inspector must meet the above requirements.

What are the requirements for participation in exams for promotion from principal inspector to senior inspector in Vietnam?

What are the codes of principal inspector and senior inspector in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 43/2023/ND-CP has the following provisions:

1. The inspector is a person awarded the rank of inspector to perform tasks and exercise powers in inspection in accordance with regulations of the law. Codes of inspector ranks: senior inspector (code: 04.023), principal inspector (code: 04.024) and inspector (code: 04.025)
2. The Inspector General of the Government Inspectorate shall provide guidance on working positions of inspectors for inspection agencies according to regulations in Clauses 1 and 2 Article 9 of the Law on Inspection.

Accordingly, the code of principal inspector is 04.024 and senior inspector 04,023.

What are the criteria for appointment to senior inspectors in Vietnam?

Regarding the criteria for appointment to senior inspectors, Article 41 of the Law on Inspection 2022 stipulates as follows:

Criteria for appointment to senior inspectors
1. Meet standards specified in Article 39 of this Regulation;
2. Have certificates of professional training for senior inspectors and other certificates as prescribed by the law on officials and public employees.
3. Hold the rank of principal inspector (or equivalent) for at least 6 years.
4. Successfully pass exams for promotion; be considered for promotion from principal inspector to senior inspector; or be considered for same-rank reassignment in accordance with the regulations of the law on officials and public employees.

References to the criteria for appointment to inspectors in Article 39 of the Law on Inspection 2022 are as follows:

Criteria for appointment to inspectors
1. Be officials, officers of the People's Army or the People's Public Security, cipher workers, except for cases under other regulations of the Government with regard to inspectors of inspection authorities that have been established according to regulations of the law or international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory or as prescribed in Clause 3, Article 9 of this Law.
2. Be loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; have good ethical qualities, good sense of responsibility; be incorruptible, honest, just and objective;
3. Have university degrees (or higher) and state management and legal knowledge. In particular, the specialized inspectors must also have relevant professional knowledge;
4. Have certificates of professional training for inspectors and other certificates as prescribed by the law on officials and public employees.
5. Have been at least 2 years’ experience of inspection works (excluding probation period). The officials, public employees, officers of the People's Army and the People's Public Security, cipher workers at agencies, organizations or units who have been transferred to inspection agencies need to have at least 5 years’ experience of inspection works.

Thus, to be appointed to the rank of Senior Inspector, it is necessary to meet the above appointment standards.

Decree 43/2023/ND-CP guiding the Law on Inspection will officially be applied from August 15, 2023.


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