09:34 | 30/05/2024

Vietnam: What are the purposes of education and communication on food safety? What do education and communication on food safety include?

“What are the purposes of education and communication on food safety? What do education and communication on food safety include? What are the forms of communication on food safety in Vietnam?” - asked Ms. N (HCMC)

What are the purposes of education and communication on food safety in Vietnam?

Under Article 56 of the Law on Food Safety 2010 on the purposes and requirements of information, education and communication on food safety:

Purposes and requirements of information, education and communication on food safety
1. Information, education and communication on food safety aim to raise public awareness about food safety, and change backward behaviors, customs and practices in production, trading and living which cause food unsafely, contributing to protecting human health and life; and about business ethics and responsibility of food producers and traders towards consumer health and life.
2. Information, education and communication on food safety must be:
a/ Accurate, prompt, explicit, simple and practical;
b/ Suitable to the nation's traditions, culture and identity, religions, social ethics, beliefs, customs and practices;
c/ Suitable to each category of targeted subjects.

Thus, education and communication on food safety aim to raise public awareness about food safety, and change backward behaviors, customs and practices in production, trading and living that cause food unsafely, contributing to protecting human health and life; and about business ethics and responsibility of food producers and traders towards consumer health and life.

What do education and communication on food safety in Vietnam include?

Under Article 57 of the Law on Food Safety 2010 on the contents of information, education and communication on food safety:

Contents of information, education and communication on food safety
1. Providing, propagating and disseminating knowledge and law on food safety.
2. Providing information on causes and ways of identifying food poisoning risks, food-borne diseases and measures to prevent and remedy food safety incidents.
3. Providing information on exemplary models of safe food production or trading; recall of unsafe foods, and handling of establishments that seriously violate the law on food safety.

Thus, according to regulations, the education and communication on food safety in Vietnam include:

- Providing, propagating and disseminating knowledge and law on food safety.

- Providing information on causes and ways of identifying food poisoning risks, food-borne diseases and measures to prevent and remedy food safety incidents.

- Providing information on exemplary models of safe food production or trading; recall of unsafe foods, and handling of establishments that seriously violate the law on food safety.

Are food consumers prioritized to access information and communication on food safety in Vietnam?

Under Article 58 of the Law on Food Safety 2010:

Entities eligible to access information, education and communication on food safety
1. All organizations and individuals have the right to access information, education and communication on food safety.
2. Priority will be given to the following entities in accessing information, education and communication on food safety:
a/ Food consumers;
b/ Managers and executive officers of food production or trading establishments; food producers and traders;
c/ Fresh and raw food producers and traders and small-scale food producers and traders; inhabitants in extreme socio-economic difficulty-hit areas.

Under the above regulations, the entities eligible to access information and communication on food safety include:

- Food consumers;

- Managers and executive officers of food production or trading establishments;

- Food producers and traders;

- Fresh and raw food producers and traders and small-scale food producers and traders;

- Inhabitants in extreme socio-economic difficulty-hit areas.

Thus, food consumers will be prioritized to access information and communication on food safety in Vietnam according to regulations.

What are the forms of communication on food safety in Vietnam?

Under Article 59 of the Law on Food Safety 2010:

Forms of information, education and communication on food safety
1. Through competent state agencies in charge of food safety.
2. In the mass media.
3. Integration in teaching and learning activities at educational institutions of the national education system.
4. Through cultural and community activities and activities of mass organizations and social organizations, and other forms of public cultural activities.
5. Through food safety-related inquiry points at line ministries.

Thus, according to regulations, there are the following forms of information, education and communication on food safety:

(1) Through competent state agencies in charge of food safety.

(2) In the mass media.

(3) Integration in teaching and learning activities at educational institutions of the national education system.

(4) Through cultural and community activities and activities of mass organizations and social organizations, and other forms of public cultural activities.

(5) Through food safety-related inquiry points at line ministries.

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