Vietnam: What activities is the grassroots trade union's financial resources spent on according to the latest regulations in 2022?

I would like to ask, how is the grassroots trade union's financial resources allocated to spend on trade union activities according to current regulations?

What is the source of expenditure for care and training at the grassroots trade unions?

According to the provisions of Clause 1 Article 6 of Decision 4290/QD-TLD of Vietnam in 2022 on expenditures for direct care, protection, fostering and training of union members and employees at grassroots trade unions as follows:

"Article 6. Financial expenses at grassroots trade unions
1. Direct expenditure for care, protection, fostering and training of union members and employees.
1.1. Expenses for activities of representing and protecting legitimate rights and interests of trade union members and employees:
- Expenses for consulting activities to support the grassroots trade union to join with the employer in formulating the salary scale, salary table, labor norms, wage unit price, salary and bonus payment regulations; labor regulations, other regulations and agreements; collective bargaining, signing, dissemination and supervision of the implementation of the collective bargaining agreement; dialogue with employers to resolve issues related to employees' rights and interests; participate in the formulation of the State's regimes and policies related to the rights and interests of trade union members and employees; supervise the implementation of the law on labor unions.
- Expenses for consulting activities for employees on labor laws, trade unions, occupational safety and health, social insurance, health insurance and other laws related to legitimate rights and interests of the employees.
- Expenses for consulting activities to protect grassroots trade union officials who are discriminated against by employers because of the reason of establishing, joining or operating a trade union.
- Expenses for initiating activities, participating in the settlement of collective labor disputes and individual labor disputes.
- Expenses for activities to help grassroots trade unions organize and lead strikes in accordance with law.
- Expenses for activities of fire prevention and fighting, occupational safety and health, and environmental protection according to the Law on Occupational Safety and Health under the responsibility of the trade union.
- Expenses for organizing seminars on industrial relations; forms of propaganda and dissemination of labor laws, trade unions, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, occupational safety and health; training and refresher knowledge for employees on occupational safety and health.
1.2. Expenses to support travel and resort.
Coordinate with agencies, organizations and enterprises to participate in funding to organize for trade union members and employees to travel and relax.
1.3. Expenses for visits and allowances.
a) Paying visits to trade union members.
- Expenses for visiting trade union members who are sick, maternity, accident, family having filial piety (father, mother or wife or husband's side; wife, husband, children) and the filial piety of union members group.
- Expenses for visiting and giving gifts to union members on public holidays, Tet holiday, etc.; date of establishment of Trade Union organization July 28; giving birthday gifts to trade union members; giving gifts to trade union officials when they stop joining the grassroots trade union executive committee.
b) Allowances for trade union members and employees.
Allowances for trade union members and employees facing difficulties due to occupational accidents, accidents caused by risks, affected by natural disasters, epidemics, fires, fatal diseases, and influence of toxic substances Agent Orange causes damage to health or property.
The level of visitation and allowances for trade union members and those who are not trade union members shall be regulated by the grassroots trade union.
1.4. Expenses for encouragement and reward
- Pay bonuses together with other forms of commendation for officials and trade union members.
- Expenses to reward employees with excellent achievements at work.
- Expenses for rewarding children of trade union members and employees who achieve typical achievements in study and training (excellent, excellent) depending on each unit, the grassroots trade union executive committee issues specific regulations on Children of union members and employees are rewarded.
- Coordinate and organize activities on International Children's Day and Mid-Autumn Festival.
- Expenses for commending and rewarding specialized activities, rewarding financial collection in accordance with the General Confederation's regulations.
1.5. Training expenses
- Expenses for remuneration of lecturers, training for students, drinking water, materials, rental of halls, equipment for classes and other administrative expenses of professional skills training courses organized by grassroots trade unions.
- Spending money to buy documents, travel expenses for trade union members and employees sent by grassroots trade unions to attend professional training courses.
- Coordinating the organization of cultural and professional skills training for employees.
- Expenses for support for women with children under 36 months old who are sent by grassroots trade unions to attend training classes."

Vietnam: What activities is the grassroots trade union's financial resources spent on according to the latest regulations in 2022?

Vietnam: What activities is the grassroots trade union's financial resources spent on according to the latest regulations in 2022?

What are the sources of expenditure for propaganda and advocacy at grassroots trade unions?

According to the provisions of Clause 2 Article 6 of Decision 4290/QD-TLD of Vietnam in 2022 on expenditures for propaganda and mobilization at grassroots trade unions as follows:

"Article 6. Financial expenses at grassroots trade unions
2. Expenses for propaganda and mobilization of union members and employees
2.1. Propaganda and campaign expenses.
- Expenses for purchasing books, newspapers, magazines and publications of trade union organizations such as: Labor Newspaper, Labor and Trade Union Magazine, Occupational Safety and Health topics and books and publications of Labor Publishing House ... serving the propaganda and education of grassroots trade unions.
- Expenses for propaganda, political education, ideological education, common law and studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style.
- Spending paper money, pens, remuneration for propaganda activities on bulletin boards, radio, wall newspapers, information networks of grassroots trade unions.
2.2. Spending on developing trade union members, establishing grassroots trade unions, building strong grassroots trade unions.
- Expenses for propaganda and introduction about the trade union organization and the Charter of Vietnam Trade Union; working, discussing with employers about trade union activities, developing union members, establishing grassroots trade unions.
- Expenses for overtime training for trade union members, employees and trade union officials to directly meet, propagate and mobilize employees to join trade union organizations.
- Expenses for organizing the admission of union members, establishing and launching grassroots trade unions, rewarding individuals with outstanding achievements in campaigning for the establishment of grassroots trade unions.
- Expenses for activities to build strong grassroots trade unions; assessment and classification of members; classification of trade union divisions, trade union groups; organize training courses for divisional trade unions and trade union groups on activities of building strong grassroots trade unions, rewarding for building strong trade unions.
- Expenses for development of trade union members, establishment of grassroots trade unions, and building of strong grassroots trade unions, which have been spent by the superior trade union, the lower level trade union shall not pay.
2.3. Chi organizes emulation movement.
- Coordinate and organize emulation launching; conference to preliminarily summarize and summarize emulation and commend collectives and individuals for outstanding achievements in emulation movements.
- Organize meetings and praise typical and advanced collectives and individuals in emulation movements and trade union thematic activities.
- Expenditure on organizing contests for good trade union cadres.
2.4. Expenses for organizing cultural and sports activities.
- Expenses to support activities of the movement to build cultural units; prevention of social evils for trade union members and employees; expenses for employees to participate in cultural and sports activities; spending on summarizing cultural, sports and social evils prevention activities of grassroots trade unions.
- Expenses to support the purchase of means of cultural, artistic and sports activities.
- Expenses for fostering for the Organizing Committee, athletes and actors participating in cultural shows and sports competitions organized by grassroots trade unions and trade unions at all levels; spending on commending and rewarding collectives and individuals winning prizes in concerts and sports festivals organized by grassroots trade unions.
2.5. Spending on propagating activities on gender and gender equality.
- Expenses for propaganda activities on gender, gender equality and gender mainstreaming activities on population, reproductive health, family planning, and domestic violence prevention.
- Expenses to support the purchase of supplies and equipment for kindergartens and kindergartens at the unit (if any); support union members and employees whose children are sent to kindergartens and kindergartens.
- Expenses for propaganda and organizing activities on the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, Vietnamese Women's Day on October 20, Vietnamese Family Day on June 28, International Day of Happiness on March 20, Population Day on December 26.
- Expenses for activities of the Committee for Women and Public Affairs, the Grassroots Women's Club, the contest for good female cadres, thematic contest for female employees, and the movement to emulate good domestic employees.
2.6. Branches of grassroots and trade union congresses, including: decorations, celebrations, printing of documents, training for delegates, drinking water, conferences..."

What is the source of administrative management expenses at the grassroots trade union?

According to the provisions of Clause 3 Article 6 of Decision 4290/QD-TLD of Vietnam in 2022 on the sources of administrative management expenses at the grassroots trade union as follows:

"Article 6. Financial expenses at grassroots trade unions
3. Administrative expenses
- Meetings of executive committees, standing committees of grassroots trade unions, trade unions, member grassroots trade unions, and divisional trade unions.
- Expenses for purchasing stationery, property, working tools, minor repairs to the union's office, postage, communication, business trip expenses, drinking water, reception, fees incurred at the bank stores where the grassroots trade union opens a trading account.
- Expenses for means of transport: rental of means of transport, fees, ferries fees, etc."

What are the sources of salary, allowance and other expenditures at the grassroots trade union?

According to the provisions of Clause 4, Clause 5, Article 6 of Decision 4290/QD-TLD of Vietnam in 2022 on the sources of salary, allowance and other expenditures at the grassroots trade union as follows:

"Article 6. Financial expenses at grassroots trade unions
4. Expenses for salary, allowances and other payables according to salary:
Salary, allowances and other payables according to the salary of the grassroots trade union shall comply with Decision No. 3226/QD-TLD dated September 20, 2021 of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on the promulgation of Regulations allowances for trade union officials.
5. Other expenses:
- Coordinate activities with other socio-political organizations...
- Spending on completing the procedures for elite union members to be admitted to the Communist Party of Vietnam."


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