Vietnam: Table of technical classification of rural roads according to road function and design traffic in 2022?

I want to ask for the general regulations on the selection of rural road sizes to serve the national target program of Vietnam in 2021-2025? Summary table of technical classification of rural roads like? Thanks!

The connecting routes from the national highway system, the provincial road system and the basic requirements in selecting the technical scale of rural roads in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 1.1, subsection 1.2, Section 1, Chapter II, Guidance issued together with Decision 932/QD-BGTVT in 2022, providing for the promulgation of "Guidelines for the implementation of national criteria on new rural communes/agricultural communes" enhanced villages and new rural districts/newly enhanced rural districts for the period of 2021-2025" as follows:

"1. General Rules
1.1. Rural roads include routes connecting national highways and provincial roads to villages, hamlets, fields, farms, production facilities, livestock breeding, etc. to serve production. Agriculture - Forestry - Fisheries and socio-economic development of localities, see Appendix A.
1.2. The selection of the technical scale of the highway should be considered and based on the following basic requirements:
Conform to the regional and local traffic development planning approved by the competent authority;
Meeting immediate requirements and taking into account the orientation of sustainable and long-term development in many aspects of the local economy, society, culture and environment;
The investment divergence plan must be considered so that when upgrading and renovating to make the most of the diverging bridges and culverts. When implementing the divergence plan, consideration must be given to the reserve of land for future completion of works;
Closely combine the transport network with the planning of irrigation for irrigation, the system of power transmission lines, and wireline communication..."

Thus, general regulations on routes connecting national highways and provincial roads and basic requirements in selecting technical scale of rural roads are specified as above.

Vietnam: Table of technical classification of rural roads according to road function and design traffic in 2022?

Vietnam: Table of technical classification of rural roads according to road function and design traffic in 2022?

How to choose the technical class of the route, determine the design traffic volume and axle load of Vietnam?

Pursuant to sub-section 1.3, sub-section 1.4, sub-section 1.5, sub-section 1.6, Section 1, Chapter II of Guidelines promulgated together with Decision 932/QD-BGTVT in 2022 stipulating the selection of technical grades of the route, determine Design vehicle traffic and axle load for the period 2021-2025 are:

"1.3. The selection of the technical class of the route depends on the function of the road and the design traffic volume (Nn) as guided in Table 1; the determination of the design traffic volume and axle load according to instructions are in Appendix B.
1.4. For economic zones that are developed or have a large volume of passenger and cargo transport (agricultural production, breeding, processing and processing zones for agricultural, forestry, aquatic and marine products; industrial crop growing areas; wings). large sample fields; salt fields; craft villages; farms and similar facilities), can choose to apply one of three technical grades (grade VI, grade V or grade IV) according to TCVN 4054:2005 for rural roads. The basis for choosing to apply technical levels according to TCVN 4054:2005 for traffic roads is based on two basic parameters, which are:
- Design traffic volume (Nn) ≥ 200 xqd/day; 6
- Vehicles with axle load from more than 6000 kg to 10000 kg account for more than 10% of the total number of vehicles circulating on the route.
1.5. For areas in the process of urbanization or in the planning of urbanization, it is necessary to choose to apply the type of internal street (4-a) in TCXDVN 104:2007 "Urban road - Design requirements" " for the GT road.
1.6. When choosing to apply road grades according to TCVN 4054:2005 or TCXDVN 104:2007 for rural roads, they must fully comply with the requirements and instructions of the Standard, and the pavement design must also comply with TCCS 38. :2022/TCCBVN “Soft pavement - design requirements and guidelines” or TCCS 39:2022/TCDBVN “Design of ordinary cement concrete pavement with joints in traffic construction”

Thus, the selection of the technical class of the route, the determination of the designed vehicle traffic and the axle load is regulated by each developed economic region or having a large volume of passenger and cargo transport. together.

Summary table of technical classification of rural roads according to function of road and design traffic of Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 1.7 Section 1 Chapter II Guidelines promulgated together with Decision 932/QD-BGTVT in 2022 stipulating the summary table of technical classification of rural roads according to road function and design traffic as follows:

Thus, the summary table of technical classification of rural roads according to the function of the road and design traffic is specified as above.


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