Vietnam: Sample of teacher's education plan in 2022? Instructions for developing teacher education plans and lesson plans?

I want to ask for developing the teacher education plan and lesson plan according to Vietnamese regulations? What is the sample teacher education plan and lesson plan sample? Thanks.

Instructions for the implementation of the teacher's educational plan and lesson plan (curriculum) in Vietnam?

Subsection 3, Section II, Official Dispatch 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH in 2020 on formulating and organizing the implementation of the school's educational plan issued by the Ministry of Education and Training, guiding the implementation of the teacher's education plan and The specific lesson plan (curriculum) is as follows:

Based on the teaching plan of the subjects of the professional group, the teacher assigned to teach the subject in all grades will develop the teacher's education plan for the school year (according to the teacher's educational plan framework). in Appendix 3); on that basis, develop lesson plans (according to the lesson plan framework in Appendix 4) to organize teaching.

Students are not required to have cell phones for learning. Allowing students to use cell phones in the classroom to support learning is determined by the teacher directly teaching the subject; be specifically guided by the teacher in the activities designed in the Lesson Plan so as not to require all students to have a phone to use and ensure that the requirements are appropriate to the learning content.

Teachers specifically notify students to use phones only as a device to support learning activities and what students are not allowed to do when using phones in class, during class time.

Regular testing and evaluation is carried out in the process of organizing learning activities designed in the lesson plan through the following forms: question-answer, writing, practice, experiment, presentation, production. learning products.

For each form, when evaluating by score, students must be informed in advance about the evaluation criteria and orientation for students to study on their own; Focus on evaluating by commenting on the process and performance of students according to the requirements of questions, exercises, practical exercises, experiments, presentations, learning products specified in the lesson teaching plan.

Vietnam: Sample of teacher's education plan in 2022? Instructions for developing teacher education plans and lesson plans?

Vietnam: Sample of teacher's education plan in 2022? Instructions for developing teacher education plans and lesson plans?

Latest Teacher's Education Plan sample of Vietnam?

In Appendix III issued together with Official Dispatch 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH in 2020 on building and organizing the implementation of the school's education plan promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, a sample of the teacher's education plan is provided:

Download the Teacher Education Plan template: Here.

The latest lesson plan template in 2022 of Vietnam?

Regarding the sample lesson plan, it is in Appendix IV issued with Official Dispatch 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH in 2020 on the development and organization of implementation of the school's educational plan issued by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam that sample lesson plans are:

Download the Lesson Plan Framework: Here.

Here is some of the information we provide to you. Best regards!


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