Vietnam: Powers of the Vietnamese Communist Party division battalion and equivalent? Can battalions, and equivalents discipline Party members?

Hello Lawnet, I want to ask: In case a Vietnamese Communist Party member in the party division, battalion division or equivalent violates, which organization will have the right to discipline the party member? Thanks!

What tasks will the party division of the battalion and the equivalent of the Vietnamese Communist Party perform?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section IV, Appendix B of Regulation 59-QD/TW of 2016 stipulates:

“IV- Party division, battalion division and equivalent
2- Mission
- Leaders of the unit perform political tasks in accordance with the lines and viewpoints of the Party, policies and laws of the State, resolutions and directives of their superiors, resolutions of the Party congresses at their level, completing all assigned duties in all situations.
- To lead the building of a contingent of cadres, party members and the masses in the unit with solid political will, absolute confidence in the leadership of the Party, ready to accept and complete all assigned tasks.
- Leaders improve the quality of training and qualifications; combat readiness, combat strength, regular building, discipline training, and comprehensively strong unit building. Preserve, manage and effectively use weapons, equipment, logistical, technical and financial facilities in the unit, preventing loss, waste, fire and explosion. Well organize the material and spiritual life of the soldiers. Formulate and implement the Regulation on democracy at grassroots level.
- Work closely with the Party committees and local authorities at the grassroots level to mobilize the masses, participate in the implementation of revolutionary political campaigns, contribute to the construction of the political establishment and economic development. The socio-economic situation in the area where the army is stationed is strong, creating conditions for the completion of the unit's political tasks.
- Lead the construction of a clean and strong party cell and cell, improve comprehensive leadership capacity and combat strength. Strictly abide by the principle of democratic centralism and the regimes of activities of the Party committees and branches. Lead cadre work, inspection, supervision and development of new party members according to the Party's Charter and regulations and instructions of superiors. Leaders build strong mass organizations that operate in accordance with their functions and tasks.”

Accordingly, the Party division of the battalion and the equivalent will perform the tasks mentioned in the above content.

Vietnam: Powers of the Vietnamese Communist Party division battalion and equivalent? Can battalions, and equivalents discipline Party members?

Vietnam: Powers of the Vietnamese Communist Party division battalion and equivalent? Can battalions, and equivalents discipline Party members?

What are the rights of the party division of the battalion and its equivalent of Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 3, Section IV, Part B, Regulation 59-QD/TW of 2016 stipulates:

“IV- Party division, battalion division and equivalent
3- Powers
- To decide on the establishment and dissolution of affiliated branches.
- Approving the election results of Party committees, secretaries and deputy secretaries; appoint additional branch members of affiliated branches.
- Proposing or deciding to reward and discipline party organizations and members; manage and use party finances according to the Party's Charter and regulations and guidance of superiors. To decide to request the competent authorities to admit Party members.”

Thus, the Party division, battalion division and equivalent will have the powers according to the content of the above provisions.

What are the functions of the Vietnamese Communist Party's division of the battalion and the equivalent according to current regulations?

Pursuant to subsection 1, Section IV, Part B, Regulation 59-QD/TW of 2016 stipulates the functions of the party division of the battalion and the equivalent:

“IV- Party division, battalion division and equivalent
1- Functions
- Leading all activities in the unit.
- Research and propose to the higher level committees issues related to the performance of political tasks and party work and political work.”

Thus, at present, the Party's division, battalion, and equivalent units will perform the functions according to the above provisions.

Can Party members in battalion and equivalent divisions be disciplined by Vietnamese Communist party members?

Pursuant to Section 10 of Instruction 08-HD/BTCTW of 2017 guiding the powers of the party division of the battalion and the equivalent:

“10- Regarding the powers of the party, the division of the battalion and the equivalent (Clause 3, Section IV, Part B)
Regulation No. 59-QD/TW states: “Recommending or deciding to reward and discipline party organizations and party members”, specifically as follows:
- Consider and propose competent authorities to reward party organizations and members according to regulations and guidance of superiors.
- Consider and propose to discipline party members in the Party committee for cases falling under the authority of superiors. Decision to reprimand and warn Party members (including members of the Party committee at all levels and members under the management of superiors) for violations of political, ideological, ethical, lifestyle and party activities, performing party member tasks (except for tasks assigned by superiors).”

Accordingly, the party division of the battalion and the equivalent may only consider and recommend discipline of party members in the party in cases under the authority of their superiors.

In case of reprimanding or warning a party member in the party committee for violations of the political, ideological, moral, lifestyle, party activities, and performance of party member duties, the party committee of the battalion and the equivalent will have the right to decide.


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