Vietnam: Latest Citizen Identification Form (cc01 form)? Instructions for filling out the citizenship declaration form?
Under what circumstances is the Citizen Identification Form (form CC01) used according to Vietnamese regulations?
Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 7 of Circular 66/2015/TT-BCA (amended Clause 4 Article 1 of Circular 41/2019/TT-BCA) stipulates as follows:
"Article 7. Citizen Identity Form (CC01)
1. Form CC01 is used for citizens to declare information about their identity when requesting to issue, change or reissue citizen identity cards (including cases where citizens declare on online public service websites)."
Accordingly, the citizen identity declaration form (form CC01) will be used when citizens declare personal information when requesting to issue, change and reissue a citizen identity card.
Vietnam: Latest Citizen Identification Form (cc01 form)? Instructions for filling out the citizenship declaration form?
How do I fill in the citizenship form (form CC01) according to Vietnamese regulations?
Pursuant to Clause 2 Article 7 of Circular 66/2015/TT-BCA (amended by Clause 5, Clause 6, Clause 3 Article 1 of Circular 41/2019/TT-BCA and supplemented by Clause 8 Article 1 of Circular 41/2019/TT-BCA) as follows:
- Section "Họ, chữ đệm và tên", "First and last name": include full surname, middle name and first name according to the birth certificate; full-accented capital letters. Only include other surnames and names if there are other surnames and names on the birth certificate;
- Section "Ngày, tháng, năm sinh": record the date, month and year of birth of citizens who are issued, exchanged and reissued citizen identity cards. Date of birth in 02 digits; year of birth is in full four digits. For the birth month from 3 to 9 months with 01 digit, the remaining birth months with 02 digits;
- "Giới tính" section: if male gender says "Nam", if female gender says "Nữ";
- Section "Dân tộc", "Tôn giáo": indicate the ethnicity and religion of citizens who are granted, exchanged or reissued citizen identity cards as in birth certificates or ethnic and religious certificates of competent agencies;
- Section "Quốc tịch": record the nationality of citizens who are issued, exchanged or reissued citizen identity cards as in birth certificates or documents proving Vietnamese nationality by competent agencies;
- Section "Tình trạng hôn nhân": record the current marital status of citizens who have been issued, exchanged or reissued citizen identity cards, including: unmarried, married or divorced;
- Section "Nhóm máu" (if any): record according to the conclusion of the blood type determination test of the citizen requesting to issue, exchange and reissue the citizen's identity card;
- Section "Nơi đăng ký khai sinh": Record administrative names at commune, district and provincial levels according to the birth certificate of citizens. In case the birth certificate does not fully record the administrative place name at the commune, district or provincial level, the administrative place name shall be recorded according to that birth certificate.
In case the administrative place name has changed, the new administrative place name has been changed according to regulations;
- Section "Quê quán": Record administrative names at commune, district and provincial levels according to birth certificates and household registration books. In case such documents do not fully record administrative places at commune, district or provincial levels, administrative places shall be recorded according to such documents. In case the administrative place name has changed, the new administrative place name has been changed according to regulations;
- Section "Nơi thường trú": completely and accurately recorded according to the household registration book. In case a citizen requests to issue, exchange or reissue a citizen identity card on the official payroll of the People's Army, the People's Police are concentrated in barracks or collective housing according to the recommendation of the agency or unit issued to the citizen;
- Item "Nơi ở hiện tại": completely, clearly and accurately indicate the current residence of citizens in the order of house number, street; villages, hamlets, hamlets, villages, villages, merchants, phum, squirrels; commune/ward/town; districts/towns/cities of the province; provinces/cities directly under the Central Government;
- "Nghề nghiệp" section: specify the occupation being worked, in the case of active duty military personnel, leave it blank. Section "Education level": specify the highest level of education (doctorate, master's degree, university, college, intermediate, high school graduation, junior high school graduation...);
- Items 17, 18, 19, 20, 21: full name, middle name; nationality; citizen identification number or Identity Card on the corresponding items in the form (if any);
- Citizen's request section:
+ “Cấp, đổi, cấp lại thẻ Căn cước công dân": For cases of first issuance, write a new one; in case of damage, expiration of time limit or change or error of information on the citizen identity card or a citizen who requests to change the card, record the change; in case of losing the card or being returned to Vietnamese nationality, it shall be recorded;
+ “Chuyển phát thẻ Căn cước công dân đến địa chỉ của công dân": In case a citizen issues, changes or reissues a citizen identity card with a request to deliver a citizen identity card, write "yes" and write the full receiving address, contact phone number, if there is no request, write "no";
- p) Section "Ngày....tháng……..năm…….": specify the date, month and year in which citizens declare the declaration of issuance, exchange and reissuance of citizen identity cards.
How is a Citizen Identification Form (form CC01) currently regulated in Vietnam?
Currently, the citizen identity declaration form is made according to form CC01 issued together with Circular 41/2019/TT-BCA as follows:
Download the current citizen identification declaration form (form CC01): Here.