09:21 | 06/12/2022

Vietnam: Is there an auction for the license plate number of auto vehicles? What benefits will the winner of the license plate auction get?

Can auctioneers choose car license plates for auction according to Vietnamese regulations? What are the benefits of winning an auction in Vietnam? asked Mr. Manh Duc from Hanoi.

How is the choice of license plates of cars put up for auction carried out in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 2 of Resolution 73/2022/QH15 stipulating as follows:

License plates of cars put up for auction, holding property auctions
1. License plates of cars put up for auction are license plates of cars with white background letters, black letters and numbers, except for license plates issued to cars of military enterprises doing economics, cars of projects, economic organizations joint ventures with foreign countries, cars of organizations, foreign enterprises, diplomatic missions, consular missions, representative offices of international organizations and foreigners working in foreign and international agencies and organizations operating in the territory of Vietnam.
2. The selection of license plates of cars for auction is prescribed as follows:
a) The Ministry of Public Security and the property auction organization shall publicize the license plates of automobiles specified in Clause 1 of this Article that have not been registered or are expected to be newly issued on the national portal on property auction, the website of the Ministry of Public Security, the website of the Traffic Police Department and the online website of the group. property auction function;
b) Organizations and individuals may select license plates of cars of provinces or centrally-run cities to register for auction;
c) License plates of cars not selected for auction, license plates of unsuccessful auctioned cars shall be immediately transferred to the vehicle registration and management system for registration according to regulations.
3. During the implementation of this Resolution, the Ministry of Public Security shall select an asset auction organization among asset auction organizations with online auction websites, ensuring network safety and security conditions when connecting to the registration system, manage vehicles to organize auctions of license plates of cars.

According to the regulations on the Ministry of Public Security, the property auction organization will publicize the license plates of cars put up for auction that have not been registered, expected to be issued new on the national electronic information on property auctions, the portal of the Ministry of Public Security, the Traffic Police Department and the information page of the property auction organization.

After reviewing the information about license plates for auction, auction participants have the right to choose license plates from the provinces they want to auction.

Vietnam: Is there an auction for the license plate number of auto vehicles? What benefits will the winner of the license plate auction get?

Vietnam: Is there an auction for the license plate number of auto vehicles? What benefits will the winner of the license plate auction get?

How is the auction of car license plates regulated in Vietnam?

According to the content in Article 4 of Resolution 73/2022/QH15, there will be 03 forms of auction of car license plates as follows:

- The auction form is an online auction.

- The auction method is the method of paying the price up.

- The Government shall prescribe the order and procedures for auction of license plates of automobiles.

What are the benefits of winning the license plate auction in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 6 of Resolution 73/2022/QH15 stipulating as follows:

Rights and obligations of the winner of the auction of license plates of cars; recipients of transfer, exchange, gift, inheritance of cars with winning license plates at auction
1. Rights of auction winners of automobile license plates include:
a) Be granted a written confirmation of the license plate of the car winning the auction after paying the full amount of the auction winnings;
b) To register the license plate of the winning car at the auction associated with the car owned by them at the police agency where the license plate of the winning car is managed or where the auction winner registers his/her permanent residence or head office;
c) To retain the license plate of the car winning the auction in case the car is lost or damaged and cannot be used or transferred, exchanged or donated for registration to other vehicles owned by them within 12 months from the time the car is lost, damage that cannot be used or transferred ownership;
d) To be reissued the license plate of the car winning the auction, the written confirmation of the license plate of the car winning the auction when lost, blurred or damaged;
dd) Within 12 months from the date of issuance of a written confirmation of the license plate of the winning car at auction, if the auction winner dies but has not yet carried out the procedures for registration of the car to attach the winning license plate, the license plate of the winning car shall be transferred to the registration system, vehicle managers, heirs in accordance with the law on inheritance may receive the amount paid by the auction winner after deducting the costs of organizing the auction.
2. Obligations of auction winners of automobile license plates include:
a) Pay the full amount of the auction winnings within 15 days from the date of written approval of the auction results; Auction winnings do not include registration fees, issuance of license plates of cars;
b) Carry out the procedures for registration of cars to attach the winning license plate within 12 months from the date of issuance of a written confirmation of the license plate of the winning car; in case of force majeure events or objective obstacles, this time limit shall be extended but not exceeding 06 months. After the prescribed time limit, the winner of the auction of the license plate of the car does not carry out the procedures for registration of the car to attach the winning license plate of the auction, the license plate of the winning car is transferred to the vehicle registration and management system and the auction winner is not entitled to refund the winning amount of the auction paid;
c) Not to transfer, exchange, donate or inherit the license plate of the car winning the auction, except for the case of transfer, exchange, donation, to inherit the car with the winning license plate.
3. Rights and obligations of recipients who transfer, exchange, be gifted or inherit cars with winning license plates at auction shall comply with the provisions of law on the process of granting and revoking registration and license plates of road motor vehicles.

Accordingly, the winner of the auction of the license plate of the car will be issued a written confirmation of the license plate of the car winning the auction; registration of license plates of auctioned cars attached to cars owned by them; retain the license plate of the car winning the auction in case the car is lost, damaged and cannot be used or transferred, exchanged or donated for registration to other vehicles owned by him.

Resolution 73/2022/QH15 comes into force from July 01, 2023 and applies for 03 years.

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