Vietnam: Is it mandatory to register a trader's dossier when applying for a Certificate of Origin?
Is it mandatory to register a trader's profile when you want to be granted a Certificate of Origin in Vietnam?
According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 13 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP on this content as follows:
Article 13. Registration of trader profiles
1. An applicant for the first C/O shall apply register the trader profile with the issuing authority. An application for issuance of C/O is solely considered when the adequate and valid trader profile has been registered. The trader profile includes:
a) specimen signature of the trader’s legal representatives to be registered or authorized person who signs the application for issuance of C/O or signs the C/O, and specimen seal of trader using form No. 01 in the Appendix hereto;
b) a copy of business registration certificate (stamped as a true copy of the original by trader);
c) a list of manufacturing facilities producing the goods applying for issuance of C/O (if any) using form No. 02 in the Appendix hereto.
Thus, the above regulation shows that traders who want to be granted a Certificate of Origin for the first time are required to register a complete and valid trader profile.
Accordingly, in cases where the certificate of origin is applied for a certificate of origin in the next times, the trader is not required to register the trader's dossier.
Vietnam: Is it mandatory to register a trader's dossier when applying for a Certificate of Origin?
How to register a trader profile in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 13 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP stipulating trader dossiers as follows:
Article 13. Registration of trader profiles
1. An applicant for the first C/O shall apply register the trader profile with the issuing authority. An application for issuance of C/O is solely considered when the adequate and valid trader profile has been registered. The trader profile includes:
a) specimen signature of the trader’s legal representatives to be registered or authorized person who signs the application for issuance of C/O or signs the C/O, and specimen seal of trader using form No. 01 in the Appendix hereto;
b) a copy of business registration certificate (stamped as a true copy of the original by trader);
c) a list of manufacturing facilities producing the goods applying for issuance of C/O (if any) using form No. 02 in the Appendix hereto.
2. The trader profile shall be register via the electronic C/O issuance system at the address or another website of the issuing authority designated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Traders are recommended to register electronic trader profiles. If the electronic trader profile cannot be registered, the trader is entitled to submit the documentation to the head office of the issuing authority.
3. Any change to the trader profile shall be updated at or informed to the issuing authority with which the trader profile has been registered, before applying for a C/O. In the event that no change arises, the trader profile must still be updated biennially.
Accordingly, the trader profile to prepare includes:
- Register the signature form of the legal representative of the trader or the person authorized to sign the application for the Certificate of Origin of goods, sign the Certificate of Origin of goods and the seal form of the trader.
- A copy of the Certificate of Business Registration (with a copy of the original copy of the trader);
- List of goods producers applying for certificates of origin (if any).
At the same time, the above regulation notes that traders' dossiers are declared through the electronic certificate of origin management and issuance system at address or other websites of agencies and organizations issuing certificates of origin authorized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade encourages traders to register e-trader profiles.
In case it is not possible to register an e-trader dossier, traders are allowed to choose to submit the dossier at the head office of the agency or organization issuing the Certificate of Origin.
What does the merchant profile application form include in Vietnam?
The application form for registration of trader dossiers includes the forms specified in Clause 2, Article 13 of Decree 31/2018/ND-CP as follows:
- Form No. 01 specified in the Appendix issued together with Decree 31/2018/ND-CP:
Download form No. 01 registration form of the legal representative of the trader and the form of the seal of the trader: here.
- Form No. 02 specified in the Appendix issued together with Decree 31/2018/ND-CP List of goods producers applying for certificates of origin (if any):
Download Form No. 02 List of goods producers applying for certificates of origin: here