Vietnam: In order to become a senior specialist in monetary policy planning and implementation, what qualifications do banks need to have?

I would like to ask in order to become a senior specialist in monetary policy planning and implementation, what qualifications do banks need to have according to Vietnamese regulations? - asked An (Da lat)

In order to become a senior specialist in monetary policy planning and implementation, what qualifications do banks need to have in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Appendix II issued together with Circular 19/2022/TT-NHNN stipulating the qualification requirements for senior specialists in monetary policy planning and implementation, banks are:

- Training level:

+ Graduated from university or higher with a major or training major suitable to the field of work.

+ Have an advanced diploma in political theory or an advanced degree in political-administrative theory or have a certificate of political reasoning equivalent to the advanced level of political theory of the competent authority

- Fostering and certification: Having a certificate of fostering state management knowledge and skills for senior specialists (or equivalent) or having an advanced degree in political-administrative theory.


+ Have a period of holding the rank of main specialist and equivalent for 06 years or more. In case there is a period equivalent to the main specialist rank, the period of holding the main specialist rank is at least 01 year (full 12 months)

+ During the period of holding the rank of main specialist or equivalent who has presided over the development and appraisal of at least 02 legal documents or topics, schemes, projects or scientific research programs at the state, ministerial, departmental, sectoral or provincial levels that the agency employing civil servants is assigned to preside over the study, construction has been issued or accepted by a competent authority.


There is a decision of a competent person to appoint a drafting board, an editorial team, a legal document drafting team or a written assignment to preside over the construction of a competent person in case it is not required to establish a drafting board, editorial team, Drafting team in accordance with the Law on Promulgation of legal documents

There is a decision of a competent person to appoint a member of the Steering Committee, the Board of Directors, the drafting board of topics, schemes, projects and scientific research programs at the state, ministerial, departmental, sectoral and provincial levels.

- Personal qualities:

+ Absolute loyalty, trust, and serious observance of the Party's guidelines and policies, state laws and agency regulations.

+ High sense of responsibility for work, with the team, good work coordination.

+ Honest, frank, consistent but listening.

+ Calm, principled, careful, confidential information.

+ Ability to unite internally.

+ Withstand pressure at work.

+ Focus, creativity, independent thinking and focus

- Other requirements:

+ Ability to advise, formulate, implement, inspect and appraise guidelines, policies, resolutions, plans and solutions to related practical problems within the scope of assigned functions and tasks.

+ Ability to concretize and organize the effective implementation of the Party's guidelines and legal policies in the assigned field of work.

+ Ability to propose guidelines, build internal processes and solutions to solve practical problems related to the functions and tasks of the unit.

+ Understand and apply in-depth and advanced knowledge in the field of operation and implementation of bank monetary policy, skills in handling situations in the process of guiding, checking and supervising in advising, proposing and performing jobs according to job positions.

+ Understand and apply knowledge of research methods, organize, conduct research, develop documents, topics and schemes in the field of expertise.

+ Know how to apply basic and advanced knowledge in the field of monetary policy planning and implementation, banking, presentation and teaching skills to professional guidance.

+ Proficient in applying knowledge and techniques of construction and issuing documents to the job as required by the job position.

Vietnam: In order to become a senior specialist in monetary policy planning and implementation, what qualifications do banks need to have?

Vietnam: In order to become a senior specialist in monetary policy planning and implementation, what qualifications do banks need to have?

Senior specialist in monetary policy planning and implementation, what powers does the bank have in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Appendix II promulgated together with Circular 19/2022/TT-NHNN stipulating the powers for senior experts in monetary policy planning and implementation, banks are:

- Be proactive about the method of performing the assigned work.

- Participate in opinions on the professional affairs of the unit.

- To be provided with information on the organization's executive direction within the scope of assigned tasks as prescribed.

- Be asked to provide information and evaluate the authenticity of the information for the assigned task.

- To participate in meetings inside and outside the agency as assigned by the head.

What positions does the list of job positions on monetary policy planning and implementation include in Vietnam?

Based on Appendix I promulgated together with Circular 19/2022/TT-NHNN stipulating the list of job positions for monetary policy planning and implementation, the bank includes:

- Senior specialist in monetary and banking policy planning and implementation;

- Main specialist in monetary policy planning and implementation, banking;

- Specialist in monetary policy planning and implementation, banking.

Circular 19/2022/TT-NHNN will come into force from March 01, 2023.


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