10:55 | 17/01/2023

Vietnam: If a person moves to a new place of residence, does he/she have to register the new place of residence as permanent residence? When will permanent residence registration of a person be annulled?

If a person moves to a new place of residence, does he/she have to register the new place of residence as permanent residence? - Question from Quynh (Binh Duong)

If a person moves to a new place of residence, does he/she have to register the new place of residence as permanent residence?

According to Clause 4, Article 22 of the 2020 Law on Residence in Vietnam, then:

Procedure for permanent residence registration in Vietnam
1. The applicant shall submit their application to the registration authority of the locality where they reside.
2. Upon receipt of an application, the registration authority shall check and issue an acknowledgement of application receipt to the applicant; and instruct the applicant on how to complete their application if it is incomplete.
3. Within 07 working days starting from the date of receipt of an adequate and valid application, the registration authority shall appraise and update information on the new permanent residence of the applicant to the residence database and notify the applicant of such update; and provide a written explanation for the applicant if the application is rejected.
4. A person who has registered their permanent residence but is moving to another lawful place of residence and is eligible for permanent residence registration shall register their new place of residence as their permanent residence according to regulations of this Law within 12 months starting from the date upon which they become eligible.

Thus, a person who has registered their permanent residence but is moving to another lawful place of residence and is eligible for permanent residence registration shall register their new place of residence as their permanent residence.

Vietnam: If a person moves to a new place of residence, does he/she have to register the new place of residence as permanent residence? When will permanent residence registration of a person be annulled?

Vietnam: If a person moves to a new place of residence, does he/she have to register the new place of residence as permanent residence? When will permanent residence registration of a person be annulled?

What is the deadline for permanent residence registration at a new place of residence?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 22 of the 2020 Law on Residence in Vietnam on the procedures for permanent residence registration as follows:

Procedure for permanent residence registration in Vietnam
4. A person who has registered their permanent residence but is moving to another lawful place of residence and is eligible for permanent residence registration shall register their new place of residence as their permanent residence according to regulations of this Law within 12 months starting from the date upon which they become eligible.

Thus, within 12 months starting from the date upon which they become eligible, a person who has registered their permanent residence but is moving to another lawful place of residence and is eligible for permanent residence registration shall register their new place of residence as their permanent residence.

What are the locations not eligible for new permanent residence registration in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 23 of the 2020 Law on Residence in Vietnam stipulating locations not eligible for new permanent residence registration as follows:

- Places of residence situated in locations or areas forbidden from construction or encroaching protection corridors for national defense and security, transport, irrigation, dikes and energy, protection markers for technical infrastructure works and ranked historical - cultural sites, areas at risk of landslides, flash floods and pipe floods, and protection areas for other works as prescribed by law.

- Places of residence the whole floor area of which are located on illegally encroached land or places of residence located on land not eligible for construction as per the law.

- Places of residence issued with a decision on land use right revocation and decision approving plan for compensation, assistance and relocation by the competent authority; places of residence being houses the whole or a part of floor area of which is subject to a dispute or complaint related to ownership or right of use unresolved as per the law.

- Places of residence confiscated as decided by the competent authority; vehicles which are registered as permanent residences but the vehicle registration of which has been annulled or which do not possess the inspection certificate for compliance with technical safety and environmental protection requirements as per the law.

- Places of residence being houses issued with a demolition decision by the competent authority.

When will permanent residence registration of a person be annulled?

Pursuant to Article 24 of the 2020 Law on Residence in Vietnam, permanent residence registration of a person will be annulled in any of the following cases:

- The person is deceased or declared missing or deceased by the Court;

- The person resides overseas permanently;

- The person is issued with a decision on annulment of permanent residence registration according to regulations in Article 35 of this Law;

- The person is absent from their permanent residence for 12 consecutive months or more without registering any other place of residence as their temporary one or declaring temporary absence, unless they go abroad for any purpose besides permanent residence or serve a sentence in a prison, rehabilitation center or correctional institution;

- The person is permitted to renounce their Vietnamese citizenship or stripped of their Vietnamese citizenship or has the decision on grant of Vietnamese citizenship annulled by the competent authority;

- The person registered the place of residence that they were renting, borrowing or staying in as their permanent residence but has stopped renting, borrowing or staying in that place for 12 months and yet to register a new permanent residence, excluding the cases provided for in Point h herein;

- The person registered a lawful place of residence as their permanent residence but has transferred the ownership of this place to another person 12 months ago and yet to register a new permanent residence, unless the new owner agrees to let the person continue to rent, borrow or stay in this place and register it as their permanent residence and excluding the cases provided for in Point h herein;

- The person registered a place of residence that they were renting, borrowing or staying in as their permanent residence but has stopped renting, borrowing or staying in this place and is no longer permitted to register it as their permanent residence by the person allowing them to rent, borrow or stay in it; or the person registered a place of residence under their ownership as their permanent residence but has transferred ownership of the place to another person and is not permitted to register it as their permanent residence by the new owner;

- The person registers a place of residence that has been demolished or confiscated as decided by the competent authority or a vehicle the vehicle registration of which has been annulled as per the law as their permanent residence.


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