Vietnam: How long does a retail store apply presumptive tax when converting to an electronic invoice?

I am a stationery retailer that applies presumptive tax and switches to electronic invoices in Vietnam. I want to ask if the time limit for online tax declaration according to presumptive tax is similar to using paper invoices? Thanks!

How long does it take for a retail store to apply presumptive tax when converting to an electronic invoice in Vietnam?

According to Question 22 of the Electronic Invoice Manual No. 2 of the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department of Vietnam, the deadline for submitting tax declaration dossiers for presumptive households is:

- The deadline for submitting tax declaration dossiers for presumptive households is December 15 of the year preceding the tax year.

- In case the contracted household has just started doing business (including the household that declares and converts to the contract method), or the contracted household converts to the declaration method, or the contracted household changes its industry, or the contracted household changes its business size. If the business is in business in the year, the deadline for filing a tax return of a presumptive household is the 10th day from the date of starting the business, changing the tax calculation method, changing the industry, or changing the business scale.

- The time limit for submitting tax declaration dossiers for presumptive households using invoices issued by the tax agency or retailing according to each arising time is the 10th day from the date of generating the required receipt.

Vietnam: How long does a retail store apply presumptive tax when converting to an electronic invoice?

Vietnam: How long does a retail store apply presumptive tax when converting to an electronic invoice?

What is included in a tax return for a presumptive household according to Vietnamese regulations?

According to Question 22, Manual on electronic invoices No. 2 of Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department of Vietnam provides guidance on tax declaration dossiers for contracted households, specifically:

- From November 20 to December 5 every year, the tax authority distributes tax returns for the following year to all presumptive households.

- Tax declaration dossiers for presumptive households as prescribed at Point 8.1, Appendix I - The list of tax declaration dossiers issued together with Decree 126/2020/ND-CP dated October 19, 2020 of the Government is the Declaration Tax on business households and individuals using form No. 01/CNKD issued together with this Circular.

- In case the presumptive household uses invoices issued by the tax agency and retails it for each time it is incurred, when declaring tax on the revenue on a single invoice, the presumptive household declares tax on each arising and uses the tax return. for business households and individuals, according to to form No. 01/CNKD issued together with this Circular, they must present and submit together with the tax return the following documents:

- A copy of the economic contract for the provision of goods and services in the same industry as the business of the contracted household;

- A copy of the minutes of acceptance and liquidation of the contract;

- Copies of documents proving the origin of goods or services such as:

+ A list of agricultural products, if they are domestic agricultural products; A list of goods purchased, sold, and exchanged by border residents if they are imported by border residents;

+ Invoice delivered by the seller if the goods are imported and purchased from a domestic business organization or individual;

+ Relevant documents to prove if the goods are self-produced or provided by individuals;...

- Tax authorities have the right to request the presentation of the original for comparison and confirmation of the accuracy of the copy against the original.

What is the proposal for the issuance of invoices for contracted households in Vietnam?

According to Question 22, Manual on electronic invoices No. 2 of Ho Chi Minh City Tax Department provides guidance on tax declaration dossiers for contracted households, specifically as follows:

- Business households and individuals (HKD, CNKD) paying presumptive tax, if they want to get invoices delivered to customers, send an application for invoice issuance, made according to to form 06/DN-PSDT, to the tax authority via the portal. If you make an electronic payment of the General Department of Taxation at the address: and declare and pay tax, you will be issued an electronic invoice with the tax authority's code by the tax authority each time it is incurred.

Application for issuance of an electronic invoice with the tax authority's code: Form 06/DN-PSĐT issued together with Decree 123/2020/ND-CP is prescribed:

Download the form above: Here.

Download Handbook on Electronic Invoice No. 2: Here.


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