01:15 | 17/03/2022

Vietnam: How is the overseas education consulting training program guided according to Circular 01/2022/TT-BGDDT?

How is the overseas education consulting training program guided according to Circular 01/2022/TT-BGDDT? I heard that the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has just issued a new Circular on this issue and would like to learn about it for more information.

What is the objectives of the overseas education consulting training program?

According to the instructions in Section III of the Program enclosed with Circular 01/2022/TT-BGDDT of Vietnam on the objectives of the overseas education consulting training program as follows:

(1) General objectives

Equip learners with basic knowledge regarding regulations and law on education and vocational education; specialized knowledge and professional skills necessary regarding overseas education consulting operation; the ability to utilize acquired skills and knowledge when giving advice on overseas education.

(2) Specific objectives

A learner, after completing the training, can:

- Grasp all principles and policies of the Communist Party and regulations and law of the State in education and vocational education; legislative documents on education and vocational education; relevant regulations and law relating to overseas education consulting operation; bridged training and recognition of certificates; regulations and law on immigration.

- Grasp and utilize basic knowledge regarding education and vocational systems of Vietnam and other countries/territories; overseas education consulting operation; basic knowledge regarding culture and tradition of host countries/territories and skills required in order to provide overseas education consulting service.

- Comply with applicable regulations and law, assume responsibilities and professional ethics during organization and implementation of overseas education consulting operation.

Vietnam: How is the overseas education consulting training program guided according to Circular 01/2022/TT-BGDDT?

Vietnam: How is the overseas education consulting training program guided according to Circular 01/2022/TT-BGDDT?

What are included in the contents of the overseas education consulting training program?

According to the instructions in Section IV of the Program enclosed with Circular 01/2022/TT-BGDDT of Vietnam on the contents of the overseas education consulting training program as follows:

(1) Volume of Training program

Total: 10 credits, 230 teaching periods, among which are 70 periods for theory teaching and 160 periods for discussion and practice (1 credit equals 15 periods of theory teaching, 1 period of theory teaching equals 2 periods of discussion and practice, each period lasts 50 minutes).

Training facilities may add to these basic program requirements if necessary depending on actual requirements.

(2) Training program structure

What are the requirements for the overseas education consulting training program?

According to the instructions in Section V of the Program enclosed with Circular 01/2022/TT-BGDDT of Vietnam, the implementation of the overseas education consulting training program must meet the requirements for each of the following specific contents:

(1) Enrolment

Training facilities shall adhere to Training program under this Circular in order to announce enrolment.

Learners shall apply for courses in accordance with enrolment announcement of training facilities.

(2) Training activity organization

- Forms of training: in-class training, in-class and online training. In which, online training time must not take more than 30% of total duration of a Training program.

- Language used in teaching and exams: Vietnamese.

- Training methods: presentation, discussion, scenarios, QnA, self-learning, self-research, and practical research. Increase the application of positive teaching methods in solving practical issues in order to assist future learning and working affairs of learners.

- Teaching - learning activities must combine theory and practice, knowledge, experience and practical skills.

- Ensure sufficient learning materials to allow learners to research in advance.

(3) Materials, lecturers, and speakers

- Teaching and learning materials

Materials are compiled and assessed in order to fit training program, forms of training, be scientific, and adhere to overseas study consulting practice.

Contents of materials must be practical and compiled in open format in order to enable lecturers and speakers to add and update new contents in legislative documents relating to overseas study consulting and practical experience in the lectures.

- Lecturers and speakers

Lecturers delivering lecture for the program include: lectures of training facilities whose professional titles are lecturer or higher, or managers, scientists who have professional titles equivalent to lecturer and experienced in teaching or engaging in work relevant to the contents about which they are invited for delivering lecture. Training facilities must ensure that at least 50% of lecturers engaging in the training program are full-time lecturers.

Speakers and visiting lecturers of training facilities; guests and experts from the authorities, diplomatic representative missions, international education and training organizations, consulting service providers must have experience in teaching or engaging in work relevant to the contents about which they are invited for delivering lecture.

Lecturers or speakers delivering lectures are responsible for researching materials, updating new documents, knowledge, and typical scenarios in order to equip learners with basic and practical knowledge and skills.

(4) Training result assessment and certificate issuance

- Exam and test organization

At the end of module 1 and module 2 of the Training program, a learner must take a mid-course test which lasts at least 60 minutes and comes in form of a writing exam. At the end of each course, a written exam which lasts at least 90 minutes or a multiple choice test which lasts at least 60 minutes will take place. Mid-course test and end-course exam shall be graded on the scale of 10 and shall be considered unqualified if graded below 5.

Learners who participate at least 80% of the duration of a module are eligible for mid-course test and end-course exam. Learners whose mid-course test is graded at least 5 are eligible for end-course exam. Learners may retake the test or exam 2 times if their mid-course test or end-course exam is unqualified.

Assessment of learning results of learners shall be made via mid-course test and end-course exam. End-course exam grade shall serve as the basis for allowing training facilities to issue certificate of course completion.

- Issuance of certificate

Learners whose end-course grade is 5 or higher shall be issued with certificate of overseas study consulting course completion. Training facilities shall issue certificates in accordance with the laws.

Form of certificate of overseas study consulting course completion shall conform to certificate form of national education system prescribed by Ministry of Education and Training. Printing, issuance, and management of certificate of overseas study consulting course completion shall conform to Regulations on degree and certificate management issued by Ministry of Education and Training.

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