Vietnam: How is the construction supervision report form regulated?

How is the form of the report on completion of construction supervision regulated in Vietnam? asked Vu from Quang Binh.

How is the construction supervision report form regulated in Vietnam?

Currently, the form of the report on completion of construction supervision is carried out according to the form in Appendix IVB issued together with Decree 06/2021/ND-CP as follows:

Download the report form of completion of the construction supervision work here.

Vietnam: How is the construction supervision report form regulated?

Vietnam: How is the construction supervision report form regulated?

Who will be responsible for the accuracy of the construction supervision report form in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 19 of Decree 06/2021/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

- Checking the relevance of the construction contractor's capacity for that stated in the bidding documents and construction contracts, including: manpower, equipment, specialized laboratories, quality management systems of construction contractors;

- Comparing the contractor's construction method with the approved construction method design. Approving the general safety plan and detailed safety assurance measures for specific works or those with high risks of occupational unsafety at construction sites;

- Considering acceptance of the regulations laid down in Clause 3, Article 13 of this Decree submitted by the contractor and requesting the construction contractor to modify those during the construction process to adapt to the reality and contractual terms and conditions. Where necessary, investors shall agree in construction contracts with contractors on authorizing construction supervision contractors to formulate and request construction contractors to implement the above regulations.

- Carrying out the inspection and grant approval of building materials, components, products and equipment for use in construction projects;

dd) Inspecting and pushing construction contractors and other contractors to carry out the construction works at construction sites as required by construction designs and construction schedules of the works;

- Supervising the implementation of regulations on safety management of construction activities; supervising safety measures for adjacent construction works and observations at construction sites;

- Requesting investors to adjust the detailed design whenever detecting any errors and irrationalities in that design;

- Requesting contractors to temporarily suspend or terminate the construction works when realizing that the construction quality does not meet technical requirements; construction measures are unsafe; violations against regulations on management of occupational safety cause or pose risks of occupational accidents or incidents leading to occupational unsafety; presiding over, and cooperating with stakeholders in, settling problems arising in the process of construction and cooperating in handling and mitigating consequences of incidents in accordance with this Decree;

- Examining and evaluating the results of test of construction materials, components and products during the construction process and other relevant documents necessary for the pre-commissioning test; verifying and confirming as-built drawings;

- Conducting the controlled experiment and quality inspection of construction project constituents, items and construction works according to the provisions of Article 5 of this Decree (if any);

- Carrying out pre-commissioning tests as prescribed in Articles 21, 22 and 23 of this Decree; inspecting and confirming the completed construction quantities;

- Performing other tasks prescribed in construction contracts.

According to the above regulations, individuals supervising the construction of works will be responsible for making reports on the completion of construction supervision. And the same organizations and individuals supervising the construction of works will be responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and objectivity of the contents that they have made in that report.

How is the content of construction supervision regulated in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 19 of Decree 06/2021/ND-CP stipulating the contents of construction supervision as follows:

- Organizations and individuals rendering the construction supervision must make reports on their construction supervision results that contain information specified in Appendix IV of this Decree to investors, and take responsibility for the accuracy, truthfulness and objectivity of these given information. A report may be made in the following cases:

+ A periodic report or a report made over stages of construction is required according to the provisions of Appendix IVa of this Decree. The investor shall regulate the formulation of a periodic report or a report over stages of construction, and the reporting time;

+ A report on the pre-commissioning test of the construction project at a stage, the pre-commissioning test of the completion of a construction package, item and construction work is required, subject to the provisions of Appendix IVb of this Decree.

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