Vietnam: How are discharges that cause general unsanitary conditions handled for administrative violations? What are the remedies for general unsanitary acts?

My family and my family's motel rooms have been suffering from stinking for the past 3 years due to waste from Mrs. A's family and Mrs. A's motel rooms (due to the family's land and lower family rooms). My family has also taken measures to cut out 1 motel room to avoid stink but still ineffective. My family has also worked with Mrs. A, but Mrs. A has deliberately avoided and refused to cooperate in solving this polluting problem. Let me ask: which agency should I go to to be able to solve this problem in Vietnam?

How are fines for violations of regulations on general hygiene handled in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clauses 1 and 2, Article 7 of Decree 167/2013/ND-CP, the fines for pouring water or letting water flow into the collective area to cause general unsanitary conditions are as follows:

Article 7. Violation of regulations on keeping general sanitation
1. A caution or a fine of between VND 100,000 and 300,000 shall be imposed for one of the acts as follows:
a) Failing to comply with regulations on sweeping garbage and clearing sewer obstruction around houses, agencies, enterprises and barracks causing the general unsanitation;
b) Pouring water or leaving water run out to the collective area, roadway, pavement, railway station, bus station, on means of transportation or other places to cause loss of general sanitation;
c) Urinating or defecating in the streets, on the common walkways in public areas and residential areas;
d) Leaving cattle, poultry or other animals defecate in public places;
dd) Collecting and transporting garbage and waste by rudimentary vehicles in cities and towns with scattering or without sanitation assurance;
e) Raising cattle and poultry and animal causing loss of general sanitation in residential areas;
2. A fine of between VND 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 shall be imposed for one the acts as follows:
a) Pouring or throwing waster, dirt or other substances to smear houses, offices, workplaces and business and production place of others;
b) Arbitrarily burning garbage, waste, toxic substance or hazardous substances in residential or public areas;
c) Disposing garbage and waste or anything into the manhole and public water drainage system, on pavement and roadway;
d) Disposing garbage or waste and animal body or anythingelse causing pollution at public places or places with fountain, drinking water well, ponds, lakes where people use water for living activities.

Vietnam: How are discharges that cause general unsanitary conditions handled for administrative violations? What are the remedies for general unsanitary acts?

Vietnam: How are discharges that cause general unsanitary conditions handled for administrative violations? What are the remedies for general unsanitary acts?

What are the remedies for general unsanitary acts in Vietnam?

For each act affecting general hygiene, there are 02 remedies mentioned in Clause 3 Article 7 of Decree 167/2013/ND-CP as follows:

- Forcibly take measures to remedy environmental pollution for the following acts:

+ Pouring water or allowing water to flow to collective areas, roadways, sidewalks, railway stations, bus stations, on public transport or in other places causing general unsanitary conditions;

+ Urination and defecation on streets, on common paths in public areas and residential areas;

+ Let livestock, poultry or domestic animals defecate in public places;

+ Taking and transporting garbage and waste by rudimentary means of transport in cities and towns to scatter or fail to ensure hygiene;

+ Raising livestock, poultry and animals causing general unsanitary conditions in residential areas.

+ Arbitrarily burning garbage, waste, toxins or other dangerous substances in residential areas and public places;

+ Leave garbage, waste, animal carcasses or anything else that pollutes public places or places with faucets, wells, ponds, lagoons and lakes that people often use in their daily activities to cause unsanitary conditions.

- Forcibly restored to the original status for the following behavior:

+ Dumping or throwing waste, dirt or other substances that contaminate other people's houses, offices, workplaces, places of production and business;

+ Dumping garbage, waste or anything else into manholes, public drainage systems, on sidewalks, roadways;

Who has the authority to sanction administrative violations on issues that cause general unsanitary conditions in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 66 and Article 67 of Decree 167/2013/ND-CP, when administrative violations occur in the field of security, social order and safety, the sanctioning authority and sanctions are prescribed as follows:

- People's Police soldiers on duty have the right to:

+ Caution;

+ Fine up to VND 400,000.

- Station Captains, Captains, Captains of Waterway Police of People's Police Soldiers on duty have the right to:

+ Caution;

+ Fine up to VND 1,200,000.

- The head of the commune-level police, the head of the police station, the head of the police station at the border gate and export processing zone have the right to:

+ Caution;

+ Fine up to VND 2,000,000.

- The chairman of the commune-level People's Committee has the right to:

+ Caution;

+ Fine up to VND 4,000,000.

- The chairman of the district-level People's Committee has the right to:

+ Caution;

+ Fine up to VND 20,000,000.

Thus, allowing water to flow to the collective area to disturb the general sanitation of your neighbors can be reported to the competent authorities to sanction administrative violations in the field of security, social order and safety as mentioned in the above article.


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