Vietnam: Form of application for issuance, exchange and reissuance of certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting services in 2022?

I want to ask for a form of application for a Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting services in Vietnam 2022? Quoc from Binh Dinh.

Form of application for issuance, exchange and reissuance of certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting services in Vietnam 2022?

Pursuant to the provisions of Form No. PC33, Appendix IX issued together with Decree 136/2020/ND-CP, the form of application for issuance, exchange and reissuance of the Certificate of eligibility for provision of fire prevention and fighting services in 2022 is as follows:

View details and download the form of application for certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting services in 2022 at: Form NO. PC33 Appendix IX issued together with Decree 136/2020/ND-CP.

Vietnam: Form of application for issuance, exchange and reissuance of certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting services in 2022?

Vietnam: Form of application for issuance, exchange and reissuance of certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting services in 2022?

Instructions on how to write a form of application for a Certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting services in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Form NO. PC33, Appendix IX issued together with Decree 136/2020/ND-CP, instructions on how to record a form of request for certification of eligibility for provision of fire prevention and fighting services:

- At position No. (1) in the form: write the name of the fire prevention and fighting service business;

- At position No. (2) in the application form: indicate the police agency competent to issue the certificate;

- At position number (3) in the form:

Name one of the following documents: Certificate of business registration; Investment registration certificate; Certificate of operation registration of branches and units under the enterprise; Certificate of registration of cooperatives and cooperative unions; Certificate of registration of branches and business locations of cooperatives or cooperative unions; Operation license of competent State management agencies of Vietnam; Certificate of business household registration; a written establishment or permission to operate accompanied by a written notice of tax code for a non-business unit;

- At position number (4) in the form:

Clearly state the field of operation (design consultancy, appraisal consultancy, supervision consultancy, inspection consultancy, technical inspection of fire prevention and fighting; consultancy on transfer of fire prevention and fighting technology; training and guidance in fire prevention and fighting; construction, installation of fire prevention and fighting systems; production and assembly of fire prevention and fighting equipment and equipment; trading in fire prevention and fighting equipment, equipment and supplies).

- At position number (5) in the form: indicate The position of the proposer.

What does the dossier of application for the Certificate of Eligibility for fire prevention and fighting services include in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 45 of Decree 136/2020/ND-CP, a dossier of application for a Certificate of eligibility for provision of fire prevention and fighting services includes:

Article 45. Certificates of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business
1. Application for issuance of a certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business includes:
a) An application for issuance of certificate of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting service business (made using Form No. PC33);
b) Degree or certificate concerning completion of a refresher course in fire prevention and fighting of the head or legal representative of the service business;
c) List of holders of a practitioner certificate in fire prevention and fighting consultancy suitable for the service business’s scope of service; and practitioner certificate in fire prevention and fighting consultancy and decision on employment or labor contract of each holder;
d) Written proof of availability of facilities and equipment necessary for business operations: certificate of ownership or agreement on lease of business location; list of equipment for business operations; certificate of laboratory quality and assessment of calibration of inspection equipment by the competent authority (for application for issuance of certificate of eligibility for technical fire prevention and fighting inspection consultancy).

Thus, the dossier of application for a Certificate of eligibility for provision of fire prevention and fighting services, including the following 04 types of documents:

- A written request for a Certificate of eligibility for provision of fire prevention and fighting services (according to the form);

- Diploma or Certificate of fostering knowledge of fire prevention and fighting of the head or legal representative;

- List of individuals with fire prevention and fighting consulting practice certificates (accompanied by fire prevention and fighting consulting practice certificates and recruitment decisions or labor contracts of each individual);

- Written proof of conditions of facilities, means and equipment to ensure business activities.


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