Vietnam: 2022 Enlistment Volunteer Form? Conditions to be considered for military service?

"I want to ask how to apply for military service in Vietnam? What conditions need to be considered for military service according to Vietnamese regulations?" Van Linh from Binh Dinh

2022 Enlistment Volunteer Form of Vietnam?

Download the full enlistment form for military service: Here.

Vietnam: 2022 Enlistment Volunteer Form? Conditions to be considered for military service?

Vietnam: 2022 Enlistment Volunteer Form? Conditions to be considered for military service?

How to write a volunteer enlistment form 2022 in Vietnam?

When making an application for enlistment, citizens must make honest statements about their health situation and personal information. At the same time, in order to increase the persuasiveness when applying for enlistment, there should be a really good reason to enlist.

Dear: Military Service Council..: Write the name of the locality where the citizen lives or another local name where he wishes to participate in military service.

My name is: Write down the applicant's full name.

Date of birth: Specify the date of birth of the applicant.

Currently in: Indicate the specific address where the applicant is living.

Health status: Fill in based on the doctor's conclusions in the health certificate.

Personal circumstances: Clearly state the current circumstances of the applicant, studying or working, family situation...

The petitioner writes the date, signs and specifies the full name.

What conditions do you need to be considered for military service according to Vietnamese regulations?

To be considered for military service, citizens must meet the following conditions:

- Age as prescribed in Article 30 of the Law on Military Service 2015: citizens who reach 18 years old are called up to enlist; the age of enlistment is from full 18 years old to the end of 25 years old; citizens trained at college and university level who have been temporarily suspended from enlistment, the age of enlistment until the end of 27 years old.

- Meet the standards in Article 31 of the Law on Military Service 2015 as follows:

“Article 31. Requirements for conscription and service in People’s Army force
1. A citizen shall be conscripted into the army if he/she satisfies the following conditions:
a) Have conformable profile;
b) Strictly comply with the lines and policies of Communist Party, policies and laws of the State;
c) Have full health for service on active duty according to the regulations;
d) Have appropriate education level.
2. Requirements for service in People’s Army force are specified in Article 7 of the Law on People’s Army.”

In addition, citizens registering to voluntarily participate in military service need to meet additional standards in Article 4 of Circular 148/2018/TT-BQP as follows:


- Citizens from full 18 years old to the end of 25 years old.

- Male citizens with college or university level training who have been temporarily suspended from enlistment during a training course of a training level shall be recruited and enlisted until the age of 27.

Political standards:

- Comply with Joint Circular 50/2016/TTLT-BQP-BCA dated April 15, 2016 of the Minister of Defense - Minister of Public Security stipulating political standards for selecting citizens to serve in the Vietnam People's Army.

- For agencies, units and positions of privy importance in the Army; forces Of The Army, Ceremonies; Professional Military Guards and Controllers carry out selection in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Defense.

Health Standards:

- Selection of citizens with health categories 1, 2 and 3 as prescribed in Joint Circular No. 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP dated June 30, 2016 of the Minister of Health - Minister of Defense regulating the medical examination for military service.

- For agencies, units and positions specified at Point b, Clause 2 of this Article, selection shall ensure their own standards as prescribed by the Ministry of Defense.

- Do not enlist in the Army for citizens with type 3 eye refractive errors (nearsightedness of 1.5 diopters or more, farsightedness of all degrees); drug addiction, HlV infection, AIDS.

Cultural standards:

- Selection and enlistment of citizens with a cultural level of grade 8 or higher, taken from high to low. Localities with difficulties that do not meet the quotas for military delivery shall report to the competent authorities for consideration and decision on the selection of the number of citizens with grade 7 cultural qualifications.

- Communes in remote areas and areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions as prescribed by law; ethnic minorities under 10,000 people shall be recruited no more than 25% of citizens with primary school cultural qualifications, the rest are lower secondary school or higher.

Can female citizens freely participate in military service according to Vietnamese regulations?

Currently, female citizens are also registered for military service.

Clause 2, Article 6 of the 2015 Law on Military Service stipulates Female citizens of military service age in peacetime, if voluntarily and in need, are entitled to serve on active duty.

Currently, the professional professions of female citizens in accordance with the requirements of the People's Army have specified in Article 3 of Decree 14/2016/ND-CP including Finance; Accounting; Law: Economic Law; International law; Computers and information technology...

In addition, in order to serve on active duty, women must meet the conditions of age, health, culture and politics as described above.

Women who want to apply for military service must also make an application to the commune-level military command board for approval.


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