What are the grounds for determination of job positions and norms of employees by professional titles in health-related public service providers in Vietnam?

What are the grounds for determination of job positions and norms of employees by professional titles in health-related public service providers under the Ministry of Health of Vietnam? Question of An from Hue.

What are the grounds for determination of job positions and norms of employees by professional titles in health-related public service providers in Vietnam?

On February 17, 2023, the Ministry of Health of Vietnam issued Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT guiding the job positions, norms of employees, and the structure of public employees by professional title in the health-related public service providers under ministries, branches and localities.

According to that, the job position, the norm of the number of employees, the structure of public employees by professional titles are determined based on the basis and principles specified in Article 2 of Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT as follows:

Principles and grounds for determination of job positions, norms of employees, structure of public employees by professional title
1. Job positions, norms of number of employees, structure of public employees by professional titles are determined according to the principles specified in Articles 3 and 4 of Decree No. 106/2020/ND-CP September 10, 2020 of the Government on job positions and the number of employees in public non-business units.
2. The minimum number of employees in a medical examination and treatment establishment shall be determined according to the hospital beds approved by the competent authority, adjusted according to the average bed capacity of the last 3 years; in establishments in the field of preventive medicine and assessment establishments are determined according to the population size, adjusted according to the nature, professional characteristics, workload of each facility and geographical and economic characteristics. economic, social of each locality; in testing and inspection establishments are determined and adjusted according to the average number of tested samples per year; in Emergency Center 115 is determined according to the center's ambulance quota.
3. The norm of the number of employees specified in this Circular is the minimum number of employees required to be arranged by a public non-business unit in order to ensure the quality of medical services and the interests of public employees. , employees on working hours and rest times as prescribed by law. Depending on the workload and financial capacity, medical non-business units can arrange a higher number of people to work to improve the quality of medical services and ensure efficiency.
4. The norm of number of employees specified in this Circular is the basis for health facilities to develop annual plans on the number of employees.

Thus, in principle, the job position, the norm of the number of employees, and the structure of public employees by professional title are determined according to the principles specified in Article 3 of Decree 106/2020/ND-CP and Article 4 of Decree 106/2020/ND-CP.

The grounds for determining job positions, norms of the number of employees, and the structure of public employees according to professional titles are as follows:

- The minimum number of employees in a medical examination and treatment establishment is determined by the hospital bed approved by the competent authority, adjusted according to the average bed capacity of the last 3 years;

- In establishments in the field of preventive medicine and assessment establishments, it is determined according to the population size, adjusted according to the nature, professional characteristics, workload of each facility and geographical characteristics, economic, social of each locality;

- In the testing and inspection establishment, it is determined and adjusted according to the average number of tested samples per year;

- In Emergency Center 115 is determined according to the center's ambulance norm.What are the grounds for determination of job positions and norms of employees by professional titles in health-related public service providers in Vietnam?

What are the grounds for determination of job positions and norms of employees by professional titles in health-related public service providers in Vietnam?

What are the job positions of health facilities in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 3 of Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT as follows:

Job positions, norms of the number of employees, structure of public employees according to professional titles of health facilities
1. Working positions of health facilities comply with the provisions in Appendix I issued together with this Circular.

According to that, the job positions of health facilities include the following four groups:

(1) The group of leadership and management positions includes 18 titles as follows:

- Chairman of the Management Board

- Member of the Management Board

- Supervisory Board

- Deputy Head of Supervisory Board

- Commissioner of Control

- The Director of the Hospital/Director of the Institute has a hospital bed

- Deputy Director of the Hospital/Deputy Director of the Institute with hospital beds

- Director/Director of a Center of a Hospital/Institute with a bed

- Deputy Director/Director of the Center of the Hospital/Institute with hospital beds

- Head of hospital/hospital with hospital beds

- Deputy Head of the hospital department/hospital with hospital beds

- Head of department and equivalent position of hospital/hospital with hospital bed

- Deputy Head of Department and equivalent position of hospital/hospital with hospital bed

- Dean/Department and equivalent of the Institute, Center under the hospital

- Deputy Head of Department/Department and equivalent of the Institute, Center under the hospital

- Midwifery growth

- Chief Nursing

- Chief medical technician

(2) Group of job positions, professional titles, including:

Job positions medical professional titles with 26 titles:

- Senior Doctor (class I)

- Main Doctor (class II)

- Doctor (class III)

- Senior Pharmacist (class I)

- Principal pharmacist (class II)

- Pharmacist (class III)

- Pharmaceutical (class IV)

- Nursing (class II)

- Nursing (class III)

- Nursing (class IV)

- Midwives (class II)

- Midwives (class III)

- Midwives (class IV)

- Medical technology (class II)

- Medical technology (class III)

- Medical technology (class IV)

- Nutrition (class II)

- Nutrition (class III)

- Nutrition (class IV)

- Primary public health (class II)

- Public health (class III)

- Ophthalmic refraction (class III)

- Medical equipment technology (class III)

- Medical equipment engineering (class IV)

- Medical Secretary

- Clinical psychology

Job positions and other related professional titles: According to the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the field must be selected and included in the scheme and submitted to the competent authority for approval.

(3) The group of job positions, and professional titles are shared, including: Job positions under the guidance issued by authorized agencies.

(4) The group of supporting and serving positions includes: job positions under the guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs to be selected and included in the Scheme and submitted to the competent authorities for approval.

What are the norms of employees in health facilities in Vietnam?

The norms of employees at the health facilities specified in Clause 2, Article 3 of Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT is as follows:

- The norm of the number of employees is the basis for the health facility to develop the annual plan on the number of employees.

- Norms of the number of employees in health facilities by group of titles and by type of hospital bed, specifically:



Percentage of people/beds of the department

The ratio of people/beds in the whole hospital


Group of professional titles in medical and related fields


Emergency hospital bed


Health facilities of (class I) or higher



(class II) health facilities



(class III) health facilities



Bed for intensive care, post-operative resuscitation, anti-poison and neonatal


Health facilities of (class I) or higher



(class II) health facilities



(class III) health facilities



General hospital beds, other specialties


Health facilities of (class I) or higher



(class II) health facilities



(class III) health facilities



Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Department and operating room

4 people/operating table


Department of medical examination / polyclinic


Medical examination department/general clinic of (class I) or higher Hospital

6000 turns/year/ arrange 1 person


Medical examination department/general clinic of (class II) Hospital

5000 turns/year/ arrange 1 person


Medical examination department/general clinic of (class III) or lower hospitals and polyclinics belonging to other health facilities.

4000 turns/year/ arrange 1 person


Tooth chair

2 people/seat


Hemodialysis machine

0.7 people/machine


Paraclinical (including departments for diagnosis and treatment)


Health facilities of (class I) or higher



(class II) health facilities



(class III) health facilities



Pharmacology and infection control, environment, nutrition (general)


Health facilities of (class I) or higher



(class II) health facilities



(class III) health facilities



Group of professional titles for common use



Support and service groups (including labor contracts)


In addition, the above norm is used to calculate the number of employees as follows:

Number of employees (increase or decrease) = General norm mentioned above x Percentage of average bed occupancy of 03 consecutive years (increase or decrease) compared to the assigned planned bed.

Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT takes effect from April 5, 2023.


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