University exam in 2022: After getting the university exam scores, can candidates change their registered aspirations?

I salute you. Next month, I will start the university competition in 2022, I have registered 4 aspirations. Could you please let me know if I don't have enough points to pass the first choice, how will I change my wish? I would like to thank you.

Regulations on changing aspirations when taking the university entrance exam?

Pursuant to subsection 1, section I of Official Dispatch 1444/BGDĐT-GDDH dated April 14, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training, there are instructions as follows:

“I. Recruitment organization
1. For Departments of Education and Training:
a) Use the account and password provided during the organization of the high school graduation exam to enter data for enrollment in universities and colleges of ECE;
b) Organize the review and identification of priority areas for high schools and the equivalent, identify difficult communes, communes with special difficulties in the locality according to current regulations and Instruction No. 885/BGDĐT-GDDH dated March 8, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training;
g) Instructing candidates who wish to adjust their wishes for registration, only by online method:
- After the results of the high school graduation exam are available, each candidate is allowed to adjust the test registration for maximum 03 times within the prescribed time;
- Candidates who re-examine the exams/subjects will adjust their wishes to apply for the exam after having the results of the high school graduation exam;
- Candidates who adjust are not larger than the number of wishes registered initially, use the personal account and password provided to make the adjustment;
- Candidates who adjust more than the number of wishes registered initially or make incorrect adjustments to the contents related to priority subjects and priority areas must accurately declare information on Appendix 2 and submit it at point collect dossiers for additional funding equivalent to an increase in the number of aspirations compared to the number of requests initially registered, then use the provided personal account and password to make adjustments after The admissions officer shall update the candidate's number of requests with additional information on the Admissions Portal; (Note: candidates enter the correct CSDT code, industry/sector group code, and selection combination code according to the regulations of the CSDT. Any request written incorrectly will not be accepted by the software system and will be disqualified).
-The application collection point officer accurately updates the information on the Application for University Admission Adjustment Form; College of ECE and correcting errors in candidate information (Appendix 2) and is responsible for the updated information on the Admissions Portal; in case of entering incorrect information compared to the above form, must actively contact the candidate to adjust or re-adjust at the candidate's request and save the candidate's request for correction of errors;
h) Directing high schools to open computer labs with internet connection for candidates to use to register for admission and adjust their online application for admission.”

Accordingly, each candidate taking the high school graduation exam will have a maximum of 3 changes of admission request within the specified time. In case a candidate has a request for re-evaluation of exams and subjects in the high school graduation exam, the adjustment of the examination period will be made after the results of the re-examination are available.

Candidates who use their personal account and password to adjust their admission requirements are not allowed to adjust the number of wishes larger than the number of registered aspiration. In case, candidates want to adjust the number of admission requests that are larger than the number of registered candidates or correct errors in details such as priority subjects, priority areas, they must declare in paper form and submit it at the point of registration. collect records and then use personal accounts to adjust information after the staff at the records collection point update the information.

Besides, according to Dispatch 1444/BGDĐT-GDDHdated April 14, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training, candidates will be able to adjust their aspirations by online method after knowing their university exam scores.

Thi Đại học năm 2022: Mỗi thí sinh tham dự kỳ thi sẽ có tối đa 03 lần thay đổi nguyện vọng xét tuyển?

Thi Đại học năm 2022: Mỗi thí sinh tham dự kỳ thi sẽ có tối đa 03 lần thay đổi nguyện vọng xét tuyển?

High school graduation exam schedule in 2022?

On April 19, 2022, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Official Letter 1523/BGDĐT-QLCL guiding the organization of the High School Graduation Exam in 2022. In which, the Ministry of Education and Training has Announcement of high school graduation exam schedule as follows:

The software used in the high school exit exam?

Pursuant to Official Letter 1523/BGDĐT-QLCL dated April 19, 2022 on guiding the organization of the High School Graduation Exam in 2022, the Ministry of Education and Training has announced the software used in the exam. graduating from high school in 2022 as follows:

- Management software for high school graduation exam and admission to universities and colleges in 2022; Examination Support Software (referred to as QLT System);

- Software for marking multiple-choice exams.

Units must ensure compliance with the provisions of the Exam Regulations on assignment and management of personnel performing tasks using the QLT system, multiple-choice marking software, and the use of other information technology equipment and software. serve the stages of organizing the exam.

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