From June 26, 2022, preschool students will be able to organize fire drills in Vietnam at least once a year?

I have the following question: When children go to school from kindergarten to high school, they almost always focus on teaching cultural subjects, but forget about instruction and technical training sessions. viability. This leads to a relatively large number of students who lack important life skills such as fire protection. So does the Ministry of Education and Training have any plan to solve this situation?

Guide to equip students with knowledge and skills of fire prevention, students will be combined with the main educational program?

Pursuant to Article 2 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating the principles of conducting the work of instructing students on fire prevention and fighting knowledge and skills as follows:

- Ensure compliance with the Party's guidelines and guidelines and the State's laws and policies.

- The contents of education on knowledge and skills on fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue must ensure consistency among educational levels and training levels of the national education system and do not change the framework regulations. on the main educational programs of all levels and levels of training.

- Combine mainstream education with organizing educational activities

Thus, the implementation of the instruction program to equip students with knowledge and skills of fire prevention and fighting in educational institutions is ensured according to the above principles.

From June 26, 2022, preschool students will be able to organize fire drills in Vietnam  at least once a year?

From June 26, 2022, preschool students will be able to organize fire drills in VIetnam at least once a year?

In the near future, students will be able to organize fire drills in Vietnam right from kindergarten?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

“Article 3. Content of knowledge and skills on fire prevention and fighting and rescue
1. Contents of propaganda and education on the law on fire prevention and fighting and rescue.
a) Legal documents, directing documents and instructions on fire prevention and fighting and rescue in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training .
b) Responsibilities of all levels, branches, organizations, individuals and families in the work of fire prevention and fighting and rescue.
c) Dangerous nature, harmful effects and consequences of fire and explosion to individuals, families, communities and society.
d) Measures and procedures for fire prevention and fighting and rescue at home, school and community; responsible for reporting when there is a fire, explosion or accident.
2. Basic content, knowledge and skills on fire prevention and fighting and rescue and rescue are integrated into the core subjects specified in the preschool and general education curriculum. information issued by the Ministry of Education and Training or in training programs of higher education institutions.
3. Additional knowledge and skills on fire prevention, fighting and rescue are provided to learners by educational institutions in order to meet the specific requirements specified in Article 5 of this Circular, ensure ensure compliance with school conditions.
4. Contents of drills on fire prevention, fire fighting and rescue include: rehearsals for using fire-fighting means, rescue and rescue means (by actual equipment or model equipment), rehearsing plans for movement in case of fire and explosion incidents.
5. Time for organizing supplementary activities and drills on fire prevention and fighting: For preschool children, at least 01 session/school year is required. For high school students, students of continuing education centers must ensure at least 02 sessions/school year. For students, a minimum of 3 sessions per academic year is guaranteed.”

Accordingly, the content and knowledge of fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam will be integrated into the core subjects. In addition, fire drills will be organized from preschool to high school students and students. The content of the training program to equip students with fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam knowledge shall comply with the above regulations.

What acts are strictly prohibited in fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam in our country today?

Pursuant to Article 13 of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting 2001 (amended and supplemented by Clause 8, Article 1 of the revised Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting 2013) stipulating the prohibited acts in fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam activities. as follows:

“Article 13. Prohibited acts
1. Intentionally causing fire or explosion, causing harm to human life and health; causing damage to property of the State, agencies, organizations and individuals; adversely affect the environment, security and social order and safety.
2. Obstructing fire prevention and fighting activities; against people performing fire prevention and fighting tasks.
3. Taking advantage of fire prevention and fighting to harm human life and health; infringing upon the property of the State, agencies, organizations and individuals..
4. Fake fire alarm.
4a. Failure to alarm the fire when there are fire alarm conditions; delay the fire alarm.
5. Illegally producing, storing, transporting, using, trading in dangerous substances of fire and explosion.
5a. Illegally carrying flammable and explosive goods and substances into crowded places.
6. Construction of works at risk of fire and explosion, high-rise buildings, commercial centers without approved fire prevention and fighting designs; pre-acceptance test and put into use the works at risk of fire and explosion, high-rise buildings, commercial centers when the conditions for ensuring safety in fire prevention and fighting are not yet fully satisfied.
7. Appropriating, destroying, damaging, arbitrarily changing, moving or obscuring means, fire prevention and fighting equipment, signs and signboards; obstruct the escape route.
8. Other acts of violating the provisions of the law on fire prevention and fighting.”

Accordingly, the acts listed under the above regulations are prohibited acts in the current fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam work in our country.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BGDDT will take effect from June 26, 2022.

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