From June 25, 2022 will support tuition fees, travel, accommodation for students of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam participating in training, intensive training at home and abroad?

According to the current policy of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam, enterprises will be supported with costs in training, in-depth training at home and abroad. So what will this support cost be used for?

Support for the full value of consulting contracts on procedures for establishment, transfer, exploitation and protection of intellectual property rights in the country for small and medium-sized creative enterprises in VIetnam?

Pursuant to Article 22 of Decree 80/2021/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

"Article 22. Creative start-up support content for small and medium-sized enterprises
1. Support for the use of technical facilities, incubators, and co-working spaces
a) Support 100% of the cost of using equipment at technical establishments, incubators and co-working areas, but not exceeding 20 million VND/year/enterprise;
b) Support up to 50% of the cost of renting space at incubators and co-working areas, but not exceeding 5 million VND/month/enterprise. The maximum support period is 03 years from the date the enterprise signs the premises lease contract.
2. Support for intellectual property consultancy, exploitation and development of intellectual property
a) Support 100% of the consulting contract value on procedures for establishment, transfer, exploitation and protection of intellectual property rights in the country but not exceeding 30 million VND/contract/year/enterprise;
b) Support 100% of the value of consulting contract on building invention description, industrial design design, design of brand identity system but not exceeding 30 million VND/contract/year/ enterprise;
c) Support 100% of the contract value of management consultancy and development of products and services protected by intellectual property rights in the country, but not exceeding VND 50 million/contract/year/enterprise;
d) Support up to 50% of the value of consultancy contract on establishment of transfer, exploitation and protection of intellectual property rights abroad, but not exceeding VND 50 million/contract/year/enterprise.
6. Support in information, communication, trade promotion, and creative start-up networking
a) Free to look up information about the system of domestic and international standards and regulations; inventions, technological information, scientific research results; information on connecting creative start-up networks and attracting investment from innovative start-up investment funds at the Portal and websites of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, Provincial People's Committee;
b) Support up to 50% of consulting contract value for successful registration of accounts for selling products and services on international e-commerce platforms but not exceeding VND 100 million/contract/year/enterprise;
c) Support up to 50% of the cost of maintaining accounts on domestic and international e-commerce platforms but not exceeding VND 50 million/year/enterprise and no more than 02 years from the time the enterprise registers. successful account on e-commerce floor;
d) Support cost of venue rental, design and staging of booths, transportation of displayed products, travel expenses, accommodation and food expenses for representatives of enterprises participating in trade fairs and exhibitions. but not more than 30 million VND/year/enterprise for domestic events and not more than 50 million VND/year/enterprise for overseas events;
dd) Support up to 50% of the cost of participating in international competitions on innovative start-ups but not exceeding 30 million VND/contest/year/enterprise.”

Thus, the support costs for each content of activities in support of small and medium-sized enterprises with creative start-ups shall comply with the above provisions.

From June 25, 2022 will support tuition fees, travel, accommodation for students of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam participating in training, intensive training at home and abroad?

From June 25, 2022 will support tuition fees, travel, accommodation for students of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam participating in training, intensive training at home and abroad?

Contents to support small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam in innovation when training, in-depth training at home and abroad?

Pursuant to Article 15 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHDT stipulating as follows:

“Article 15. Supporting SMEs to start and innovate”
Innovative start-up SMEs are supported according to the content and level of support specified in Article 22 of Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP. Agencies and organizations supporting SMEs shall provide support according to the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of this Circular and a number of specific provisions as follows:
1. Support SMEs' trainees to participate in domestic and foreign intensive training and training specified in Clause 5, Article 22 of Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP, including: tuition fees, materials, meals, accommodation , travel (including airfare).
The contents of short-term intensive training courses abroad include: product formulation and development; commercialization of products; e-commerce development; call for investment capital; market development; connecting startup networks and other content according to the needs of innovative start-up SMEs.
2. Hỗ trợ DNNVV duy trì tài khoản trên các sàn thương mại điện tử quy định tại điểm c khoản 6 Điều 22 Nghị định số 80/2021/NĐ-CP, gồm:
a) For domestic e-commerce floors: payment fees, fixed fees and service fees must be paid by the seller to the e-commerce platform.
b) For international e-commerce platform: seller account fee, introduction fee, order completion fee, storage fee, product barcode registration fee, product design and photography cost , advertising costs on the e-commerce floor.
3. Support SMEs to participate in international competitions on innovative start-ups specified at Point dd, Clause 6, Article 22 of Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP, including: fees and charges for participating in the contest; eat and stay in the host country; travel (including airfare); transport documents, products and equipment for the competition.”

Thus, innovative start-up small and medium enterprises, when conducting intensive training and training at home and abroad, are supported on the contents according to the above regulations.

Criteria to identify innovative small and medium enterprises in Vietnam according to current regulations?

According to Article 20 of Decree 80/2021/ND-CP stipulating the criteria for determining innovative start-up small and medium-sized enterprises, the following provisions shall be applied:

“Article 20. Criteria for determining innovative start-up small and medium enterprises
The innovative start-up small and medium-sized enterprises specified in Clause 2, Article 3 of the Law on Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises shall be determined according to one of the following criteria:
1. Producing and trading in products formed from inventions, utility solutions, industrial designs, design and layout of semiconductor integrated circuits, computer software, mobile phone applications, and computers. cloud, new livestock varieties, new plant varieties, new aquatic species, new forestry plant varieties.
2. Producing and trading in products created from pilot production projects, sample products and perfecting technology; produce and trade in products that have won prizes at national and international start-up and innovation competitions and awards in science and technology in accordance with the law on science and technology awards. turmeric.
3. Having a technological solution or a new business model capable of increasing the enterprise's revenue by at least 20% for 2 consecutive years on the basis of analysis of market share factors and product development capabilities. products, services and competitiveness of the enterprise.”

Thus, the criteria for identifying innovative start-up small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam are made according to the above regulations.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHDT will take effect from June 25, 2022.


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