From July 22, 2024, what are regulations on organization of the Council for awarding the "People's Artist" title and "Artist of Merit" title at the grassroots level in Vietnam?

From July 22, 2024, what are regulations on organization of the Council for awarding the "People's Artist" title and "Artist of Merit" title at the grassroots level in Vietnam?

From July 22, 2024, what are regulations on organization of the Council for awarding the "People's Artist" title and "Artist of Merit" title at the grassroots level in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 1, Clause 2 Article 10 Decree 61/2024/ND-CP, the organization of the grassroots council in Vietnam is as follows:

(1) The grassroots council at units, including:

Theaters, professional art troupes under ministries, provinces, cities directly under central authority;

Academies, cultural and art training schools, film units under ministries, provinces, cities directly under central authority with functions of research, training, and creating culture and arts;

Specialized agencies for cultural and artistic activities of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

Cultural and artistic work management agencies under the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Defense;

Departments of Culture, Sports and Tourism or Departments of Culture and Sports;

Radio stations, Television stations, Provincial Radio - Television stations established by the head of the unit to review files for individuals (working or retired) as stipulated in points a and c, Clause 1, Article 2 Decree 61/2024/ND-CP.

- Number of council members: From 05 to 07 members;

- Composition of the council:

Chairman of the council: The head of the unit. In case the head of the unit has a file requesting the conferment of the title "People's Artist" or "Artist of Merit", the vice head in charge of culture and art of the unit is the Chairman of the council.

Vice Chairman of the council: The vice head in charge of the arts of the unit. In case the vice head in charge of culture and art of the unit has a file requesting the conferment of the title "People's Artist" or "Artist of Merit", the unit must report directly in writing to nominate a replacement.

Council members: The person in charge of emulation and commendation work of the unit; a reputable representative in the field of culture and arts, People's Artist, Artist of Merit of the unit.

- The council uses the unit's seal.

- The council has a Secretary Team established by the Chairman of the council.

(2) The grassroots council at the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism or Department of Culture and Sports is established by the Director of the Department to review files for individuals as stipulated in points b, d, and dd, Clause 1, Article 2 Decree 61/2024/ND-CP;

Individuals (retired) as stipulated in points a and c, Clause 1, Article 2 Decree 61/2024/ND-CP.

- Number of council members: From 05 to 07 members;

- Composition of the council:

Chairman of the council: Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism or Department of Culture and Sports. In case the Director of the Department has a file requesting the conferment of the title "People's Artist" or "Artist of Merit", the Vice Director of the Department in charge of culture and arts is the Chairman of the council.

Vice Chairman of the council: Vice Director of the Department in charge of culture and arts. In case the Vice Director of the Department in charge of culture and arts has a file requesting the conferment of the title "People's Artist" or "Artist of Merit", the unit must report directly in writing to nominate a replacement.

Council members: The person in charge of emulation and commendation work of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism or Department of Culture and Sports; a representative leader of the Union of Literature and Arts or local Literature and Arts Association; a reputable representative in the field of culture and arts; People's Artist, Artist of Merit in the field of culture and arts of the locality.

- The council uses the seal of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism or Department of Culture and Sports.

- The council has a Secretary Team established by the Chairman of the council.

Thus, from July 22, 2024, the grassroots council is organized into the grassroots council at units and the grassroots council at the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, or the Department of Culture and Sports established by the Director of the Department.

From July 22, 2024, How will the Grassroots Council for Conferring People's Artist, Meritorious Artist Titles be Organized?

From July 22, 2024, what are regulations on organization of the Council for awarding the "People's Artist" title and "Artist of Merit" title at the grassroots level in Vietnam? (Internet Image)

What are the Principles for awarding "People's Artist" title and "Artist of Merit" title in Vietnam?

Based on Article 4 Decree 61/2024/ND-CP, the principles for awarding the titles of People's Artist, Artist of Merit are regulated as follows:

- Implement according to the provisions at points a, b, and c, Clause 2, Article 5 Law on Emulation and Commendation 2022. To be specific:

Principles of Emulation, Commendation


2. Commendation is carried out according to the following principles:

a) Accurate, public, transparent, fair, promptly;

b) Ensure consistency between forms, commendation subjects, and achieved merits, achievements;

c) One form of commendation can be awarded multiple times to one subject; not commend for the same achievement multiple times with multiple forms; commendation should be based on the level of achieved merit;

- Councils at all levels are only allowed to present eligible cases meeting conditions, standards, procedures, and dossiers to the competent authority for consideration as stipulated in Decree 61/2024/ND-CP.

- Authors of music and photographic works cannot be conferred the titles of "People's Artist" or "Artist of Merit".

What are the Working Principles of the Grassroots Council for awarding "People's Artist" title and "Artist of Merit" title in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 3, Article 10 Decree 61/2024/ND-CP, the working principles of the grassroots council are regulated as follows:

- Individuals with files requesting the conferment of the title "People's Artist" or "Artist of Merit" do not participate in the council;

- The council operates according to democratic, public, and secret ballot principles;

- The council convenes meetings with at least 90% of its members present, including the Chairman or the authorized Vice Chairman of the council;

- The council reviews the process, duration of continuous or cumulative activities in the field of professional culture and arts; evaluates the reputation, expertise, and influence of each individual with files requesting the conferment of the title "People's Artist" or "Artist of Merit" according to the standards specified in Article 7 or Article 8 Decree 61/2024/ND-CP;

- The grassroots council only reviews files submitted by individuals as stipulated in Article 13 Decree 61/2024/ND-CP.

The grassroots council will operate based on the 05 working principles above.


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