From July 15, 2022, land rent exemption or reduction for investment projects on construction and infrastructure business of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks?

Welcome to the advisory board. As far as I know, the Government currently has a policy to support the transformation of established industrial parks into specialized industrial parks. What is the specific support policy here?

Encourage the development of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, ecological industrial parks, high-tech industrial parks?

Pursuant to Article 31 of Decree 35/2022/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

“Article 31. Development of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, ecological industrial parks, high-tech industrial parks
1. The State encourages and takes measures to support organizations and individuals to invest in new or transform all or part of an already established industrial park into operation in the form of a supporting industrial park or an industrial park. specialized industry, eco-industrial park, high-tech industrial park as prescribed in this Decree.
2. Investment projects on infrastructure construction and business and investment projects in supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, ecological industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks are entitled to incentives application according to geographical areas and sectors and industries and incentives applicable to investment projects in industrial parks according to the provisions of the law on investment and other relevant laws and approved by competent state agencies. the right to assist in administrative procedures, provide technical advice, promote investment, and provide information on investment cooperation as prescribed in this Decree.”

Accordingly, the State encourages and will take measures to support organizations and individuals to invest in new or transform established industrial parks into supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and industrial parks. ecological zones, high-tech industrial parks and have main incentives for investment and business projects in various types of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, ecological industrial parks, industrial industrial parks, etc. high tech.

Từ ngày 15/7/2022: Miễn, giảm tiền thuê đất đối với dự án đầu tư xây dựng và kinh doanh kết cấu hạ tầng khu công nghiệp hỗ trợ, khu công nghiệp chuyên ngành, khu công nghiệp công nghệ cao?

Từ ngày 15/7/2022: Miễn, giảm tiền thuê đất đối với dự án đầu tư xây dựng và kinh doanh kết cấu hạ tầng khu công nghiệp hỗ trợ, khu công nghiệp chuyên ngành, khu công nghiệp công nghệ cao?

What are the incentive policies for investment projects on construction and infrastructure business of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 32 of Decree No. 35/2022/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

“Article 32. Policies to encourage the development of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks
1. For investment projects on construction and infrastructure business of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks, including supporting industry subdivisions and specialized industrial zones hi-tech industry sectors and subdivisions:
a) To be exempted or reduced from land rent according to the provisions of the law on land;
b) To be given priority to borrow the State's investment credit, to apply lawful forms of capital mobilization in accordance with the law on enterprises, the law on credit and other relevant laws. ;
c) Be included in the list of projects attracting investment.”

Thus, for investment projects on construction and infrastructure business of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks, they will enjoy incentives such as exemption and reduction of land rent; give priority to private credit loans of the State; included in the list of projects attracting investment,…

In addition, in Clause 3, Article 32 of Decree No. 35/2022/ND-CP also stipulates the conditions for investment projects in construction and infrastructure business to enjoy preferential policies:

“Article 32. Policies to encourage the development of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks
3. Investment projects on construction and business of infrastructure of industrial zones specified in Clause 1 of this Article must satisfy the following conditions:
a) Investors implementing investment projects on construction and trading of infrastructure of industrial parks shall register the sectors and trades attracting investment in each type of supporting industrial park, specialized industrial park, industrial park; high-tech industry;
b) The ratio of industrial land area for investment projects in industries or trades attracting investment in industrial parks determined under Point a of this Clause must satisfy regulations corresponding to each type of zone. industry in Clauses 3, 4 and 6, Article 2 of this Decree;
c) The contents specified at Points a and b of this Clause and each type of supporting industrial park, specialized industrial park, and high-tech industrial park are specifically committed by the investor in the investment project dossier. invest in the construction and business of industrial park infrastructure.”

Accordingly, in order to apply the above-mentioned preferential policies, investment projects on construction and business of infrastructure of industrial parks must ensure these regulations.

Quiz preferential policy

What are the preferential policies for investment projects in the production of supporting industry products and investment projects that are eligible for investment incentives?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 32 of Decree 35/2022/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

“Article 32. Policies to encourage the development of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks
2. For investment projects on production of supporting industrial products, investment projects eligible for investment incentives in accordance with the law on investment in supporting industrial parks and specialized industrial parks , high-tech industrial park:
a) Enjoy incentives on corporate income tax, export tax, import tax and other supports according to the provisions of the tax law, the law on the development of supporting industries, the law on technology; and other provisions of relevant laws;
b) In case of manufacturing products on the list of supporting industry products prioritized for development according to the provisions of the law on development of supporting industries, they are assisted by a competent state agency to carry out procedures for identification of such products. receive incentives for a maximum period of 30 days;
c) To be given priority to participate in training programs, human resource development, start-up support, support for small and medium-sized enterprises and other programs implemented by competent state agencies.”

Accordingly, investment projects producing supporting industrial products, investment projects eligible for investment incentives under the provisions of the law on investment in supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, high-tech industrial parks will enjoy tax incentives and support; manufacturing products on the list of products to support priority development, they will be supported to carry out the procedures for confirmation of preferences within 302 days; prioritized to participate in programs on training, human resources, start-up and business support implemented by the State.

The above are a number of regulations on incentive and preferential policies for the development of supporting industrial parks, specialized industrial parks, and high-tech industrial parks.

Decree 35/2022/ND-CP takes effect from July 15, 2022.

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