From July 15, 2022, how to support the eco-industrial park in terms of scientific and technical development and technology transfer?

On May 28, 2022, the Government issued Decree 35/2022/ND-CP regulating the management of industrial parks and economic zones. I want to ask, how has the Government made regulations on policies to support the development of eco-industrial parks, what is the role of the provincial People's Committee? Sincere thanks!

Policies to support the development of eco-industrial parks?

Pursuant to Article 36 of Decree 35/2022/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

“Article 36. Policy on support and cooperation in the development of eco-industrial parks
1. Provincial-level People's Committees promulgate the following policies:
a) Support investment in new construction, upgrading, renovation and repair of technical and social infrastructure works inside and outside the existing industrial park fence to connect and support businesses in industrial zones, industrial symbiosis is carried out and converted into ecological industrial zones;
b) Support investment in new construction and investment attraction in ecological industrial parks;
c) Provide scientific and technical support and technology transfer for enterprises in industrial parks to improve management and operation processes, innovate production technologies to reduce pollution sources and reuse raw materials. , materials, water, energy, waste, scrap, efficient use of resources.
2. Cooperation in building eco-industrial parks
a) Enterprises in industrial parks cooperate with each other to use common technical infrastructure, social infrastructure, services, raw materials, materials and service inputs. manufacturing; reuse raw materials, materials, excess water, energy, waste and scrap of their own and other enterprises in the industrial park to reduce costs, improve operational efficiency and competitiveness;
b) Enterprises in industrial zones may cooperate with third parties to implement industrial symbiosis. Third parties include investors implementing investment projects in construction and infrastructure business of industrial parks and other enterprises by providing infrastructure works or providing construction and implementation support services. industrial symbiosis;
c) The participating parties agree on the form of cooperation and share benefits and costs according to the provisions of civil law.
3. The management board of the industrial park or economic zone assigns a public non-business unit directly under the management board or an appropriate unit to perform the function of building, providing information and database on use. resource efficiency and cleaner production; propose solutions and connect enterprises to implement industrial symbiosis; providing support services to convert or invest in new eco-industrial parks.
4. Agencies, organizations and investors are encouraged to build and provide information and databases on efficient use of resources and cleaner production in industrial parks to support and connect businesses perform industrial symbiosis activities.
5. Management boards of industrial zones and economic zones shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, building, providing information and databases on efficient use of natural resources and cleaner production in the locality. desk to certify, monitor, supervise and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of eco-industrial parks and eco-enterprises; fully, promptly and accurately update relevant information into the information system on industrial parks and economic zones in the locality and the national information system on industrial parks and economic zones.”

Accordingly, in order to develop eco-industrial parks, the provincial People's Committees have policies to support investment in new construction, upgrading, renovation, repair and technical and social infrastructure works. festival; scientific and technical support for enterprises in industrial zones to improve technical processes….

Từ ngày 15/7/2022: Ủy ban nhân dân cấp tỉnh sẽ hỗ trợ khoa học, kỹ thuật, chuyển giao công nghệ để phát triển khu công nghiệp sinh thái?

From July 15, 2022, how to support the eco-industrial park in terms of scientific and technical development and technology transfer?

Criteria for determining eco-industrial parks for investors implementing investment projects to build and trade in infrastructure of industrial parks?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 37 of Decree No. 35/2022/ND-CP stipulating the criteria for determining eco-industrial parks for investors implementing investment projects on construction and business of industrial park infrastructure career as follows:

- Comply with the provisions of the law on investment, the law on enterprises, the law on construction, the law on land, the law on environmental protection and the law on labor within 3 years prior to the date of registration. register for certification of eco-industrial parks;

- Ensure adequate basic services in the industrial park as prescribed by law, including: essential infrastructure services (electricity, water, information, fire prevention and fighting, wastewater treatment, services) other essential infrastructure services) and related services, supporting enterprises in industrial zones to implement industrial symbiosis;

- Develop and implement a mechanism to coordinate input and output supervision on the use of raw materials, materials, water, energy, chemicals, waste and scrap in the industrial park; make annual reports on results achieved in efficient use of resources, cleaner production and emission monitoring of industrial parks, report to Management Boards of industrial parks and economic zones;

- Annually, publish reports on environmental protection and social responsibility to the surrounding community, send them to the Management Board of industrial parks and economic zones and post them on the enterprise's website.

Criteria for determining eco-industrial parks for enterprises in industrial zones?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 37 of Decree No. 35/2022/ND-CP stipulating the criteria for determining eco-industrial parks for enterprises in industrial parks are as follows:

- Comply with the provisions of the law on investment, the law on enterprises, the law on construction, the law on land, the law on environmental protection and the law on labor within 3 years prior to the date of registration. register for certification of eco-industrial parks;

- Implement at least 01 industrial symbiosis and enterprises participating in industrial symbiosis in the industrial park apply production and environmental management systems according to the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Fit;

- At least 20% of enterprises in industrial zones apply solutions for efficient use of resources and cleaner production, resulting in savings in raw materials, materials, water, energy, chemicals, waste, and waste. materials and reduce emissions to the environment.

Criteria for determining eco-industrial parks for industrial parks?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 37 of Decree No. 35/2022/ND-CP stipulating the criteria for determining eco-industrial parks for industrial parks are as follows:

- The minimum ratio of the total area of ​​green land, traffic, technical zones and shared social infrastructure in industrial parks is 25% in the industrial park construction planning approved by competent state agencies. approved according to national technical regulations on construction planning;

- Having solutions to ensure housing, service works, public utilities for employees working in industrial parks.

The above are regulations on the development of eco-industrial parks and criteria for determining eco-industrial parks.

Decree 35/2022/ND-CP takes effect from July 15, 2022.


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