From July 1, 2024, how is the timeframe for issuing identity cards and the place of issuance regulated? Guidance on issuing identity cards from July 1, 2024.

From July 1, 2024, how is the duration and place for issuing identification cards regulated? What are the guidelines for issuing identification cards from July 1, 2024?

How are the duration and place for issuing ID cards regulated from July 1, 2024?

Pursuant to Article 27 of the 2023 Identification Law, the places for handling ID card issuance procedures are stipulated as follows:

- The citizen identification management agency of the district police, district-level town, provincial city, or city directly under the central authority where the citizen resides.

- The citizen identification management agency of the provincial police or the centrally-run municipal police where the citizen resides.

- The citizen identification management agency of the Ministry of Public Security for cases decided by the head of the Ministry of Public Security.

- In necessary cases, the identification management agencies stipulated in Clauses 1 and 2 of Article 27 of the 2023 Identification Law may organize ID card issuance procedures at commune, ward, commune-level town, agency, unit, or the citizen's residence.

The issuance time for the ID card is within 07 working days from the date of receiving the complete dossier. The identification management agency must issue the ID card (Article 26 of the 2023 Identification Law).

How are the duration and place for issuing ID cards regulated starting from July 01, 2024?

How are the duration and place for issuing ID cards regulated starting from July 01, 2024? (Image from the Internet)

How are the procedures for issuing ID cards from July 1, 2024?

Pursuant to Article 23 of the 2023 Identification Law, the procedures for issuing ID cards are stipulated as follows:

(1) Procedures for issuing ID cards for persons aged 14 years and above are as follows:

- The person receiving the application checks and verifies the information of the ID card applicant from the National Population Database, national databases, specialized databases to accurately identify the ID card applicant.

In case there is no information about the ID card applicant in the National Population Database, procedures for updating and adjusting information into the National Population Database must be carried out according to Clauses 1, 2, and 3 of Article 10 of the 2023 Identification Law.

- The person receiving the application collects phenotype information and biometric data including facial photos, fingerprints, and iris scans of the ID card applicant.

- The ID card applicant verifies and signs the acquisition form for identification information.

- The person receiving the application issues a notice of the ID card issuance appointment.

- The ID card is delivered to the location stated in the appointment notice; in case the ID card applicant requests delivery at another location, the identification management agency delivers the ID card to the requested location, and the applicant must pay the delivery service fee.

(2) Persons under 14 years old or their legal representatives may request the identification management agency to issue an ID card.

Procedures for issuing ID cards to persons under 14 years old are as follows:

- The legal representative completes the procedures for issuing an ID card for persons under 06 years old through the public service portal or the VNeID application.

In case the person under 06 years old has not yet registered their birth, the legal representative completes the procedures for issuing an ID card through integrated procedures with birth registration on the public service portal, the VNeID application, or directly at the identification management agency.

The identification management agency does not collect phenotype information and biometric data from persons under 06 years old.

- Persons aged from 06 to under 14 together with their legal representative go to the identification management agency to collect phenotype information and biometric data according to point b, Clause 1 of Article 23 of the 2023 Identification Law.

The legal representative of persons aged from 06 to under 14 completes the procedures for issuing an ID card on their behalf.


In cases where a person lacks civil act capacity or has cognitive and behavioral control difficulties, there must be a legal representative to assist with the procedures stipulated in (1).

In case of refusal to issue an ID card, the identification management agency must reply in writing and clearly state the reason.

When can one be re-issued an ID card?

According to Clause 2, Article 24 of the 2023 Identification Law, it is stipulated as follows:

Cases for re-issuance of ID cards

1. Cases for ID card renewal include:

a) Cases stipulated in Clause 1 of Article 21 of this Law;

b) Changing or correcting information such as surname, middle name, given name, date of birth;

c) Changing phenotype; adding facial photo or fingerprint data; verifying gender or changing gender according to the law;

d) Errors in the information printed on the ID card;

dd) Upon request by the ID card holder when the information on the ID card changes due to administrative unit reorganization;

e) Re-establishing personal identification numbers;

g) When the ID card holder requests it.

2. Cases for re-issuance of ID cards include:

a) Loss of the ID card or the ID card is damaged and cannot be used, except for cases stipulated in Article 21 of this Law;

b) Resumed Vietnamese nationality according to the law on Vietnamese nationality.

Cases for re-issuance of ID cards include:

  • Loss of the ID card or the ID card is damaged and unusable, except for:

(1) Vietnamese citizens who have been issued ID cards must complete ID card renewal procedures when turning 14, 25, 40, and 60 years old.

(2) ID cards that have been issued, renewed, or reissued within 02 years before the age specified for ID card renewal in Clause 1 of Article 21 of the 2023 Identification Law are valid until the next ID card renewal age.

** Resumed Vietnamese nationality according to the law on Vietnamese nationality.


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