From July 1, 2022, who will tax accounting in Vietnam apply to? What is the content of tax accounting work?

Hello advisory board: As far as I know, from July 1, 2022, new regulations on tax accounting in Vietnam will apply. So who will tax accounting regulations be applied to? What is the content of tax accounting work?

What is the tax accountant? Duties of tax accountants according to current laws?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 3 of Circular 111/2021-TT-BTC, the definition of tax accounting in VIetnam is as follows:

“Article 3. Interpretation of terms
2. Tax accounting is the collection, recording and recording of all tax amounts that are collected, collected, and still need to be collected, refunded, refunded by tax authorities. still have to refund, exempt, reduce, freeze or write off debts in the course of performing tax management professional activities."
In Article 5 of Circular 111/2021/TT-BTC, the scope and tasks of tax accounting work are as follows:
“Article 5. Scope and tasks of tax accounting work
1. Scope of tax accounting in the tax authorities' implementation of tax administration activities
Tax accounting is one of the tax management functions of the tax authorities, using the results of other tax management operations that have been completed to perform tax accounting work according to the following contents: prescribed in Article 6 of this Circular.
2. Duties of tax accounting work
a) Collect input information from tax accountants, prepare tax accounting vouchers according to the provisions of Section 1, Chapter II of this Circular to record in tax accounting books.
b) Compare and check the accounted data to ensure that it matches the input information derived from tax management professional records related to tax accounting.
c) In case errors are detected during the tax accounting process, the causes must be determined and handled according to the provisions of Articles 14 and 16 of this Circular.
d) Store, manage and provide tax accounting information and documents as prescribed in Article 9 of this Circular.
dd) Provide truthful, complete and timely tax accounting information and documents in accordance with the law on tax accounting and administration.
e) Tax accounting tasks are performed automatically by the Tax Accounting Module or by tax accountants according to their functions, tasks and authority on the Tax Accounting Module.
3. Duties of tax administration functional departments at tax authorities at all levels when performing tax administration activities
a) Process tax administration professional documents according to the provisions of professional tax administration processes promulgated by the Director of the General Department of Taxation, ensuring complete, accurate and timely information.
b) Controlling the data processing of tax management professional records on the tax administration application system of the tax industry in accordance with the Regulations on responsibilities for controlling and processing data on the application system. Tax regulations of the tax industry promulgated by the Director of the General Department of Taxation.
c) Take responsibility for the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of information provided for input information of tax accountants as prescribed in Article 12 of this Circular.
d) Compare and review data of tax administration professional records and tax management information with taxpayers to ensure completeness, accuracy and timeliness.
dd) In case of detecting errors, omissions or adjusting tax administration professional records related to tax accounting, affecting tax accounting information, they must be promptly handled and adjusted according to regulations. .”

Accordingly, tax accountants will perform the tasks, tasks and scopes specified above.

Từ ngày 01/7/2022, kế toán thuế sẽ áp dụng đối với những đối tượng nào? Nôi dung công tác kế toán thuế là gì?

From July 1, 2022, who will tax accounting in Vietnam apply to? What is the content of tax accounting?

Who are eligible to apply regulations on tax accounting in Vietnam from July 1, 2022?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 111/2021/TT-BTC stipulating as follows:

“Article 4. Subjects of tax accounting
1. Tax receivables, already collected, and still receivable: Reflects the tax amounts that are collected, collected, and still receivable by the tax authority from the taxpayer or the organization authorized to collect by the tax authority.
2. Amounts to be refunded, refunded and still subject to tax refund: Reflects the tax amount that must be refunded, refunded or refunded to the taxpayer or the organization authorized to collect by the tax authority.
3. Tax exemptions, reductions, debt freezes and debt cancellations: Reflects the tax amounts exempted, reduced, debt frozen or written off by the tax authorities.”

Accordingly, the above-mentioned tax amounts are subject to tax accounting.

Tax accounting in Vietnam will be based on what contents from July 1, 2022?

According to Article 6 of Circular 111/2021/TT-BTC stipulating as follows:

“Article 6. Contents of tax accounting work
Tax accounting is one of the tax management functions of tax authorities at all levels, which is performed continuously and systematically according to tax management professional processes on the Tax Management Application System. there is the tax accounting subsystem. Tax accounting work includes the following tasks:
1. Collecting input information of tax accountants, making tax accounting vouchers
a) Collecting input information of tax accountant is the job of tax accountant which is done automatically by the Tax Accounting Module connected to the Taxpayer Obligation Management Module according to the provisions of Article 12, Article 13, Article 14, Article 15 of this Circular aims to fully determine the accounting contents of each tax accounting account.
b) In case tax accounting books are not recorded through the process of collecting input information of the tax accounting module, tax accountants shall prepare tax accounting vouchers according to the provisions of Article 16 of this Circular.
2. Tax accounting bookkeeping is the job of tax accountants performed automatically by the Tax Accounting Module in order to record the input information of tax accountants and tax accounting documents in Clause 1 of this Article for accounting purposes. accounting and tax accounting, reflecting tax management professional activities arising in the tax accounting period, including opening, recording, closing and repairing tax accounting books according to the provisions of Section 3, Chapter II This Circular.
3. Making tax accounting reports is the job of tax accountants done automatically by the Tax Accounting Module or by tax accountants to summarize the results of tax administration activities of the tax authorities. at all levels (including tax amounts to be collected, collected, uncollected, refunded, refunded, refunded, exempted, reduced, frozen, and written off) according to the provisions of Section 4, Chapter II of this Circular.
4. Storing and providing tax accounting information and documents is the job of tax accountants to comply with the provisions of Article 9 of this Circular.”

Thus, the tax accounting work will carry out the contents of collecting input information, recording tax accounting books, making tax accounting reports, storing and providing tax accounting information and documents according to the following regulations. content specified above.

Circular 111/2021/TT-BTC takes effect from July 1, 2022.


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