07:46 | 23/07/2024

From July 01, 2024, how are the leadership position allowances according to the ranks of health service public providers regulated?

From July 1, 2024, how will the leadership position allowance levels according to the ranking of public health service providers be applied? Ms. B.T-Hanoi

From July 1, 2024, how is the leadership position allowance according to the classification of public healthcare service providers regulated?

On May 16, 2024, the Minister of Health issued Circular 06/2024/TT-BYT regulating the classification of public healthcare service providers.

Clause 1, Article 5 of Circular 06/2024/TT-BYT stipulates the leadership position allowance according to the classification of public healthcare service providers as follows:

See detailed Leadership position allowances at public healthcare service providers: Here.

*Note: The leadership position allowance for non-ranked public healthcare service providers is implemented according to the provisions of Circular 83/2005/TT-BNV dated August 10, 2005, of the Ministry of Home Affairs, guiding the amendment and supplementation of policies on salary raises and other salary allowance policies for officials and public employees.

From July 1, 2024, how is the leadership position allowance according to the classification of public healthcare service providers regulated?

From July 1, 2024, how is the leadership position allowance according to the classification of public healthcare service providers regulated?

Standards for classifying public healthcare service providers according to regulations from July 1, 2024

Article 3 of Circular 06/2024/TT-BYT stipulates the standards for classifying public healthcare service providers as follows:

(1) Groups of classification standards:

- Group I standards on position, function, and tasks: 10 points

- Group II standards on scale and scope of activities: 15 points

- Group III standards on manpower: 20 points

- Group IV standards on professional capability: 40 points

- Group V standards on infrastructure and equipment: 15 points.

(2) Specific standards and points are prescribed in the appendices issued with Circular 06/2024/TT-BYT.

- Appendix 1: Classification standards for medical examination and treatment facilities.

- Appendix 2: Classification standards for preventive healthcare facilities.

- Appendix 3: Classification standards for district-level health centers, district, district-level town, cities belong to provinces, cities belong to centrally governed cities;

- Appendix 4: Classification standards for institutes; testing and verification centers; drug, cosmetic, food testing centers at the provincial and centrally governed cities;

- Appendix 5: Classification standards for special-ranked medical examination and treatment facilities.

(3) Points and classification of organizations:

- Special rank: a first-class facility reaching 100 points and meeting the standards for special rank.

- Rank I: from 90 to 100 points

- Rank II: from 70 to under 90 points

- Rank III: from 50 to under 70 points

- Rank IV: under 50 points.

(4) Scoring method:

- Score based on specific standards in the score table issued with the Circular, no intermediate points, no points for incomplete data;

- Considering the ranking application documents based on supporting documents, statistical data proving the standards and actual inspections at the units (using data from the 2 years preceding the ranking request year and implementation plan documents for the ranking request year, in case of natural disasters or epidemics, the data provision is considered and decided by the competent authority recognizing the ranking; research criteria evidence using data during the unit's rank holding period).

(5) For units with multiple facilities, the ranking of these facilities is decided by the competent authority.

How are the cases, dossiers, and authorities for classifying public healthcare service providers regulated in Circular 06/2024/TT-BYT?

According to Article 4 of Circular 06/2024/TT-BYT regulating cases, dossiers, and authorities for classifying public healthcare service providers:

- Cases for classification:

+ Initial classification applies to newly established public healthcare service providers;

+ Reclassification applies to cases:

++ Expiration of the validity period of the ranking decision;

++ Still within the validity period of the ranking decision, but the unit has changes in classification standards (upgraded or downgraded).

- Dossier for classification request (including reclassification cases):

+ Official letter requesting classification from the unit;

+ Scorecard of the standard groups as prescribed;

+ Supporting documents and statistical data proving the achieved scores;

+ Other relevant documents.

- Authority to decide on recognition of classification:

+ Special-ranked public healthcare service units: The Ministry of Home Affairs decides on recognizing the special rank of public healthcare service providers based on the proposal of the Ministry of Health.

+ Public healthcare service units from Rank I downward: Ministries, departments, agencies, and People's Committees of provinces and centrally governed cities decide on classifying public healthcare service providers under their management from Rank I downward and report to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Health.

+ Other public healthcare service providers without guidance on functions, duties, and organizational structures are classified by competent authorities establishing the units as per their authority.

- Classification decisions are valid for 5 years (60 months) from the effective date of the classification decision.

Circular 06/2024/TT-BYT takes effect from July 1, 2024.


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