07:50 | 23/07/2024

From December 16, 2023, what are the regulations on common, supportive, and service professional job position standards for primary schools?

From December 16, 2023, how are the job position norms for shared, support, and service professional positions at elementary schools regulated? Your question from T.T in Ha Nam.

Standards for General Professional, Support, and Service Positions in Preschools from December 16, 2023

In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 and Article 7 of Circular 19/2023/TT-BGDDT on the standards for general professional, support, and service positions in preschools effective from December 16, 2023, as follows:

(1) Standards for the number of personnel working in general professional positions (accountants, clerks, treasurers, librarians):

- Preschool education institutions are allocated 02 personnel to perform tasks in accounting, clerical work, treasury, and library services.

- For preschool education institutions with 5 or more branch locations or with 15 or more childcare groups and kindergarten classes, 03 personnel are allocated to accounting, clerical work, treasury, and library tasks.

- Positions that cannot be staffed will be covered either through labor contracts or by assigning dual roles to teachers and other staff. Preschools will determine the appropriate positions and number of personnel for each role based on the nature, volume of work, and actual conditions.

(2) Standards for the number of personnel working in support and service positions (school healthcare, security, service, cooking):

- Preschools must allocate at least 01 contract worker for school healthcare duties, at least 01 contract worker for security duties, and at least 01 contract worker for service duties. Based on the nature, volume of work, and actual conditions, preschools determine the number of contract workers required for each support and service position.

- If a preschool organizes full-day boarding, it is allowed to hire contract workers to handle cooking for the children. Preschools will determine the appropriate number of contract workers based on the number of children, volume of work, and actual conditions to handle cooking duties.

- Labor contracts must be signed in accordance with current legal regulations.

Standards for positions effective from December 16, 2023 in primary schoolsEffectiveness of standards for positions in primary schools from December 16, 2023 (Image from the Internet)

Standards for Professional, Support, and Service Positions in Primary Schools from December 16, 2023

(1) General Professional Positions in Primary Schools

As stipulated in Article 8 of Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, the standards for the number of personnel working in general professional positions in primary schools are as follows:

- Library and office administration positions:

+ Primary schools with 28 or more classes in region 3, and 19 or more classes in region 1 and region 2; semi-boarding ethnic minority primary schools and schools for disabled students are allocated a maximum of 02 personnel;

+ Primary schools with 27 or fewer classes in region 3, and 18 or fewer classes in region 1 and region 2 are allocated 01 personnel.

- Clerical, treasury, and accounting positions:

+ Schools for disabled students are allocated a maximum of 03 personnel to perform clerical, treasury, and accounting tasks;

+ Other primary schools are allocated a maximum of 02 personnel to perform clerical, treasury, and accounting tasks;

- Positions that cannot be staffed will be filled through labor contracts or by assigning dual roles to teachers or other staff. Primary schools will determine the appropriate positions and number of personnel for each role based on the nature, volume of work, and actual conditions.

(2) Support and Service Positions

As stipulated in Article 9 of Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, the standards for support and service positions are as follows:

- Based on legal regulations, the scale of students, the nature, volume of work, and actual conditions, primary schools determine the number of contract workers required for each support and service position.

- Labor contracts must be signed in accordance with current legal regulations.

Standards for Professional, Support, and Service Positions in Lower Secondary Schools from December 16, 2023

(1) General Professional Positions in Lower Secondary Schools:

As stipulated in Article 13 of Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, the standards for the number of personnel working in general professional positions in lower secondary schools are as follows:

- Library and office administration positions:

+ Lower secondary schools with 28 or more classes in region 3, and 19 or more classes in region 1 and region 2; boarding ethnic minority lower secondary schools are allocated a maximum of 02 personnel;

+ Lower secondary schools with 27 or fewer classes in region 3, and 18 or fewer classes in region 1 and region 2 are allocated 01 personnel;

+ Semi-boarding ethnic minority lower secondary schools determine the number of personnel based on the number of classes and actual conditions according to the standards stated for lower secondary schools.

+ Schools for disabled students are allocated 01 personnel.

- Clerical, treasury, and accounting positions:

+ Lower secondary schools and semi-boarding ethnic minority lower secondary schools are allocated a maximum of 02 personnel;

+ Boarding ethnic minority schools, schools for disabled students, lower secondary schools with 40 or more classes, and semi-boarding ethnic minority lower secondary schools with more than 200 students eligible for semi-boarding policies are allocated a maximum of 03 personnel;

- Positions that cannot be staffed are filled through labor contracts or by assigning dual roles. Lower secondary schools determine the appropriate positions and number of personnel for each role based on the nature, volume of work, and actual conditions.

(2) Support and Service Positions in Lower Secondary Schools

As stipulated in Article 14 of Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, the standards for support and service positions are as follows:

- Based on legal regulations, the scale of students, the nature, volume of work, and actual conditions, lower secondary schools determine the number of contract workers required for each support and service position.

- Labor contracts must be signed in accordance with current legal regulations.

Standards for Professional, Support, and Service Positions in Upper Secondary Schools from December 16, 2023

(1) General Professional Positions in Upper Secondary Schools:

As stipulated in Article 18 of Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, the standards for the number of personnel working in general professional positions in upper secondary schools are as follows:

- Library and office administration positions:

+ Boarding ethnic minority schools are allocated a maximum of 03 personnel;

+ Specialized upper secondary schools are allocated a maximum of 04 personnel;

+ Other upper secondary schools are allocated a maximum of 02 personnel.

- Clerical, treasury, and accounting positions:

+ Boarding ethnic minority schools and specialized upper secondary schools are allocated a maximum of 03 personnel;

+ Other upper secondary schools are allocated a maximum of 02 personnel;

+ Boarding ethnic minority schools with a scale of more than 400 students, upper secondary schools with 40 or more classes are allocated an additional 01 personnel.

- Positions that cannot be staffed are filled through labor contracts or by assigning dual roles. Upper secondary schools determine the appropriate positions and number of personnel for each role based on the nature, volume of work, and actual conditions.

(2) Support and Service Positions in Upper Secondary Schools

As stipulated in Article 19 of Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT, the standards for support and service positions in upper secondary schools are as follows:

- Based on legal regulations, the scale of students, the nature, volume of work, and actual conditions, upper secondary schools determine the number of contract workers required for each support and service position.

- Labor contracts must be signed in accordance with current legal regulations.

Circular 20/2023/TT-BGDDT and Circular 19/2023/TT-BGDDT take effect from December 16, 2023.


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