07:50 | 23/07/2024

From July 01, 2024, an additional income will be introduced in the implementation of salary reform for which subjects?

From July 1, 2024, an additional income will be provided when implementing wage reform for which subjects? Your question from T.Q in Hanoi

Additional Income with Wage Reform Effective from July 1, 2024 for Which Subjects?

Based on Subsection 3.1, Section 3, Part II of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, content was presented concerning reform in the design of a new wage structure for officials and public employees, and armed forces (the public sector) as follows:

Reform Content

3.1. For officials and public employees and the armed forces (the public sector)

a) Design a new wage structure to include: Basic salary (approximately 70% of the total wage fund) and allowances (approximately 30% of the total wage fund). Add bonuses (the bonus fund is about 10% of the total annual wage fund, excluding allowances).

b) Develop and issue a new salary scale system based on job positions, titles, and leadership positions to replace the current salary scale system; transition from the old wage scale to the new one, ensuring it is not less than the current wage, including:

The new salary scale for officials and public employees and armed forces will be designed according to the new wage structure as follows:

- Basic salary (accounting for approximately 70% of the total wage fund):

- Allowances (accounting for approximately 30% of the total wage fund):

- Additional bonuses (the bonus fund is about 10% of the total annual wage fund, excluding allowances).

Thus, according to the spirit of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, in addition to the current income from salary and allowances, after the implementation of wage reform expected from July 1, 2024, the individual subject to wage reform will enjoy an additional income from bonuses (a bonus fund of about 10% of the total annual wage fund, excluding allowances).

The subjects of officials and public employees and the armed forces who might receive additional income from bonuses include:

- Officials and public employees holding leadership positions;

- Civil servants, public employees not holding leadership titles;

- Military officers, police officers, professional non-commissioned officers;

- Professional military personnel, technical police specialists;

- Defense workers, police workers.

From July 1, 2024, additional income will be provided when wage reform is implemented for which subjects?

From July 1, 2024, additional income will be provided when wage reform is implemented for which subjects?

What Factors Are the New Salary Scales Based On When Implementing Wage Reform from July 1, 2024?

Based on Point c, Subsection 3.1, Section II of Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018, there are five main factors to develop the new salary scale for officials and public employees and the armed forces as follows:

- Abolish the statutory pay rate and current salary coefficient, and establish a base salary in specific monetary amounts in the new salary scale.

- Implement uniform labor contract policies in accordance with the Labor Code (or service contract) for those performing ancillary, service tasks (requiring educational levels below intermediate), not applying the salary scale for officials and public employees to these subjects.

- Determine the lowest salary of officials and public employees in the public sector to be the salary of someone doing a job requiring intermediate education (level 1), which is not less than the minimum salary of trained workers in the business sector.

- Expand the wage relationship as a basis for determining specific salaries in the salary scale system, gradually approaching the wage relationship in the business sector in line with state resources.

- Perfect policies for regular promotions and early promotions for officials and public employees and armed forces in accordance with the new salary scale regulations.

Will Officials and Public Employees Continue to Receive Regular Promotions after the 2024 Wage Reform?

Based on Point c, Subsection 3.1, Section 3, Part II of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, wage reform content for officials and public employees and the armed forces (the public sector) is laid out as follows:

Guidance, Objective, and Reform Content

3. Reform Content

3.1. For officials and public employees and the armed forces (the public sector)

c) Determine specific factors for designing the new salary scale

- Abolish the statutory pay rate and current salary coefficient, and establish a base salary in specific monetary amounts in the new salary scale.

- Implement uniform labor contract policies in accordance with the Labor Code (or service contract) for those performing ancillary, service tasks (requiring educational levels below intermediate), not applying the salary scale for officials and public employees to these subjects.

- Determine the lowest salary of officials and public employees in the public sector to be the salary of someone doing a job requiring intermediate education (level 1), which is not less than the minimum salary of trained workers in the business sector.

- Expand the wage relationship as a basis for determining specific salaries in the salary scale system, gradually approaching the wage relationship in the business sector in line with state resources.

- Perfect policies for regular promotions and early promotions for officials and public employees and armed forces in accordance with the new salary scale regulations.


Thus, based on the content of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018 mentioned above, after the implementation of the wage reform expected from July 1, 2024, officials and public employees and the armed forces will still be subject to perfect policies for early promotions and regular promotions, but they must align with the regulations of the new salary scale.


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