What is the maximum number of Vice Heads of People’s Inspectorates that have 9 or more members as per the regulations in Vietnam?

What is the maximum number of Vice Heads of People’s Inspectorates that have 9 or more members as per the regulations in Vietnam?

What is the maximum number of Vice Heads of People’s Inspectorates that have 9 or more members as per the regulations in Vietnam?

According to Article 21 of Decree 59/2023/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

Organization of the People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units

1. Members of the People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units are elected at the conference of officials and public employees, workers, according to the provisions of Article 51 of the Law on Grassroots Democracy Implementation.

No later than 05 working days from the date of the conclusion of the conference of officials and public employees, workers, the agency's or unit's Trade Union Executive Committee shall recognize the election results of the People’s Inspectorates's members.

2. The number of members of the People’s Inspectorates is conducted according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 60 of the Law on Grassroots Democracy Implementation.

In cases where agencies or units have specific characteristics or dispersed activities, According to requirements, tasks, characteristics, organization, operation, and actual conditions, after consensus with the head of the agencies or units, the Trade Union Executive Committee proposes to the conference of officials and public employees, workers to decide on the number of People’s Inspectorates members more than 09 to ensure effective operation.

In special cases where a People’s Inspectorates is not organized, the Trade Union Executive Committee, after consensus with the head of the agency or unit, reports to the superior trade union for decision.

3. The People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units includes a Head, Vice heads, and members. In the case where the number of members of the People’s Inspectorates is 09 or more, the number of Vice heads shall not exceed 02.

Thus, the People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units includes a Head, Vice heads, and members. In the case where the number of members of the People’s Inspectorates is 09 or more, the number of Vice heads shall not exceed 02.

In the case where the number of members of the People's Inspection Board is 09 or more, what is the maximum number of Deputy Heads as per the regulations?

What is the maximum number of Vice Heads of People’s Inspectorates that have 9 or more members as per the regulations in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

To whom does the People’s Inspectorates in Vietnam have the responsibility to submit periodic reports?

According to Article 39 of the Law on Implementation of Grassroots-level Democracy 2022:

Activities of People’s Inspectorates in communes, wards or towns

1. The People’s Inspectorates at communes, wards, and commune-level towns is directly directed and guided by the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level.

2. According to the action program and the direction and guidance of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level, the People’s Inspectorates develops its action plan, including the content for each quarter, 06 months, and annually.

3. People’s Inspectorates shall be responsible for submitting periodic reports or on-demand reports on their performance to commune-level Vietnam Fatherland Front Committees. People’s Inspectorates shall be invited to attend meetings of the People's Councils, the commune-level People's Committees or the commune-level Fatherland Front Committees related to the performance of inspection and supervision tasks of the People's Inspectorates.


Thus, the People’s Inspectorates has the responsibility to periodically report or report upon request about its activities to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level.

What are regulations on the activities of People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units in Vietnam?

According to Article 22 of Decree 59/2023/ND-CP, the activities of the People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units in Vietnam are regulated as follows:

(1) Developing programs and work plans

- The People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units develops work programs to perform the tasks stipulated in Article 61 of the Law on Implementation of Grassroots-level Democracy 2022 for each quarter, 06 months, and annually.

The work program includes basic content: objectives, requirements, content, time, funding, organization, implementation, and other guarantee conditions. The work program can be adjusted and supplemented to match the actual requirements and situations, or when sudden issues arise.

- The People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units develops specific inspection and supervision plans to report to the agency's or unit's Trade Union Executive Committee and inform other subjects of inspection and supervision (if any) at least 05 working days before conducting inspection and supervision activities.

(2) Working Method

- The People’s Inspectorates receives information directly from officials and public employees, workers through the suggestion box; through research on relevant documents provided by the agency's or unit's leadership. They work with units and individuals related to the suggestions and complaints to evaluate the authenticity of these suggestions and complaints.

The People’s Inspectorates at agencies or units summarizes, analyzes, and compares with legal regulations, and organizational regulations to evaluate, propose, and recommend to the head of the agency or unit for resolution according to legal provisions or through the agency's or unit's Trade Union Executive Committee.

- The results of inspection, supervision, and verification are documented and sent to agencies, organizations, and individuals who raised the suggestions and complaints. In cases where a law violation is detected, it recommends that competent agencies and organizations review and handle it according to regulations.

(3) Reporting Regime

The People’s Inspectorates is responsible for periodically reporting to the Trade Union Executive Committee at the agency or unit about the results of quarterly, 06-month, annual, term tasks, or upon request; reporting annual task results at the conference of officials and public employees, workers of the agency or unit.


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