Vietnam: What is the order of carrying out the procedures for marriage registration with foreign elements on the Provincial-level Public Service Portal from April 2023?

What is the order of carrying out the procedures for marriage registration with foreign elements on the Provincial-level Public Service Portal from April 2023? Question of An in Hanoi.

Note: The procedures below are district-level administrative procedures, implemented on the National Public Service Portal or the Provincial-level Public Service Portal.

What are the documents for marriage registration with foreign elements on the Public Service Portal in Vietnam?

Pursuant to subsection 2 Section A Part II Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision No. 528/QD-BTP in 2023.

According to that, the application for marriage registration with foreign elements on the Public Service Portal in Vietnam includes:

- Interactive electronic form for marriage registration

- The person who requests for marriage registration must upload the following documents:

+ A certificate from a competent Vietnamese or foreign medical organization certifying that the married parties do not suffer from mental illness or other diseases without the ability to perceive and control their acts;

+ Papers proving the marital status of the foreigner, issued by the competent authority of the country of which he is a citizen, are still valid, certifying that he is currently unmarried or without a husband; In case the foreign country does not issue a certificate of marital status, it shall be replaced with a document issued by a foreign competent authority certifying that the person is eligible for marriage under the laws of that country.

+ The use value of papers proving the marital status of foreigners shall be determined according to the duration stated on such papers. If the papers proving marital status do not have an expiry date, this paper and the medical organization's certification are valid for 6 months from the date of issue.

+ Foreigners and Vietnamese citizens residing abroad must submit a copy of their passport/passport replacement document.

+ Certificate of marital status of Vietnamese citizens residing in the country.

In case there is already marital status information in the electronic civil status database, the national database on population, it is not required to upload.Vietnam: What is the order of carrying out the procedures for marriage registration with foreign elements on the Provincial-level Public Service Portal from April 2023?

Vietnam: What is the order of carrying out the procedures for marriage registration with foreign elements on the Provincial-level Public Service Portal from April 2023?

What is the order of carrying out the procedures for marriage registration with foreign elements on the Provincial-level Public Service Portal from April 2023?

Pursuant to subsection 2, Section A, Part II, Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision No. 528/QD-BTP in 2023, guiding the procedures are as follows:

Step 1: Those who require marriage registration access the National Public Service Portal or the Provincial-level Public Service Portal, register an account (if they do not have an account), authenticate the user according to the instructions, log in the system, and properly identify the competent district-level People's Committee.

Persons requesting online marriage registration shall provide information in an interactive electronic form for marriage registration (provided on the Public Service Portal), attaching copies or electronic copies of papers and documents according to the law; pay fees and charges through the online payment function or by other methods as prescribed by law, complete the application.

Step 2: The dossier-receiving officer at the One-Stop-Shop is responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness, consistency and validity of the dossier.

(1) In case the application is complete and valid, receive the application, immediately send the appointment slip, return the results by email or send an appointment text message via mobile phone to the requester, transfer records for civil status civil servants to handle.

(2) In case the dossier is incomplete or invalid, a notice shall be sent to the requester for supplementation or completion of the dossier, clearly stating the types of papers and contents to be supplemented so that the requester can supplement and complete the dossier. After the profile is added, repeat step (1);

(3) In case the person requesting marriage registration fails to supplement or complete the dossier, he/she shall report it to the head of the one-stop-shop with a notice of refusal to handle the marriage registration request.

Step 3: Civil status officers verify the dossier (verify the consistency and validity of the information in the dossier, papers and documents attached by the requester).

+ In case the dossier needs to be supplemented, completed or is not eligible for settlement and must be rejected, a notice of the status of the application should be sent to the Single-window section to notify the applicant - repeat step (2) or (3);

+ In case it is necessary to check, verify and clarify, or because of other reasons, the result cannot be returned on time, the civil status officer shall send an apology slip and reschedule results by email or text message via mobile phone to the requester.

What are the documents attached to the online marriage registration application process with foreign elements?

For the attached documents, if the applicant submits the application online, the following information should be noted:

- Photocopies of papers must be clear, complete and complete in terms of content, are copies taken by cameras, phones or taken, scanned by an electronic device, from a validly issued document that is still valid.

- In case the papers and documents that must be enclosed in the dossier already have an electronic copy or have an electronic copy of the civil status document, this electronic version may be used.

- When going to the civil status registration office to receive the results, the person who requests for marriage registration must submit the original certificate of marital status (if the information about marital status is not available in the National Database on population, the electronic civil status database), document proving marital status, certificate of medical institution.


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