What is the order of voting at the general meeting of the National Assembly of Vietnam?

What is the order of voting at the general meeting of the National Assembly of Vietnam? - Question from Ms. Nga (Hanoi)

What are the forms of voting at a general meeting of the National Assembly of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 20 of the Rules on National Assembly Sessions in Vietnam promulgated together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15 as follows:

Voting at the general meeting of the National Assembly
1. Draft law, draft resolution, report on explanation, acceptance and revision of the draft law and draft resolution to submit to the National Assembly for approval and propose a number of issues with different opinions that need to be voted before voting to approve the full text of the draft law, the draft resolution must be sent to the National Assembly deputies for study at least 24 hours before the voting session for approval.
The National Assembly Standing Committee considers and decides on issues with divergent opinions that need to be submitted to the National Assembly for voting before voting to approve the full text of the draft law or draft resolution at the request of the agency in charge of the inspection.
2. The National Assembly decides to apply one of the following voting forms:
a) Voting by electronic voting system;
b) Vote by secret ballot;
c) Vote by show of hands.

The form of voting decided by the National Assembly shall be recorded in the agenda of the session of the National Assembly.

Thus, the National Assembly decides to apply one of the following voting forms:

- Voting by electronic voting system;

- Voting by secret ballot;

- Vote by show of hands.

The form of voting decided by the National Assembly shall be recorded in the agenda of the session of the National Assembly.What is the order of voting at the general meeting of the National Assembly of Vietnam?

What is the order of voting at the general meeting of the National Assembly of Vietnam?

What is the order of voting at the general meeting of the National Assembly of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 20 of the Rules on National Assembly Sessions in Vietnam promulgated together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15 as follows:

Voting at the general meeting of the National Assembly
3. The order of voting at the plenary meeting shall be conducted as follows:
a) The President of the National Assembly or the Vice President of the National Assembly assigned to run the meeting clearly states the issues the National Assembly needs to vote on;
b) The National Assembly votes;
c) The President of the National Assembly or the Vice President of the National Assembly is assigned to run the meeting to report on the voting results in the case of voting by electronic voting system and voting by show of hands. The head of the Vote Counting Committee shall report the voting results in the case of voting by secret ballot.
4. Voting is conducted on the principle of direct, National Assembly deputies do not vote on behalf of other National Assembly deputies. National Assembly deputies have the right to vote for, against or against.
5. Laws, resolutions and other decisions of the National Assembly shall be passed when more than half of the total number of National Assembly deputies vote in favor; in the case of making the Constitution and amending the Constitution, ratify the Constitution, decide shortening or extending the term of office of the National Assembly or dismissing a member of the National Assembly must be approved by at least two-thirds of the total number of National Assembly deputies. In case the Constitution, law or resolution of the National Assembly contains different provisions on the percentage of National Assembly deputies voting in favor, the provisions of such document shall be applied.
6. In case it is necessary to re-vote an issue that has been voted by the National Assembly but has not yet taken effect, the National Assembly Standing Committee on its own or at the request of at least twenty percent of the total number of deputies The National Assembly or the proposal of the agency, organization or person competent to submit the project, draft, report, or the agency in charge of the verification submit it to the National Assembly for consideration and decision on the re-voting in the following order:
a) The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall submit to the National Assembly the re-voting;
b) The National Assembly considers and approves the re-vote.

Thus, the voting order at the plenary meeting is conducted as follows:

- The President of the National Assembly or the Vice President of the National Assembly assigned to run the meeting clearly states the issues the National Assembly needs to vote on;

- The National Assembly votes;

- The President of the National Assembly or the Vice President of the National Assembly is assigned to run the meeting to report on the voting results in the case of voting by electronic voting system and voting by show of hands. The head of the Vote Counting Committee shall report the voting results in the case of voting by secret ballot.

How long does it take to speak and explain at a general meeting of the National Assembly of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 18 of the Rules on National Assembly Sessions in Vietnam promulgated together with Resolution No. 71/2022/QH15 as follows:

The time to speak and explain at the general meeting of the National Assembly is prescribed as follows:

- The National Assembly deputy's first speech shall not exceed 07 minutes, the second speech shall not exceed 03 minutes;

- National Assembly deputies debate each time for no more than 03 minutes;

- Agencies, organizations and persons competent to submit and verify the opinions of National Assembly deputies each time within 10 minutes.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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