07:49 | 23/07/2024

Procedure and Formality for Recognizing Completion of Internship in Notarization Practice: Latest Implementation Guidelines

The order and procedures for recognizing the completion of probation for notarial practice are carried out as follows? Your question from T.S in Gia Lai.

Procedures and Processes for Recognizing Completion of Notary Public Apprenticeship

Based on the regulations in Section 6 of Administrative Procedures issued in conjunction with Decision 2683/QD-BTP in 2023, the latest procedures for recognizing the completion of a notary public apprenticeship are as follows:

- Within 15 days from the completion date of the apprenticeship, the apprentice must submit a written request for recognition of apprenticeship completion, along with the Apprenticeship Result Report and the Apprenticeship Diary (certified copy or a photocopy attached with the original for comparison) to the Department of Justice where the apprenticeship is registered.

- Within 10 days from receiving the request, the Department of Justice should issue a decision recognizing the completion of the notary public apprenticeship; in case of rejection, a written response stating the reason must be provided.

Method of Implementation: Submit in person, by post, or through the Public Administrative Service Center.

Processing Time: 10 days from the receipt of a complete and valid dossier.

Procedures and Processes for Recognizing Completion of Notary Public Apprenticeship

Procedures and Processes for Recognizing Completion of Notary Public Apprenticeship

What does the dossier for recognizing the completion of a notary public apprenticeship include?

Based on the regulations in Section 6 of Administrative Procedures issued in conjunction with Decision 2683/QD-BTP in 2023, the dossier for recognizing the completion of a notary public apprenticeship includes:

- A written request for the recognition of apprenticeship completion;

- Apprenticeship Result Report and Apprenticeship Diary (certified copy or a photocopy attached with the original for comparison).

What are the requirements and conditions for recognizing the completion of a notary public apprenticeship?

Based on the regulations in Section 6 of Administrative Procedures issued in conjunction with Decision 2683/QD-BTP in 2023, the requirements and conditions for recognizing the completion of a notary public apprenticeship are:

An apprentice is recognized for completing the notary public apprenticeship when they meet the following conditions:

- The apprentice is eligible for apprenticeship and not in the cases where apprenticeship registration is not allowed;

- The mentor notary public meets the conditions for guiding apprentices and is not subject to replacement during the apprenticeship guidance period;

- The apprentice has completed the apprenticeship period; submitted the Apprenticeship Result Report and the Apprenticeship Diary on time, meeting the requirements stated in Circular 08/2023/TT-BTP and the attached form; fulfill other obligations of the apprentice.

What does the contents of a notary public apprenticeship include?

Based on the regulations in Article 6 of Circular 08/2023/TT-BTP:

Contents of Notary Public Apprenticeship

1. The contents of a notary public apprenticeship include:

a) Skills in receiving and categorizing notary public requests; skills in verifying the authenticity and legality of documents in the notary public request file; skills in examining and identifying subjects, and civil act capacity of the individuals involved in signing contracts and transactions;

b) Skills in dealing with requesters of notary public services, behaving according to the Code of Ethics for Notary Practice; skills in explaining to notary public requesters about their rights, obligations, and legitimate interests, the significance and legal consequences of notarization; skills in explaining reasons for refusing notary public requests;

c) Skills in researching and proposing solutions for notary public request files;

d) Skills in drafting contracts and transactions as requested by notary public requesters; skills in verifying the authenticity and legality of drafted contracts and transactions prepared by notary public requesters; verification skills;

e) Skills in notarizing translations; skills in certifying copies, and certifying signatures in documents;

f) Skills in drafting testimonies;

g) Checking, arranging, and categorizing notarized, certified files for archiving;

h) Skills in utilizing the notary public database and applying information technology in notary public activities;

i) Skills in managing a notary public practice organization;

k) Other skills and tasks related to notarization as assigned by the mentor notary public.

2. The mentor notary public guides the apprentice in implementing the contents specified in clause 1 of this Article. For apprentices with a 06-month apprenticeship period, the mentor notary public should consider and agree with the notary practice organization to focus and allocate appropriate time for each apprenticeship content.

The notary public apprenticeship includes the following contents:

- Skills in receiving and categorizing notary public requests; skills in verifying the authenticity and legality of documents in the notary public request file; skills in examining and identifying subjects, and civil act capacity of the individuals involved in signing contracts and transactions;

- Skills in dealing with notary public requesters, behaving according to the Code of Ethics for Notary Practice; skills in explaining to notary public requesters about their rights, obligations, and legitimate interests, the significance and legal consequences of notarization; skills in explaining reasons for refusing notary public requests;

- Skills in researching and proposing solutions for notary public request files;

- Skills in drafting contracts and transactions as requested by notary public requesters; skills in verifying the authenticity and legality of drafted contracts and transactions prepared by notary public requesters; verification skills;

- Skills in notarizing translations; skills in certifying copies, and certifying signatures in documents;

- Skills in drafting testimonies;

- Checking, arranging, and categorizing notarized, certified files for archiving;

- Skills in utilizing the notary public database and applying information technology in notary public activities;

- Skills in managing a notary public practice organization;

- Other skills and tasks related to notarization as assigned by the mentor notary public.


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