Toort to, the processors at Viet Nam about the level change, levelback certificate of only the ground price is being performance on a online service?

The question is that the arrangement for the renewal of land valuation certificates will be done on the online service, right? Does the portal country have population data to be submitted? Thank you!

Are administrative procedures in Vietnam for granting, exchanging and re-granting land valuation certificates carried out on online public services?

According to subsection 1, Section I, Decision 721/QD-TTg dated June 16, 2022 on reducing and simplifying administrative procedures in Vietnam as follows:

1. Central administrative procedures
b) Line of business: Trading in land price determination services
Administrative procedures 2: grant, exchange, and re-issue land valuation certificates (administrative procedure code: 1,000732)
(1) Content reduction, simplification
- On how to do it: Supplement on how to submit dossiers and receive results of administrative procedures (administrative procedures) according to online public services.
Reason: Compliant with Decree 61/2018/ND-CP and creating conditions for individuals to choose the forms of submission and receipt of results.
- About the profile composition:
+ Remove the certificate of completion of land valuation training.
Reason: This profile component, the certificate authority already has, so it is only necessary to amend the Certificate of Application Form in the direction of adding information about taking the course.
+ Remove the identity card or citizen identity card or passport (hereinafter referred to as identification paper) of the applicant for the land valuation certificate.
Reason: This profile component is already present in the population management data, so the certificate authority will exploit on the national database of the population for the personal information applying for the certificate .
- Regarding the form of submission of application components:
Additional regulations on the form of submission of documents in the electronic environment in the direction of an electronic certified copy of the application components....

Toort to, the processors at Viet Nam about the level change, levelback certificate of only the ground price is being performance on a online service?

Toort to, the processors at Viet Nam about the level change, levelback certificate of only the ground price is being performance on a online service?

What are the regulations on building the National Public Service Portal to carry out administrative procedures in Vietnam?

According to Article 24 of Decree 61/2018/ND-CP supplemented by Clause 13, Article 1 of Decree 107/2021/ND-CP stipulating the National Public Service Portal to carry out administrative procedures in Vietnam as follows:

“Article 24. Building the National Public Service Portal
1. The National Public Service Portal is built and uniformly managed by the Government Office on the basis of integration and exchange of data on administrative procedures and records of administrative procedures with the National Database. Expert in administrative procedures, national databases, specialized databases, and integration of online public services with the ministerial and provincial electronic single-window information systems.
2. Requirements for the construction of the National Public Service Portal
a) Act as the focal point to provide information and support organizations and individuals to carry out administrative procedures and provide online public services; assist in looking up information, monitoring the status of administrative procedures, and looking up results of administrative procedures, evaluation results of administrative procedures; publicize the results of handling administrative procedures and public services online;
b) As a customizable portal solution so that ministries, branches and localities can apply and use it as a foundation for building ministerial and provincial Public Service Portals.
c) Allowing organizations and individuals to register user accounts; providing single-sign-on (Single-Sign-On) function and user authentication mechanisms to carry out administrative procedures at ministerial and provincial Public Service Portals;
d) Integrating with the National Database on Administrative Procedures to retrieve administrative procedure data and data on records of administrative procedures settlement of organizations and individuals, ensuring consistency and uniformity the set;
d) Summarize and make statistics on the receipt of dossiers and the situation of handling administrative procedures at the request of competent agencies;
e) Other requirements as decided by the Prime Minister.
3. The Minister of Information and Communications promulgates national technical regulations on the structure and format of packet data serving the connection of electronic one-stop information systems, the National Public Service Portal, the specialized databases related to the process of handling administrative procedures of ministries, branches and localities"
4. The Government Office shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant ministries and branches in, promulgating a list of shared data serving the settlement of administrative procedures on the National Public Service Portal, which is connected and shared with the Translation Portal. public services, ministerial- and provincial-level electronic single-window information systems, and national and specialized information systems and databases, including:
a) List of administrative procedures;
b) List of online public services;
c) List of agencies;
d) List of administrative units;
d) List of industries and fields;
e) List of results of settlement of administrative procedures;
g) A list of revenues to be remitted to the state budget when carrying out administrative procedures;
h) List of commercial banks and payment intermediary service providers.
The list of shared data at points a, b, c, d, dd and e, Clause 4 of this Article is updated in the National Database on Administrative Procedures; at points g and h, Clause 4 of this Article are updated or synchronized with the National Public Service Portal.”

Proposal to implement administrative procedures in Vietnam on the issuance and re-issuance of land valuation certificates performed on online public services?

According to subsection 1, Section I of Decision 721/QD-TTg dated June 16, 2022, providing recommendations on the implementation of the reduction and simplification of administrative procedures in Vietnam as follows:

- To annul Article 4, Point b, Point d Clause 1 Article 5, Point b Clause 2 Article 6; amend Point dd, Clause 1, the last paragraph of Clause 1, Clause 2, and Clause 3, Article 5 of Circular 61/2015/TT-BTNMT to be consistent with the provisions of the investment law, and at the same time, this condition has been specified in Decree 44/2014/ND-CP has been amended and supplemented in Decree 01/2017/ND-CP and Decree 136/2018/ND-CP.

- Implementation roadmap: 2022-2025.

Thus, in the near future, the administrative procedures for the renewal and re-issuance of land valuation certificates will be carried out on the online public service, besides, in this administrative procedure, no ID card is required. or Citizen ID or Passport (hereinafter referred to as identification) of the applicant for the Land Valuation Certificate because it is already in the population management data, therefore, the certificate authority will exploit on a national population database for this personal information.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

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