To hold the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi in the school year of 2024-2025 in June 2024?
To hold the 10th-grade entrance exam for the school year of 2024-2025 in Hanoi in June 2024?
The schedule for implementing tasks on examinations, enrollment and educational quality accreditation for the 2023-2024 school year clearly states the 10th-grade enrollment timelines for the school year of 2024-2025 as follows:
- November 2023: Develop an enrollment plan for kindergartens, grades 1, 6, and 10 for the school year of 2024-2025
- December 2023: Submit to the City People's Committee for approval of the enrollment plan for kindergartens, grades 1, 6, and 10 for the school year of 2024-2025
- February 2024: Collect statistical data for the 2024 graduation exam and 10th-grade admission for the school year of 2024-2025
- March 2024 Draft guidelines for admission to 10th-grade upper secondary school for the school year of 2024-2025
- April 2024:
+ Organize conferences to guide students in entering first grade classes
+ Receiving registration for the entrance exam into 10th-grade upper secondary school for the school year of 2024-2025
+ Prepare data for 10th-grade upper secondary school for the school year of 2024-2025
- May 2024:
+ Continue to accept registration for the entrance exam into 10th-grade upper secondary school for the school year of 2024-2025
+ Complete enrollment data for 10th-grade upper secondary school for the school year of 2024-2025
- June 2024:
+ Organize the 10th-grade entrance exam for the school year of 2024-2025
- July 2024:
+ Deploy standard score approval for 10th-grade upper secondary school for the school year of 2024-2025
Accordingly, it is expected that the 10th-grade entrance exam for the school year of 2024-2025 will be held in Hanoi in June 2024.
To hold the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi for the school year of 2024-2025 in June 2024? (Image from the Internet)
What is the 10th-grade enrollment plan in Hanoi for the 2024 - 2025 school year?
In Official Dispatch 3638/SGDDT-QLT of 2023, Hanoi's 10th-grade enrollment plan for the 2024 - 2025 school year is clearly stated as follows:
- Continue to deploy admission to 10th-grade public upper secondary schools for the school year of 2024-2025 according to the "exam" method; Continue to research and propose to competent authorities to adjust admission plans to attract and select good students, ensuring exam results reflect honestly, objectively, and with the right qualifications and abilities. student performance, improving the quality of admission to upper secondary schools
- Coordinate with the Secondary Education Department to prepare a plan for admission to 10th-grade from the 2025 - 2026 school year according to the orientation of capacity assessment, in accordance with the 2018 General Education Program.
- Proactively prepare well the conditions to organize the exam. Carry out personnel selection for the Exam in accordance with the regulations on assignment of targets of the Department of Education and Training; Strengthen the thorough understanding and application of upper secondary school graduation exam regulations for the 10th-grade upper secondary school entrance exam; Improve the quality of professional training for all subjects and forces participating in organizing stages of the Exam
- Strengthen the application of information technology and digital transformation to research and build tools to support the organization of the Exam, especially the online admission confirmation tool for 10th-grade upper secondary school to create favorable conditions. benefits the people, helping management to be transparent, scientific and stable. Carrying out exam and enrollment data work associated with the application of population data, electronic identification and authentication, ensuring accuracy and on time as prescribed.
- Deploy online registration for admission to private upper secondary schools to create convenience for students and help make management scientific, consistent, public, and accurate.
What are the procedures for recognition of lower secondary school graduation in Vietnam?
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of the Regulations on secondary school graduation issued together with Decision 11/2006/QD-BGD&DT stipulated as follows:
Process and procedures for recognition and issuance of diplomas
1. Graduation recognition process:
a) Based on the dossier and list of requests for graduation recognition from the educational institution, the secondary school graduation recognition council shall consider and recognize the graduation of the learner;
b) The Secondary School Graduation Recognition Council prepares a record of graduation recognition and a list of candidates for graduation recognition.
The minutes must have the full names and signatures of the board members; The list of requests for graduation recognition must have the full name and signature of the board chairman.
Students who have not graduated in previous exams or reviews and those who are eligible for priority and encouragement policies and are recommended for graduation recognition must form a separate list.
2. Graduation recognition procedures.
a) The Secondary School Graduation Recognition Council sends the application for graduation recognition to the Department of Education and Training.
Profile includes:
- Proposal for recognition of graduation signed by the chairman of the council;
- Minutes of graduation recognition;
- List of learners recommended for graduation recognition;
b) The Head of the Department of Education and Training makes a decision to recognize graduation for learners according to the request of the board for recognition of secondary school graduation of educational establishments in the area.
3. Issuing diplomas and authority to grant secondary school diplomas.
a) Those who are recognized as graduates will be granted a secondary school diploma;
b) The Head of Education and Training Department grants secondary school diplomas.
Accordingly, 10th-grade students are recognized as graduating from lower secondary school according to the above process.