Vietnam: In which months do the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials take place?

In which months do the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials take place? - Question from Ms. Hai Yen (Yen Bai)

In which months do the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials take place?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 39 of the 2008 Law on Cadres and Civil Servants (amended by Clause 6, Article 1 of the 2019 Law on Amendments to some articles of Law on Cadres and Civil servants and the Law on Public Employees) on pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials as follows:

Recruiting government officials in Vietnam
2. Carry out the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials, except for the cases specified in Clauses 2 and 3, Article 37 of this Law. The inspection of the quality of civil servant input is carried out according to the roadmap, ensuring publicity, transparency, practicality and efficiency.

At the same time, based on Article 4 of Decree 06/2023/ND-CP on organization of pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials as follows:

Organization of pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials in Vietnam
1. The Ministry of Home Affairs is the agency competent to accredit the quality of input for government officials.
2. The inspection of civil servant input quality is held periodically twice in July and November every year.
3. Before January 31 of each year, the Ministry of Home Affairs shall announce the plan to organize the quality accreditation of government officials' input on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the information page on the quality of entrance examination of government officials.
4. In case civil servant recruitment agencies wish to inspect the quality of civil servant input, they shall develop a plan and notify them according to the provisions of Article 7 of this Decree and receive the registration form for admission to the civil servant at the websites of agencies, organizations and units under their management; make a list of candidates and send them to the Ministry of Home Affairs for testing. No later than 30 days after receiving the list, the Ministry of Home Affairs shall organize the inspection.

Thus, according to Clause 2, Article 4 of Decree 06/2023/ND-CP mentioned above, the inspection of the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials is held periodically twice in July and November every year.

Vietnam: In which months do the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials take place?

Vietnam: In which months do the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials take place?

What are the regulations on the notification of the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Decree 06/2023/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Notify the inspection organization and receive the registration form for the inspection
1. Based on the annual accreditation plan, the Ministry of Home Affairs shall publicly announce the examination periods on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the information page on the quality of entrance examination of government officials within 30 days from the date of the inspection.
2. Notification contents include:
a) Conditions for registration for inspection.
b) Time limit, address and place to receive the application form for inspection, phone number of the department assigned to receive the application form, the cost of the test and account number for payment of expenses for inspection.
c) Form, content, time and location of the inspection.
3. In case there is a change in the time and place of the accreditation, the Ministry of Home Affairs shall make a public announcement on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the information page about the quality inspection of government officials before 30 days from the date of the inspection.
4. The person who registers for the assessment fills in the application form for the assessment according to the form provided in this Decree and sends it through the information page about the quality of entrance examination of government officials.
5. The time limit for receiving the inspection registration form is 30 days from the date of public announcement of the inspection plan.

Thus, no later than 30 days from the date of the accreditation, the Ministry of Home Affairs shall publicly announce the examinations on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the information page on the quality of entrance examination of government officials in accordance with the above provisions.

What are the regulations on the order of organization of pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 9 of Decree 06/2023/ND-CP, the organization of pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials shall be carried out in the following order:

- The Accreditation Council announces the list and summons qualified candidates to participate in the civil service examination on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the information page on the entrance examination of government officials.

Within 15 days from the date of notification of summoning candidates, the Accreditation Council shall conduct an examination.

- The organization of testing is done on the computer. The test results are notified to candidates immediately after the end of the testing period and no re-examination of the test results is performed.

- Within 05 working days from the end of the inspection period, the Accreditation Council shall report to the head of the agency competent to accredit the input quality of government officials to approve the inspection results;

The inspection results are publicly posted on the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the information page on the quality of entrance examination of government officials.

What are the principles for the implementation of the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 2 of Decree 06/2023/ND-CP, the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials are an activity of assessing and recognizing the necessary background knowledge for candidates before participating in the recruitment of government officials at the competent authority.

Thus, the principles for the implementation of the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials include the following contents:

- Ensuring publicity, transparency, objectivity and lawfulness.

- Ensuring practicality, efficiency and savings.

- The test results are used uniformly nationwide.

- There is no limit to the number of times a candidate can register for the test.

- Strengthening the application of information technology and digital transformation in the organization performing the quality accreditation of government officials.

Thus, the implementation of the pre-employment tests for candidates for government officials must comply with the above five principles.

Decree 06/2023/ND-CP takes effect from April 10, 2023.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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