Under what circumstances will a temporary living party organization be established? When is the party organized in the commune to carry out martial law duties?

Hello Lawnet, I have the following questions: Under what circumstances will a temporary party organization in Vietnam be established? Is a temporary party organization in Vietnam established to enforce martial law? Thank you!

In what cases will a temporary party be organized according to current regulations?

Pursuant to Section III, Part A, Regulation 59-QD/TW of 2016 stipulates temporary party organization in Vietnam as follows:

“III- Organize a temporary living party
Upon request or duty to organize a temporary force and meet all the conditions as prescribed in the Party's Charter, the superior party committee shall issue a decision to establish a temporary party organization and appoint the party committee and secretary. , deputy secretary to lead the implementation of assigned tasks. After completing their tasks, the Party Committee has the authority to issue a decision to dissolve the temporary party organization and report it to the higher level.

Accordingly, it will organize temporary party activities when required, the task must be to organize a temporary force and meet the conditions as prescribed in the Party's Charter.

The temporary living party organization will be dissolved after completing its tasks by decision of the competent committee.

Tổ chức đảng sinh hoạt tạm thời sẽ được thành lập trong trường hợp nào? Có được thành lập tổ chức đảng sinh hoạt tạm thời để thực hiện nhiệm vụ thiết quân luật không?

Under what circumstances will a temporary living party organization be established? When is the party organized in the commune to carry out martial law duties?

How to organize a temporary party in the commune to carry out martial law duties?

Pursuant to Section 4 of Guidance 08-HD/BTCTW in 2022, there are guidelines on temporary party organization in Vietnam as follows:

“4- Party organization for temporary activities (Section III, Part A)
Regulation No. 59-QD/TW states, “When required or assigned a task to organize a provisional force and meet the conditions prescribed in the Party's Charter, the higher-level Party Committee shall issue a decision to establish a party organization for daily activities. provisionally and appoint the party committee, secretariat and deputy secretary to lead the performance of assigned tasks", specifically as follows:
- The establishment of a temporary party organization, appointment of party committees, secretaries and deputy secretaries shall be decided by the competent party committee (where it is directly managed during the performance of temporary duties) in accordance with regulations. of the Party Charter.
In case of performing martial law tasks, the establishment of a temporary party organization shall be decided by a competent Party committee in the Army, specifically as follows: the law at the commune level established by the decision of the party committee of the division and the equivalent; at the district level established by the decision of the party committee of the military zone, corps and the equivalent; at the provincial level established by decision of the Central Military Commission.
After the provisional party organization is established, the Party Committee competent to issue the decision on establishment shall promptly report it to the immediate superior; for the Central Military Commission, report to the Politburo and the Secretariat. .
- The object of leadership of the party organization temporarily living is organizations and forces within the scope of assigned tasks.

Accordingly, when performing the martial law task, the temporary party group will be decided by the competent party committee in the army.

With regard to the implementation of armed forces at the commune level, the decision to establish a temporary party organization inVietnam will be decided by the divisional party committee and equivalent.

What are the duties of a temporary party organization in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Section 4 of Guidance 08-HD/BTCTW in 2022, the following guidelines are provided on the tasks of temporary party organization in Vietnam:

“4- Party organization for temporary activities (Section III, Part A)
- Tasks of the temporary living party organization
+ Identify guidelines and leadership measures to perform assigned tasks.
+ Manage, educate, train and consider proposing or disciplining party members according to their competence. Periodically or upon request, the results of the Party members' performance of their duties shall be notified to the Party committees and branches where the Party members officially live. After completing the task, transfer the party activities to the party members to the official party place according to regulations.
+ Collect, pay, manage and use party fees according to regulations.”

Thus, the temporary party organization in Vietnam will have the tasks guided by the above content.

What relationship will the commune military branch have with other agencies?

Based on Section 3 of Instruction 08-HD/BTCTW in 2022, there are guidelines on the relationship of commune military branches as follows:

“3- Regarding the military branches of communes, wards and townships (hereinafter referred to as communes), the following shall be implemented:
- Branch relations
+ For the commune party committee is the relationship between leadership and submission. The commune's military branch shall execute and successfully organize the implementation of the guidelines and resolutions of the commune's Party Committee according to its functions and tasks.
+ For the commune military command is the relationship between leadership and submission. The Commune Military Command shall execute and organize the implementation of the cell's resolutions.
+ For the branches under the Party Committee of the commune, it is a working cooperation relationship.”

Thus, the commune military cell will have relationships with the commune party committee, the commune military command and the commune military branches according to the above guidance.

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