Organizing military campaigns, guiding people to use online public services to respond to National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10)?

May I ask if the date of national digital transformation, does the State have any policy to guide people to perform digital transformation? I heard that this day in 2022 is the first implementation date, so how is the State implementing it?

What are the activities proposed by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union to preside over implementation to respond to the National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam?

According to the Appendix issued with Decision 1092/QD-BTTTT in 2022 approving the implementation plan of the National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam issued by the Minister of Information and Communications as follows:

- The Ministry of Information and Communications proposed the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union to preside over the launch of an initiative to popularize and support people to use digital products and services from October 1. October 2022.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications proposed a number of reference initiatives such as: Coordinating with local authorities in each cluster, commune, ward and township to organize sessions to guide people in using online public services. online; In collaboration with major e-commerce platforms such as seashells, PostMart organizes to teach people skills in using the platform and skills related to e-commerce such as packaging, finalizing bills of lading, and taking photos. , livestream, product promotion on digital environment, digital payment; coordinate with local training institutions to organize training sessions for students and their families to use online learning programs; design, print and distribute leaflets about the National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam message;

Organizing military campaigns, guiding people to use online public services to respond to National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10)?

Organizing military campaigns, guiding people to use online public services to respond to National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam (October 10)? (Image from the internet)

What are the activities suggested by localities to take charge of implementation to respond to National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam?

According to the Appendix issued with Decision 1092/QD-BTTTT in 2022 approving the implementation plan of the National Digital Transformation Day issued by the Minister of Information and Communications as follows:

- The Ministry of Information and Communications proposes the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities to organize the implementation of communication activities in response to the annual National Digital Transformation Day in their localities from the date of the National Digital Transformation. October 1-10, 2022, ensuring compatibility and synchronization with the National Digital Transformation Day implementation plan developed by the Ministry of Information and Communications and the actual conditions of each locality.

The Ministry of Information and Communications suggested localities refer to this Plan to actively take the lead in launching initiatives and activities to respond to the National Digital Transformation Day in accordance with the purpose, meaning, spirit and spirit of the National Digital Transformation Day. theme of National Digital Transformation Day 2022.

- The specific plan is proposed to be sent to the Ministry of Information and Communications before September 15, 2022

What are the activities suggested by associations and associations to preside over implementation to respond to National Digital Transformation Day?

According to the Appendix issued with Decision 1092/QD-BTTTT in 2022 approving the implementation plan of the National Digital Transformation Day issued by the Minister of Information and Communications as follows:

- The Ministry of Information and Communications proposes that each association and association refer to this Plan to actively launch initiatives and activities to respond to the National Digital Transformation Day in accordance with the purpose, meaning, spirit as well as theme of National Digital Transformation Day in Vietnam 2022.

The specific plan is proposed to be sent to the Informatization Department, Ministry of Information and Communications before September 15, 2022.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications proposes associations and associations (including all professional associations and associations) to take the lead in launching digital transformation initiatives in their activities, promoting transformation. number in industries and professions, thereby bringing practical benefits to customers and people during the period from October 1 to 10, 2022 or the whole of October 2022.

The Ministry of Information and Communications proposes initiatives focusing on promoting the universalization of digital skills for the entire population, specifically:

- Organizing competitions, fostering and training digital skills

Presiding over and mobilizing members to organize contests, fostering and training digital skills for people, paying attention to disadvantaged groups.

- Organizing contests, training courses on cyberinformation security

Preside over and encourage members to organize contests, fostering and training on cyberinformation security for the people, paying attention to vulnerable groups.

- Organize contests, introduce digital products

Preside over, launch the contest, introduce digital art products, digital painting, digital music, digital cinema and other digital works.

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